In a world shattered by a cataclysmic surge of primordial magic, humanity faces an apocalypse unlike any other. The vast majority of the population is transformed into savage monsters, their minds consumed by the mysterious aura that now permeates everything. The few who survive are granted powerful abilities by a mysterious system, introducing them to a pantheon of cross-dimensional gods who offer trials and missions in exchange for fragments of divine power.
Leo Watts, a college student, finds himself thrust into this chaotic new reality. He discovers that his Core Power allows him to copy and infinitely combine his own and others abilites, giving him an edge in the fight for survival. But with great power comes even greater danger, and Leo must navigate a world filled with monsters, hostile survivors, and the enigmatic gods who seem to be manipulating events from behind the scenes.
As Leo embarks on perilous trials and battles formidable foes, he learns to harness the primordial magic that now flows through every living thing. The landscape, once familiar, is now alien and treacherous, filled with strange flora and fauna altered by the arcane energy. Nothing is the same, and every day is a fight for survival.
Driven by a desire to grow stronger, protect, and uncover the truth behind the gods' mysterious plans, Leo must master his newfound powers and forge alliances in this new, deadly world. But the gods' trials are unforgiving, and the monsters, both human and otherwise, are relentless.
Will Leo's unique ability to copy and merge Traits be enough to navigate the trials, save humanity, and restore some semblance of order to a world overrun by primordial magic? Or will he become just another casualty in the gods' deadly game?