Eve's life was already teetering on the edge. But when a shocking revelation on New Year's Day upends everything she thought she knew, her world spirals into chaos.
As her world teeters on the edge, can she find the strength to rebuild her life and embrace the miracle she never saw coming?
Ivana se seli u novi grad kako bi započela novi život. tamo upoznaje Marka, zagonetnog i karizmatičnog mladića koji je u lošem društvu. Na prvi pogled, privlačnost između njih je očita, ali njihov odnos pun je izazova, sukoba i ljubomora dovode ih do granica, njihova ljubav prema Crvenoj Zvezdi i zajedničkim interesima pomaže im da prevladaju teške trenutke. Uzbudjenje i opasnost koja okružuje Markovo društvo uzrokuje da se Ivana oseća sve nesigurnijom, ali Marko ne odustaje od svoje namere da je zaštiti. Ipak, kad Ivana bude oteta, Marko će odlučiti rizikovati sve kako bi je spasio. U konačnom obračunu s protivnicima, Marko će se suočiti s tragičnom sudbinom, a Ivana će morati pronaći hrabrost u sebi da se suoči sa sudbinom koja će ta tragedija imati na nju i njen život. Ovo je priča o ljubavi, prijateljstvu i hrabrosti u svetu u kojem se prava vrednost često nalazi iza tamnih i opasnih ulica. Hoće li Ivana uspeti prebroditi sve prepreke koje joj život stavi na put? Pročitajte ovu uzbudljivu priču o mladim ljubavnicima koji se bore za svoju ljubav i svoj život, otkrijte hoće li uspeti preživeti i biti zajedno nakon svega što su prošli.
"Freeze scumbag!"
You're under arrest I shouted!
He dropped the remote control and raised his hands. "Please, don't shoot! I'm putting it down, he begged.
I kicked the backpack away from him and checked it. It was indeed a bomb, but it was faulty. The wires were loose and the timer was stuck.
This is the story of Dakota Sullivan. We all know him... a child star that had so much talent and his struggles to be accepted as an adult star. His life as an adult star in movies and music has made him a legend.We have heard rumours and allegations about him, but his personal life was always hidden from us."Idol" is the true story of Dakota, where nothing is hidden. This will shock you and you will have a new view of who this Idol really is!
Everything's beautiful. Everything's beautiful. Everything is just fine and beautiful.
Never mind that the world is a swirling mass all around me. Never mind that I can barely walk straight. Never mind that there's a hand around my wrist holding me in a vice-grip. Never mind that something deep inside me is telling me to run.
I am exactly where I'm meant to be. The only place where I can be.
———This work is in the public domain and anyone can do whatever they want with it.
This is it. The final season. It took me forever to finish this. I WILL write a sequel if people want me to. Like even if just one person wants me to, I will. It will be a 10 years later sort of thing. This season, senior year, takes place in 2007-2008. Fun fact, I procrastinated and didn't actually finish writing it until 2013. But now I'm motivated. Same disclaimer as the first three seasons. Also there will be some triggers this season so read at your own discretion.