100 - 4500 Words
You have the chance as the All Creator to make Your own pantheon and universe.
What manner of Gods/Goddess do You create--or are You the lone creator in your universe? What world(s) do You or Your Children make? What people do They rule/make? Are Your deities worshipped, or have They fallen out of favor? Are there demi-gods, or do your progeny refrain from interacting with mortals? Is there magic in Your universe? What sort of powers do Your Divines possess? You can outline things or tell a Creation Story - It's all up to you! Let your imagination run wild!
Brevity is ideal, but if you need to go for a larger word count in order to illustrate the depth of your tale, I'm not your mama--Go crazy!
Write a poem about anything. It can be long or short or whatever. I can't wait to see what comes out of all these beautiful minds.. good luck.