This is a collection of poems I wrote about the world we live in and my journey through it. I also wrote about other people and their journeys. And I wrote about the hopes and dreams I have for the world, the people, the wildness, and the future.
Perfect love casts out fear. Earth is a dove which lasts until the final year. The verdict ain't bluff from the tax of the sphere. See the truth crystal clear. I'm in the booth even if they here. Got bandits watching. Don't get stranded for dodging.
You reap what you sow. The truth is deep like soul. It's gon be a makeover then a takeover so you better stay sober. We can't afford to play. Be on one accord to pray. The world is frustrated. The Word is trust dated. We're in prophecy. No more privacy.
Christ is risen. The price is prison. Reject the Mark of The Beast. I only respect the heart of peace. That mean we on one accord. Every scene I'm free in the sun's report. Why you bucking up against God. Why you ducking in the presence of God.
The power of God is absolute. The flower of heart is heaven's truth. The devil is trapping cause every level the world is capping. Set your mind and it will start to happen. Get on your grind and stop napping. They bet on swine so they plot the lapping.
My meal is the bread of life and cup of suffering. The deal is the cred of life but your love is buffering. Be a genius with your gift. Mars or Venus it's a myth. No substantial authentication. Got the financial art of nation. The scandal of demonstration.
Take precaution. Break the exhaustion. Fake marching. Bake starching. We're equal in Christ not by man's law. I ain't scared of the lethal price of brand raw. I'm in God's hand. The time is in God's plan. The dime is on God's land.
No matter your status we all give an account to God if you have a developed conscience. My glow can't shatter cause I live in the amount of the heart due to the world's wrath is a setup of the toxic. They front cause I did the math to how society dox it.
Bible in my holster. The idol is the sky poster. The bridal is getting closer. It's vital cause they betting the toaster. Folk cooking in the basement. They look to win with satan. Game over. We gon shame the cobra. Can't be tamed I'm sober.
The verses keep you free of the curses. The tv is folks bible. When you see me I'm not yoked to no idol. They already showing you what happens if you not with the status quo. Pray you ready for the knowing of what's tapped in the plot of the atlas glow.
All you got to do is glitch the matrix. They ball to the dot to switch nations. This ain't about race. God is who I must face. Don't lust after grace. Won't trust space. Pockets of evil. Sockets of ego. Rockets or eagles. Watch it cause the beast is lethal.
I got the ability that mean responsibility. They want me in a guillotine cause I won't do the illest sin. It's not about good deeds. I don't rock no charm or beads. God provides my needs. It's becoming clear that's why it key you have no fear.
Put the spotlight on the planet. They try to lock the light cause truth is granted. You can't mock the night cause the roots are planted. The clock ain't right cause the news is banded. We the generation cause of the key to the nations.
Get it right today. Get the light today. The snake is poison. The fake ain't chosen. Dimensions merging. Repentance purging. The eyes of wise open up the skies. Don't get weary. The devil they want to marry. Try to bury me. Casket drop. Gasket crop.
Your spirit is powerful in silence. Folk fear it cause the flower is full in balance. Jesus rose for all souls. The gaslighting is crazy. The last fighting for a daisy. The world in shock. The Word is my Rock. In Jesus name I can't be tamed.
Be lovingkindness. Free the dove from blindness. It's a dark road in sin. It's the heart's load to win. Renewal. Building of the new wall. Halftime they gon bring in the calf time. Get a clue if it's out of the blue.. Respect God don't reject God.
Instead of raising everybody up in Christ they praising Illuminati up in price. They say I'm problematic. I pray I'm automatic. They try to slay cause I don't fear the static. I don't play with lotto magic. The Word today is put your net down and catch it.
I ain't buying fear. I'm crying tears. The joy of the Lord. Can't toy in this war. Boots strapped. The roots is snapped. Fig tree is cursed. I'm big free in the verse. Lamb's Book. I'm amped now they shook. Self control. Wealth of my soul.
Salvation works different but same result. Every nation is worth the gifted of the flame bolt. Third and fourth generations. The Word comes forth in meditation. The blood of Jesus. They even judged Jesus. Christ was innocent. The price was the illest sin.
Population reduction. Compensation destruction. Significant love. Magnificent dove. The journey is harder. They can't burn me in the water. You got to decide cause there's nowhere to hide. Let the holy spirit be your guide. Repel the works of hell.
I ain't got no run ins or no summons. Don't be under false jurisdiction. Won't need a pulse if you're on the crucifixion. Holy ghost take over. Only close when you make over. The world is toast when the cake over. The Word is for all folks bake over.
My repertoire is heaven's star. The leaven scar the brethren heart. My sisters is prophetic. Folk whisper theoretic. God's spirit poured all over on all flesh. There's a dark spirit that cure the cobra by dna test. The world shook. Better read the Book.
