So I'm writing my campaign and so far my players love it. I think I wrote the first boss too well because now I'm not sure I can live up to the hype my players are having now.The first boss was a doctor in a large city that was under quarantine with only five people in quarantine. The players stumbled across her journal only to discover that she is not the town doctor but her husband was, the woman was patient zero.a false hydra story. The city used to be filled with sick people but when the people died from the illness the hydra would eat them and no one would be able to remember them.The players realized this and confronted the woman (Ambrose) and realized that she was being controlled by the hydras. The woman truly believed she was the town doctor. but when the players kept pushing her for more information she fell to the ground as a hydra comes up from behind. Ambrose took up a bow and got on top of the hydra reviling to be the first horseman of the apocalypse and had used Ambrose as an avatar (A host of sorts). After a hard battle the players finally beat the first boss only to be greeted with the screams of terror coming from the towns folk who suddenly regained their memories of their fallen family members. although cured the pain of losing your entire family will haunt them forever.
I'm not sure what I should do with the second horseman, war. I know the horrors that war can bring but I'm not sure how to do it. My players are expecting something just as horrific if not worse than what I did with Ambrose. How should I approach this?