Harry's POV
I wake up the next morning, exhausted. My mind is foggy as I get dressed. I stumble down the staircase, nearly falling as it turns. Somebody yanks me back, before I can fall. I turn. "Ginny," I smile at her tiredly. "Thank you."
"You alright Harry? You look..." She searches for the right word. "Like you were up late last night, drinking. And you didn't give me my morning kiss." She does duck lips, which I usually find adorable. "I was up late, but no, I was not drinking," I respond. "And sorry, Gin, I'm just really tired." She tilts her head up so I can reach down and kiss her, but I don't. I focus on the staircase. When I sit down at the Gryffindor table she sits on my lap.
I gently push her onto the seat next to me. She looks at me. "Harry what has gotten INTO you?" "Nothing! I just can't eat when you're sitting on me," I reply.
"Yeah, right," She says, looking annoyed. "Did another girl get to you already?" When I don't reply, she takes it the wrong way. She gasps dramatically and loudly. "Harry James Potter! I thought you were more loyal then that!" She wails. "I'm not seeing anyone else," I try to sooth her as I wrap my arms around her. Ginny struggles out of the embrace. "I suppose I should go try to find someone else, then! Sorry I didn't reach your needs and wants." She stands up, and storms away. My mouth opens and shuts, no words coming out.
I jump up and run outside the Great Hall. By now everyone's watching and I run to a empty, abandoned corridor. I slump down and run everything through my mind.
Why did I hesitate before assuring Ginny I wasn't dating anyone else? I'm not interested in anyone else. Right? Right?!
I'm jerked out of my thoughts when I hear a thump. It comes from the room down the hall. I jump up and run. I open the door and what I see shocks me. Draco Malfoy, pinned to the wall, by a bunch of boys. I recognize them but can't my finger on who they are. He's bruised up badly and I shout out, "Hey!" It distracts them, and I neatly stun two of them. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson come running in (looking for an empty classroom to make out in, probably) and Zabini tackles one. Parkinson quickly stuns the other two, while Zabini angrily punches the one guys face. "Blaise!" Parkinson scolds. "That is enough!"
Zabini seems reluctant but backs off. Malfoy stays at the wall and I notice he has a deep cut on his cheek. From the expression on Parkinson's face, I can see she sees it too. She walks over to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "Draco," She whispers. "What happened?"
Malfoy's face is expressionless but his eyes are full of emotion. Upset, Nervous, In pain. He shakes his head ever so slightly and suddenly passes out.
Parkinson panics but Zabini stays calm. "I'll levitate him to the Hospital Wing. Wingardium Leviosa!" We run to the Hospital Wing, Zabini carefully levitating Malfoy. Madam Pomfrey gapes. "What happened to him this time?"
"We don't know," I say quietly.
"I do," Zabini looks pained. "Those guys are part of Harlow's group. They were talking about how they'd get revenge on Draco for landing Harlow in two weeks of detention."
"Blaise!" Parkinson gasps. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't think they'd carry the threat out," Zabini says somberly.
"You three go." Madam Pomfrey says. "I'll take care of Mr. Malfoy. I don't think he's been sleeping well. He'll need sleep potions."
"Make sure he eats too," Parkinson says. "He hasn't been." Madam Pomfrey nods.
I stand up and walk outside to the hall. I'm followed by Zabini and Parkinson.
"We owe you a thanks, Potter," Parkinson says. "If it wasn't for you shouting out, we wouldn't have known."
"Yeah," Zabini agrees. "Who knows what would've happened if we hadn't found him?"
"I would've taken care of it," I reply. "I would've gotten those boys off him."
Parkinson smiles warmly. "We do appreciate it Potter. And I'll know Dray will too. Thank you again."
"Your Welcome, Parkinson," I respond, turning away.
"Call me Pansy. See you later, Potter." She turns, grabs Zabini's arm and starts down the hall.
"Call me Harry!" I call after her. I walk in the opposite direction and wander to my first class, deep in thought.
Someone taps my shoulder. It's Ginny, eyes turned to slits. Uh-oh... this won't be good.