If I don't win that mean I'm in sin. There won't be hens seen they don't comprehend. Next gen been known from the governed land. Talking about the earth. Walking in my worth. They trying lock the birth. Valley of dry bones. Can't tally if you cry in stones.
A mug shot don't mean you rug blot. Any status could get it. No malice don't forget it. Money and consciousness. The honey and common sense. The forecast is more past. The light is revealing. The night is a million. The energy link. The enemy sink.
Salvation come from one. Every nation come from one. Focus on your soul purpose. That hocus ain't gold service. Them locusts know who in worship. Pray you'll be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger. They slay the meek cause evil be sitting with danger.
The Book is guidance. Folk shook by the silence. Which one. They trying to block the sun. Biblical has no contradiction. It's spiritual cause it's on crucifixion. Stronger in the Word. Conquer the world. The mirror is gated. Been delivered by the greatest.
All I feel is the frequency. I don't ball I'm real I can see. Wait for the fall that's all we gon see. Visual voicemail they won't see. Biblical poised I can tell they don't see. The game is on display. The name is on this day. Destruction. Free discussion.
Milestones to reach. The smile of a clone is bleached. I'm on trial cause my zone is off the leash. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm disciplined cause they filthy. This world twisted. The Word is listed. Discernment. This life is concerning.
See every soul with your heart. Free Gospel for every heart. Don't put down others cause they can put you down under. Even if it's one verse a day or a chapter or the whole Book. Folk deceiving with a curse cause they heard the rapture is the nook.
I take practice serious. You can't fake the status of the pyramids. Love of a Nazarene. Dove of a hazard scene. I'm on the spectrum. You can't sketch the drum. The devil try to stretch the sum. God is a genius. Mars or Venus. Disaster remastered.
See with your heart cause they free in the dark. Remember the days of Noah's ark. I'm the type to roar not bark. Sitting in nature at the park. Around snakes, rats and sharks. Got the price of the medicine. It's getting hot cause Christ bled with no sin.
I done came from a different texture. Can't be tamed I was given a different lecture. You stockpiling. BlackRock filing. Who's profiting off the internet. The news is confident off the ill intent. The world is ending. The Word is trending.
I'm granted in the grind by the real. I ain't blinded by the mind I'm still. They coating the energy. They voting the enemy. Either party you gon feel the reaper get rowdy. We gon see what you made of. We gon free the prayed up. Love first. Above cursed.
Walk accordingly. Talking importantly. The ego is havoc. The evil is tragic. The needle is savage. The beetle is banished. Next dimension. Next invention. Powered by the holy ghost. Flowered by the only post. Generated. Renovated. Celebrated.
Be grateful in the Word. Cause folk is hateful in the world. The war is between spirits. The Lord is in the scene with no limits. If you don't go hard they gon pull your card. I pray you choose salvation. No day can you snooze in every nation.
As you wise up in age the truth is the eyes to free you from the rage. Have self control in peace. I won't sell my soul to the beast. Walk humbly bold in the streets. Righteous indignation is to destroy the lifeless sin cantation.
If I don't mention Jesus they change the dimension to Mona Lisa's. The Word must be preached. The world must be reached. And it will happen no matter how hard society capping. The market is digital. You can't block the biblical. The Rock is the miracle.
Be determined in Christ. Hear the sermon of the price. Count the cost of carrying your cross. The amount of lost burying the cross. You need the juice of peace. The true seed of the news is the beast. They participate in evil. Pray to anticipate the people.
Practice righteousness at all times for the imperishable wreath. Flip the mattress of consciousness cause there's a dime of surgical peace. Put your hands to work no ponzi scheme or dealing. Reboot your plans to work on the sea of dreams revealing.
I respect and love every heart. They reject the dove of Noah's ark. This world is vanity. The Word is sanity. Are you led by light or darkness. Don't dread cause in the night it's godless. Pray for the world. Don't play with the Word.
How can you wait for your death bed to confess Jesus when no breath is promised. The saints fate is wealth of Congress when the world's health tryna starve us. On all levels. This a warning to all devils. No matter your race. God will gather those in grace.
It's written in my blood. They spitting on my love. Look what they did. The Book opens the grid. Society can thrive but they want you to survive. The devil is a lie. Every level I try. Give a 100 percent. I live by the sun's bread cause they cursing.
Grand rising. They scan the pricing. I had deja vu like I was in Asia too. Everybody is enlightened in their own way. We don't party with the night of the clone trey. Better enter the view before you do an interview. One day it'll be heaven's view.
If I don't spit a freestyle who would I be. I still smile cause it's c'est la vie. The power of heart is the hour it will start. Tap into love. They tryna trap the dove. The Word is not veiled. The world wants you locked in hell. Heaven is what I'm repping.
