This contest is about putting dark and sinister twist to any creatures or figures coming from folklore and legends. You can reverse the evil to good and vice versa backgrounds of each one in the ending, the important central part of this contest is how twisted or witty these transitions would go. The more appalling, unexpected or shocking and especially original the twist would be wins. A creature or figure from your own native folklore would be a plus point.
Go wild, take on that dark whispers and imaginations at the back of your mind and enjoy!
The maximum time limit is around 30 mins.
I'm sorry, but vampire, werewolves, and immortals aren't going to be accepted.
Feel free to provide images of the creatures you've chosen.
Hey guys, welcome to my first contest.
All you guys have to do is write a short story, any genre. Please don't make is too long. Your story will be judged by the readers amount of likes.
Good luck guys!!!!