P-P-P-P-Prompt Senpai! "You're at work and you print something personal (and sensitive). Unfortunately, you've sent it to the wrong printer and, by the time you realize it, somebody else has already scooped it up."
This is going to be borderline psychotic.
I was in love. I was a stereotypical, lovely girl who was in love. I'd been watching him for a while now - curly, sandy hair that gently fell from his head, soft azure eyes that took in everything before him, sturdy lips that were probably soft to the touch, a sturdy frame and position he held himself in. It was more than I could ever ask for. Brody Anderson was the boy for me. And he was going to be mine.
I had already sent him notes with cute little things written on them, and I watched as he read each and every one. Sometimes a smile, other times a worrying furrow in his brow. His expressions were so funny! On one of my notes, I asked him to meet me at the end of the woodshop hall. That day I was going to confess my feelings for him...he never came.
He had the audacity to treat me as such an inferior that wasn't worth his time. Well, I thought. I'll show him. I'll make sure he never forgets me or treats me like that again. Waiting an entire lunch hour with bated breath might have drawn out a resentment within me - but I wouldn't ever let that hurt our relationship, no. That was out of the question.
I figured I would try again, but this time add a little class to it. I wrote a letter on the computer at school, detailing everything. Once I had analyzed every last word down to the tips of the 'I,' I decided to print it. Looking through the list of printers, I found myself stuck on two of the options. Big Bird or Cookie? I couldn't remember which was which. Well, it was a 50-50 chance. I chose Cookie, and went out to collect my paper.
It didn't come.
In a panic, I tried to recall where the other printer was. Cookie...cookie...where was that? The Library. Anyone could grab that paper and steal it! I ran through the halls, luckily avoiding any trouble and bursting into the library. I caught my breath, scanning around at a fast pace to find the printer. There it was! And - there was someone in front of it. I approached them cautiously, glancing in the printer to see if my paper was there after all. It wasn't. The boy in front of me seemed to be holding a paper...it was mine.
"Excuse me," I spoke quietly, playing the shy girl act. The boy turned around curiously. I continued, "That paper is for my friend, she sent me to pick it up for her. It's, uh, very private. Can I please have it back?"
"Huh? Oh, sure. I didn't read any of it, it just printed with my project paper. Here you go." He handed it to me. A wave of relief swept over me. "So," the boy went on.
"Who's the lucky gal that's after my best friend?" My heart stopped. I took a breath and gave a forced smile.
"That's a secret," I said. The boy's playful smirk vanished.
"Wait...I know who you are." I stopped, smile faltering. "Yeah, aren't you the girl who's been stalking Brody? I remember seeing you wait an entire lunch hour in the woodshop wing - like you were waiting for someone. You're the creep!"
"Can we talk outside?" I stared at the ground, tears welling up in my eyes. The boy hesitated, but gestured for me to lead the way. We went to the back of the school, and I made sure no one was looking.
"Are you gonna confess?" He crossed his arms. I fidgeted with my fingers for a second. I lifted my head just in time to see his eyes widen, his body twitch, and then him falling to the ground. I gazed down at him with vicious eyes.
"No one comes between Brody and I." A few more twitches, and he stopped. I smiled sadistically, walking in the opposite direction and blending in with the crowd indoors. I wondered when he would be found. It couldn't be long, considering how many people went to my school. But with him out of the way, my soul was at rat was dead.
Okay maybe a little more than borderline. Full psycho? Yuno Gasai levels of psycho? I dunno. I'm exhausted today so that's why the story's so short. Tomorrows might be longer, who knows. #ITried