There's only one of you. Where's the Holy One of truth. Look in your heart. The Book was for the start. Now your name has to stay in it. I thought I wanted the game but I couldn't stay in it. God made a way. Don't let your love fade away.
The highway of holiness. The fly away when you only bless. Dove wings. Love sings. Ain't no game. The saints glow in the name. Receive the Word for your soul. Don't be deceived by the world at the core of what was stole. Inspiring. They keep firing.
Feel like a re-run. You got to heal cause we won. Body of Christ. We don't carti the price. Illuminati is trying to sacrifice. The earth is shifting so the biblical can align. The Word is a different glow that the spiritual is signed.
I heard what they said. The Word is what they dread. Anybody scoffing could end up in a coffin. I ain't threatening anybody. The saints got heaven wings against Illuminati. No more cause folk breath is admonished. The war won't end until death is abolished.
Are you truly graced. The unruly is glazed. That lukewarm spirit is the worst. The truth can't be harmed cause they fear it like a curse. Holy vest don't just only rest. Keep doing good even when the world is rude. Be blameless. Life ain't painless.
Nobody can hold you back. The soul in the body is gold with no lack. Pushups and jumping jacks. They swoosh up with pumping packs. Come with true intent. I'm from the fueled repent. I'm charged up. Folk is lodged up. The Bible is the perfect verdict.
When you put your faith in the cornerstone you must be brave to stand alone. The world rejected it. The Word respected it. Still do until you see the truth. Jesus is the only way. Please live in the holy way. God loves you. The heart is of you.
The world will be governed by one universal law. The Word is still sovereign in the song by ruining the curse for all. Christ did it for humanity. The price is civic to new vanity. Are you seeing the bigger picture. Why you triggered by the Scriptures.
My strength is in the Lord. The bank is funding all the wars. The money is to control society. The honey is the one role of variety. Are you ready for what's happening. They in the ring tapping in. Folk don't know God they just capping in.
The holy spirit got them jello cause they fear it due to the fact you're mellow. We're in the wilderness season. I ain't feeling this for a reason. Soon the ministry will start. The moon try to finish me in the heart. I'm haloed up. No playdough love.
When you walk in salvation then they stalk you in every nation cause you unlocked the ancient. What's the big deal. Know we see it's a rigged deal. It's a nightmare. In your heart the light is there. It ain't hype. The saint type. In the rain is a vibe.
Comprehend you can't count in your hand. The grace is in God's plan. The space is in God's strands. They want your heart in a trance when you have a stance. Against the evil. It doesn't make sense to have the ego. While you playing folk slaying.
I speak on behalf of the holy spirit. I stay meek cause we have to always clear it. I mean the evil folk doing. Behind the scene I been knewing. Just look at the pattern. The Book is against Saturn. The world isn't. The Word stand on business.
Don't copy no one. Folk can't stop me when the snow sun. Love is special when used the right way. The dove is on cruise to light the way. God is our Maker. Your heart shouldn't fear the undertaker. This ain't fiction. The saints is ready for crucifixion.
Starve your flesh. Carve the crest. Focus on the planet. Don't take anything for granted. Your spiritual service. Your biblical purpose. You gon see things like sci-fi with the wi-fi. The pain is felt. The rain gon melt. Instruction or destruction.
The agenda is the same all across the board. Folk do return to sender and in the name of the dross but what Lord. Cause Christ ain't with that. The price is the main chit chat. Mark of the Beast I won't get that. Ark of the peace they don't get that.
Everybody gets a chance. Illuminati bet the bands. The upperhand is the Last Supper's plan. Tap into the Word. Folk capped in the world. If I don't do God's will my heart gon spill. Society trying to steal when you soul is still. 1 double zero is the real.
Always had the fire like a angel in the choir. You can't play both sides. Folk pray for oath guides. I don't have allegiance to the world. I don't have a grievance to the Word. If you felt God's heart you would melt the dark.
Don't cast your pearls before swine. You got to fast out of the world's grind. Cause the beast is being promoted. The cross is why peace is being demoted. Your loss if you on the leash remoted. The cost of the streets is to be anointed.
There's no such thing as a warm war. Where's the snow that tried to crush the wings of the Lord. That ether got them paging the devil on a beeper. Renew your mind. The view is kind. You making conditions to love. The truth is waking the vision of dove.
The ultimate solution is to receive Jesus. The covenant of pollution is to deceive those that need us. Please don't make it about race. Peace to you ain't no fake in grace. The beast got folk baked due to face. Unleashed from broke to ace.
It's now or nothing. They took a vow to keep stunting. Double take. Trouble ain't fake. In the rubble I know it wasn't a mistake. What's the next war to pop off. This ain't daycare ain't no drop off. I can't focus on the mundane. The locust is the sun rain.
Righteous living doesn't align with license giving. Clean mind. Every scene I keep it kind. The profits of evil is the grave. You better stop it cause are you saved. I know endure until the end. I glow cause my heart pure and real in the grand.
Understand me you can't underhand me. I'm in a different realm of connection. The earth shifting to the Lamb's correction. I broke the chains when I woke up and changed. Now the world seeing the lining. Wow the Word is really shining.
The logic element is grace. The toxic element is race. I won't cherish the stack of carnage. Don't perish for a lack of knowledge. This is a war for your soul. Grits is in the core for your soul. Folk choose to snooze. Harder than the starter.
Legend status. Repent for the atlas. Try to invent the cactus. My intent is for practice. You got to put the work in if you want to be certain. What's behind the curtain. In every scene the devil threatened. What's seen on this level is no fear of serpents.
If we switched faces you still couldn't glitch races. We're here for every soul. Folk serve the fear of every role. The game been timed out. The same sin is slimed out. Repent of all foul play. Folk invent now the owl pray. Don't joke the devil will slay.
They try to muddy my fate cause I study the great. We ain't buddy if you got hate. Will God let you in the gate. The heart is not in debt so don't take the bait. You can't predict the date. Thank God I'm in the right state to receive what's on my plate.
World War III will be official. Society is hungry for the deal initialed. You think it's a joke. Don't matter if you enlightened or woke. Are you saved. Do you have faith. Can you defeat the grave. Endure until the end. You sure your heart real to repent.
People on a power trip. Watch when the flower drip. However you acting is what you attracting. Don't be ashamed to suffer as a believer of Jesus. It's not a game cause the matrix is buffered with fragmented pieces. She a lover who commented on my thesis.
If you don't believe in the afterlife then why don't you want to see me in heaven. If you won't receive the bread of life then you won't see me as your brethren. Of course the sistren also. God our source is for all souls.
If the world's heart was love then peace would reside on earth. If the Word's heart was made up then the beast would decide the earth. Thank God. The tank ain't fraud. Don't get sunk in the Sod. Don't get drunk in the car. Stay sober cause the game over.
I won't fold under pressure. I won't sell my soul for the treasure. The gold and oil is what they measure. You can't block my shine. You can't block my grind. You can't block my mind. Ain't no growing weary. The way I'm glowing they act scary.
They hating cause my heart ancient. Until the end of time I'm waiting. In my prime my soul is vibrating. In grime folk is violating. In crime the yoke is annihilating. In time you see the world is hyphenating. The slime got folk carbon dated.
Workout your own salvation through fear and trembling. They murk out every nation through the year of assembling. Prepare for the scourging. Be aware of the origin. It's not about the skin. There's only doubt in sin. I don't need clout I know how to win.
Release your inner trauma in peace. The leash is for the sinner's karma in the beast. Repent for times of refreshment. Intent the signs of the session. We're in class. We're in the last. Future is merging. The tutor is now searching.
Forgive my intent. The more you live repent. Clean out your system. Behind the scene is poor wisdom. People perish for a lack of knowledge. The evil cherish when you go back to the dollars. Money is a tool but don't be a fool. Honey and wool for school.
How we started the free is hearted. To this day the meek remain. This I pray that I ain't weak in the pain. Life is harder than an Ivy league test. The night is martyred when folk beside me is fatigued cause I'm blessed.
I'm praying for the world. I ain't playing with the Word. The Gospel is geared to every soul. The lost gold is the fear of everything that was stole. Predictive programming and subliminals. Addictive soul mammon in the skulls. Better check your pulse.
Top headlines. They can't crop the med signs. Breaking news. They faking views. Be authentic. I'm free I meant it. Cleaned up from the filth. Behind the scene is do what thou wilt. I move by the holy spirit. Folk can't prove the sky so they fear it.
Humble your soul and society won't be able to crumble your soul even though they rumble with your soul. Have no fear of any situation. Make sure you hear the penny invitation. The world is impurity. The Word is immunity. Total disaster. Immortal master.
You reap what you sow. The truth is deep like soul. It's gon be a makeover then a takeover so you better stay sober. We can't afford to play. Be on one accord to pray. The world is frustrated. The Word is trust dated. We're in prophecy. No more privacy.
Praise and worship. Grace gave me a purpose. They hate your light but they know you're right. The world is trying to get you to low frequency. The Word is trying to get you to a glow the real can see. There's no more veil. It's heaven or hell.
Born again my soul can't be torn again. The time for salvation is now. That slime in the revelation is their vow. Your heart posture has to change when you receive the Word. War darts of mobsters keep egos deranged when they deceive the world.
The world is recycled and remixed then redistributed. The Word is the fire gold and free links of the plan cause the key is contributed. Walk bold as a lion. Folk talk cold with the iron. But when the holy spirit is present everyone is in testing.
I connected my roots to the soil. I'm protected by the fruits of the royal. Visionary sometimes it could feel like the mission is scary. But I don't fear the devil and my soul ain't weary. I hear the petal saying I ain't buried.
God's will got me this far. My heart is real that's why I'm like a star. Not bigging myself up. They digging my reps up. What you gon find. Hope you don't mind. The devil ain't with you. Every level they tryna to get you. I love you I wouldn't forget you.
The mind of God created the universe. I act kind to alleviate the curse. Obedience is better than sacrifice. No allegiance to the letter of satellites. I seen the streets on fire. I seen the beast with the wire. In any scene my peace is from the choir.
Walk in dignity cause folk trying to unlock infinity. The way I talk they try to limit me. They shocked cause it ain't little me. The Rock gave me serenity. There's no clock in eternity. You can't block heaven's key. They at the dock for the penalty.
Substantial heresy. Financial literacy. The real estate. The seal is my fate. If you ain't led by the holy spirit. Then why would folk dread or fear it. They try to surprise you. Cause they want you to die so they despise you.
The powers that be is planning the hour of the Word's famine. Majority don't want to hear the Biblical. The sorority is steered by the fear of soul. Fraternity can't awaken you to eternity. Holy light they can't deal. Only Christ is real.
I know the progress I made. I know all the nights I prayed. The glitz and glamour. They blitz with the hammer. I don't fear the evil. It's gon be years of evil. Buckle up. Knuckle up. It's time to huddle up not cuddle up. Repent due to the devil's intent.
Your soul purpose is The Gospel service. The gold purchase is the fossil earth shift. Cruise by faith. Can't snooze when you're saved. Make sure you don't lose in the grave. Choose to be brave. We need innovators of love. We plead Christ they been a hater.
The matrix ain't set in stone. Be patient you can't bet the stone. Every nation in debt to a clone. Salvation is the next step to free you of the loan. Jesus paid the bills. Innocent love spilled. God is truly real. The heart is fueled by the seal.
The sun out. Why would I run out cause the gun out. Why the devils got the tongue out. Every level they want your lungs out. Help the ones who are strung out. My wealth is the stars of the kung out. Talking about the discipline for the realest win.
I done dealt with masons and witches. I'm gon melt the casing of stitches. See the bigger picture. Go figure it's all about the Scriptures. Say what you want. I pray for my aunt. The world can't taunt. The Word is to save not stunt.
By The Gospel of Jesus we all need to come together not coexist. They want to wi-fi every soul to deceive us cause we freed the weather of the kiss. Now nature has no makeup. They made a vow in church that your soul is laked up. Out of reach. Info breached.
Pour your heart to alignment with the assignment. Be sure of the door you start to enter it could be confinement. The cure of war is the part of timing in refinement. Love is knocking within. The dove is unlocking the different. Christ melts the price.
Trust in God's guidance. Don't lust after the heart's violence. It's a must to read the chapters on silence. Only the Bible. Holy with the bridal. The Word is a lamp. We heard about the stamp. Seen a ladybug give a baby a hug. God made me no plug.
Worldwide premiere. The Word got them in fear. Repentance should be clear. Been dealing with jealous and lustful thoughts not intentionally. Been healing precious and trustful hearts they got to mention me. You dealing with the meek ain't no benching me.
The voice of the Lord is the holy spirit. The choice of the war is to only clear it. My soul is password protected. The glow is pastor corrected. Now I'm in the light they vow to see me in the night. My heart is awakened. My God is not forsakened.
It's time for the world to stop seeing by the flesh. It's time for the Word to start freeing by the blessed. We got to realize this is a test. See the evil eyes is a pest. The way the world going I pray the Word is glowing. Flow time. Showtime.
Better keep your eyes open. The weather is deep in the skies ocean. The law rules the planet. What we saw in pools was granted. Brick by brick. They click to be slick. The trick is the flick. The world needs to be fixed cause the Word can't be remixed.
Win souls or die trying. Sin and gold is for the eye tyrant. Mark of the beast. Your heart's love is peace. Your flesh can't save you. You're blessed when faith is with you. If you say Jesus ain't real why do you care how I feel. Repent is the final deal.
Secrets under the soil. Regrets in thunder if you ain't loyal. Exploration of space and the ocean. Expiration of taste and motion. Get your honey now. The bet is poor money vow. Salvation is my riches. Every nation got glitches.
I don't want the limelight. They want to slime me in the night. I'm in my prime when my heart right. True believers of Jesus have love for all. Out of the blue deceivers try to increase us so the dove can fall. Information comes in the transformation.
Heart's story. God's glory. The star is for me. The universe is my potential. You and I ain't curse it's all presidential. Truth of the light verse is my credential. There's energy readers and enemy leaders. Robed with holiness. The globe is always stressed.
Making power moves. They faking thought I would lose. Every situation hold God even closer. Heavy limitation cause my soul's heart receiving closure. Dreams coming true. They schemes in humming dew. The verses got me right. The curses can't break my light.
Glitch the code. They switch the mode. They stitch the toad. There's a ditch by the road. The lens of love. Advance of the dove. Nuclear sites. Who fear the nights. The moon is the world's power. How soon is the Word's hour. Vowed tunes is sour.
I was put through the fire. My foot was glued to the wire. I made it out by the mercy of God. I paid it out cause they tried to verse me for my heart. I can't take credit. In the paint the stake is embedded. I ain't in the game. I won't faint for fame.
Living by the holy spirit. I'm forgiven that's why they fear it. My vibration is higher. The devil hydration is fire. They want to tuck me in a heater. I don't duck the fee with the ether. I belong to God. My free song to the heart.
See it thru the energy. Free it thru heaven's key. The world is in grave danger. The Word says when you are saved they view it as stranger. The imperishable seed which is the Gospel by repent. The nourishable of soul is the deed of intent.
I know God in charge. I go hard I won't dodge. I ain't subject to no devil. The saint ain't done yet until you reach that level. The holy spirit got them unseen. They fear it cause my heart is clean. Have respect for all. Don't neglect the call.
Order my steps in your light God. The New World Order is debt in the night. Don't get played or get slayed. Quit joking around. There's tunnels underground. The world is suffering cause the matrix is buffering. What Jesus did opened the globe's lid.
Make sure you have the holy spirit. They fake pure cause they fear it. That's for the world. Ain't no rats in the Word. The world is in turmoil cause of the worm oil. What's in the dark must come to the light. What's in the heart must become right.
What's the real issue. That deal missed you. Thank God. Be frank with the odd. Still be meek as dove. The Lord's will is your energy to be love. Harlotry will vomit the nations in birth. Idolatry and abominations are the problem on earth.
Why you think people acting strange. I cried when I broke the link of evil now they see I changed. The pain wasn't in vain. The tests of love. The nests of dove. The world headed to a darker situation. The Word is dreaded cause there is no imitation.
Beautiful is her name. Biblical told me don't get in the game. God will pave a way. Your heart can be saved today. Yes I know you must endure. Test the glow to bust the rent tour. Own your own. God on the throne. I rather walk right not wrong.
The entire world is complicit with blasphemy. The inspired Word is a visit from God's majesty. Don't retire when the world doesn't listen to the travesty. If you can't live right then you can't give light. The evil won't stop until the needle drop.
I'm getting stronger in faith. Stop asking how much longer if you saved. Our redemption is at hand. I got an exemption from the plan. They been knew that's why I pray in the dew. Early bird. Early Word. Even in twilight zone I'm still in the light no clone.
Joy in my heart cause the Lord is my strength. There's soy in the dark cause the war is stank. Filth and chaos. I was built for the playoffs. Jesus is the medicine. Increase us in discipline. Them locusts is real in the star. Focus on the will of God.
Be born again in light. The world gon be torn again in night. Make sure you have the oil of salvation. Only take the cure of the soil in every nation. We're living in the past of the future. Where was the giving of the last tutor.
Only God knows the day and the hour. The holy heart glows when you pray whether sweet or sour. The powers that be is trying to create the hours to be. The flowers that are crying is to relate the showers of leaves. Watch your step. Squash the death.
We're in a new storm. Can't be lukewarm. You truly been warned. I know my Maker exists. My glow is cause they tried to bake me in the mist. If you said God ain't real then why is the universe signed and sealed. The World is infested. The Word is tested.
Conclusion, the enemy is defeated. Folk in delusion the energy can't be deleted. You got to go the extra mile. The truth is hot when you glow in the test of trial. We must endure. They won't even blush at the impure. No shame. I glow in Jesus name.
Tarinelve is a dark, character-driven fantasy set in a fractured peninsula dominated by three warring human kingdoms. The story follows Roderich, a boy of mysterious heritage, as he is torn from his humble origins and thrust into a world of politics, magic, and beasts.
The illusion of life and the desire for power often cloud us. They change our views, bias our hearts, justify our wars. But even though power demands payment, will that stop you from fighting for your dreams?
In a universe where gods run rampant, mages decide the flow of history, and eldritch horrors hide in the darkest crevices of creation. Power and the right to command it and its consequences is earned, bled for, died for. Does the fire of hope shine bright, or does it burn black?
Where evil boasts its name aloud and good slinks away wretchedly in the shadows, will you bend your knee? Or will you ascend and join the mighty legends?
What is a king to a god?
What is a god, to a non-believer?
I envision hope, The television is dope, Stay sober, I don’t pray for no cobra, We tread upon the poison, They dread the chosen, Articulate, They start to truly hate, Lamb’s Book, The ram got them shook, The starters ain’t at practice, The waters is cactus.
The world headed to devastation, The Word is dreaded cause there's no hesitation, It is what is said, Give us our daily bread, You got to learn to fast, True dot to discern who was cast, All kinds of spirits on earth, All the signs is the fear of verse.
God always had my back even when I turned my back, They didn't teach you to excel cause they wanted to you to reach hell, I know my Lord is gracious, The glow had me in war to be anxious, Once I broke free of that spirit now they fear it like how.
To be with God in heaven, You free in the heart with no leaven, My deepest apology I don't do the astrology, Ain't no secrets love is my strategy, Leaves change, The breeze is engaged, This is for the Kingdom, They blitz the more you sync them.
Give no opportunity to the devil, Live in copper immunity on any level, There's a dragon in hell and society is dying to drag you into hell, Heaven is so real, That leaven is for the deal, That's why they spirit cooking, The light got them shooken.
You can't be 99 percent righteous and one percent evil, That's why Jesus left the 99 for the one to make it equal, Always keep it hundred in faith, It's deep cause they dread you when you're saved, Just know we must endure, Trust what you sow if it's pure.
What you feed your mind is the seed that will determine your kind, Are you a leader or breeder or feeder, If no one shows you that you have light what it means is in the sun they couldn't control you with the night, Today is bright, I pray for new sight.
There's angels on earth, Folk act strange when you had a rebirth, Born again, The world will be torn again, We're dealing with devils of all nation, How I'm feeling on this level is ancient, Stop playing with your salvation, Start praying and have patience.
There's no excuse to think life is a game, I refuse to be tamed, I will mention Jesus name, Treat all your neighbors the same, I ain't worried about the money or fame, Society think living in love is lame, Christ in the flesh has came.
To be in Lamb's Book is the ultimate, They in sin so they shook by the alternate, Why would I sign a deal when I can be kind and real, If you playing with the truth then the devil is slaying your root, Remain in The vine, Abstain from the swine.
Spiritual faith, Biblical grave, Will you make it or perish, The real ain't faking with the marriage, Bride of Christ, They hide in the lights, My glow is overwhelming the evil, They know I don't fear mammon the ego, I'm not with the game, I can't be tamed.
What's really the tipping point, They don't feel me cause I'm flipping the joint, Forsaken by the world, The floor is shaking by the Word, Calamity and turmoil, The anatomy of the worm oil, Check the diagram, Respect the fire of the lamb.
Change the infrastructure, Folk engaged to the culture, Faith over everything, Saved wherever the weather sings, The Gospel is for all souls, The Word exposes the world, They not used to the rooster, I'm within no booster, Ten toes down, Hen, crows crowned.
The come up is when heaven calls you, The sum of her kiss is when the leaven falls with dew, We must be born again, Free trust on the horn again, Do you hear the trumpets, I don't fear no summit, Rocking that kashmir, I'm shocking those asking for fear.
One thought or word or action can change the world, I was taught to observe the attraction of the earth, Shifting the frequency, They drifting cause the free can see, Those who are purposely playing evil, I chose to be of service to be slaying egos.
Be awake in the heart, They try to take sin to thought, I break the ego, I don't fake around evil, The gold rock destroy the robot, Artificial intelligence, All the crystal is elegance, I'm in a different headspace, I'm shifting they dread the grace.
Let the day play out in God's will, Get the hay out of heart's mill, Wind of abundance, See the jinn's sun dance, We don't do no idolatry or harlotry, You can delete the world but you can't defeat the Word, There's a time limit, My light they can't dim it.
I see them watching, In any realm my soul ain't for auction, I ain't overwhelmed I got that gold and oxen, I glow from the stem of the load of boxing, Once I elevated that's when they hated, You can't do this alone, Be real don't be a clone.
Heaven is a heartbeat away, That leaven is a dark street of prey, Workers of iniquity try to purchase infinity, Please read the Bible Scriptures, We don't need more idol pictures, Nature is beautiful with no filter, Glacier is spiritual with no realtor.
One question Have you said your confession, Jesus is Lord and Savior, Increase us to love thy neighbor, Highway of holiness, They fly away when you solely rest, Call it perfect peace, They ball it for the worship of the beast.
This life is spiritual, Miracle of the biblical, Why are you hiding the sun, Why are you sliding the run, See folk peeking out, See folk sneaking out, This is for the world, Society try to blitz the Word, What's really gon happen, Tell society stop capping.
I'm chanting no chip rocking that championship, Just walk in the script, Trust the talk don't trip, They thought I would throw the trash out, They see the glow now they want to crash out, Love God with a dove heart, Torn again, Now I'm born again.
I rather have spiritual health than material wealth, The riches are in Jesus, Folk got switches to decrease us, The atlas of believers, The talents of achievers, Sin will obliterate you if there's no repentance, To win I rather wait for remembrance.
I know God's in control, I won't sell my soul, This spiritual time it ain't hype, Biblical crimes to grant the vibe, They got me on trial, They shocked and in denial, Innocent by Jesus, Disciplined so they can't cheese us, Repent today, Intent to pray.
I prayed Jesus is the Christ, They said leave us with the dice, Folk don't understand what is going on, Break the yoke of the underhand going on, Fly was on the sign love, I cried for God's blind dove, Now we all got vision, They vow to rot the kitchen.
The love of many waxing cold, What was made up is taxing gold, I'm talking spiritual nutrition, I walking biblical intuition, Crucify your flesh, Who is fly to bless, With your action of kindness, The myth is attraction for blindness, See now, They senile,
It's a sequence, I see the defense, We got to understand the spiritual war, We got to comprehend the biblical war, We're all one in Christ, Why society don't know the price, Deny yourself and pick up your cross, We fly with more of the kicks in the stars.
Exit out the matrix, Bless it on all nations, I'd like to know how do you decipher the Bible, I'm the type to glow like a spider's bridal, I ain't weaving, The pain is grieving, The rain is breathing, Insane deceiving, In my veins Christ I'm receiving.
Make sure your heart is ripe, They not sure if the start is the type, Now so many unbelievers and lukewarm folks, They vow to be sun weavers to execute the storm of woke, The fruit is rotten, The truth is begotten, The root is forgotten.
The greatest deed is to believe in Jesus, The haters need to deceive so they can grieve us, The sun examines souls, You on the run cause you chose mammon over The Gospel. The moon is like a crystal ball, It's coming soon the thistle fall.
Respect your Maker, Don't accept the undertaker, Folk got a concept of the thunder breaker, I don't clutch no iron, Ain't no double dutch when you see the lion, Focus on progress, Locust ain't modest, Get some much needed rest, Yes indeed God is the best.
This ain't bubble gum Gospel, I'm in the huddle cause they try to scum God's soul, I don't double dutch, When there's trouble I don't need to clutch, Even in the rubble I came out untouched, What's in the waters, I was taught to be a martyr.
Biblical is up next while folk going crazy for material success, The power of the holy spirit is your protection, The hour is why they only fear it cause of the correction, Accept the discipline before, I respect the medicine of tea in the war.
It's apparent to pray for peace in the consuming storm, They preparing the way for the beast in human form, You are not the body, You are the star not Illuminati, Go to the root, The glow is fruit, Love, peace and faith, The dove is in the streets to save.
Outcast of the collective, Free at last respective, Power of love, The hour of dove, Living in Christ, I ain't driven by price, Neither poverty or riches, That ether is sovereignty of Scriptures, Biblical to be correct, Spiritual to be connect.
It's the same charades, It's how they came with the grenades, Every developed conscience has a obligation, Every set up is to launch us in abomination, The end game is to repent in the name, To enter the court, I'm not a renter of the score.
Bad mind all around us, Be kind cause they all surround us, No race involved, My grace evolved, You must be joking, You mad cause I ain't broken, You mad cause I'm awoken, I ain't a laughing stock, I ain't crafting no rock, I ain't capping no lock.
Walk in the love of the dove, Your energy is off, The enemy like a moth, That's not the case, The stats determine your grace, What do you expect if the holy spirit ain't within, There's no respect cause they don't fear it when you in the grift of sin.
The truth is a guide for what your heart is offering, You can't hide from the government, Love is calling you, Why is the dove appalling to you, Without peace you can't drip out the beast, Clarity of mind, Charity of the kind, It's a rarity to see the sign.
They see the love in your eyes in the war cries, The game is sour, The name is power, From hard headed to heart embedded, I feel wonderful, Who's real when the sun is full, Cowards don't participate in action, Flowers don't participate in fashion.
It starts with you, The heart is with truth, Be an example of Christ love, Free sample in the price of, I ain't talking digital coins, Folk trying to lock biblical loins, Only the spiritual will join, It's a miracle to be on point, See the love of a dove.
We need the holy spirit in every heartbeat, Imperishable seed cause they fear it when our heart meet, Repentance is crucial, To be in attendance you can't be neutral, Love will always win, How's it bluff if you always sin, They want the dove in a tin.
Folk not computing the truth, The yoke got society muting the truth, Every Word of the Bible has to be fulfilled in all the ways God has made it to be, The world is an idol of gas to be for real in all the days the heart blast the grade to see.
We must cleanse out our spirit, Free the trust lens cause folk want to clear it, If you sin how you expect to win, If you kin why you respect the tin, They disregard why they blitz the heart, All I know God is for me, It's hard but the crow ain't tore me.