Harry's POV
Ginny glares at me, shaking her head. "So, you chose her?" "What do you mean?" I ask sharply.
"Your dating Parkinson." She spits out Pansy's name like it's a filthy cuss word.
"No," I reply curtly. "We're friends. I just helped her out with something, is all. I'm not dating anyone. You came up with that insane idea by yourself."
"Actually, I have multiple reasons to think that you found someone else! For one-" "No you don't," I cut her off. "Your being ridiculous. Your being your typical bitchy self. Can't live without drama, can you?" I unconsciously raise my voice.
Ginny's mouth falls open. Usually I'd apologize, but I'm not taking anymore shit from her. Or anyone else. I turn on my heel and walk into the classroom, leaving her alone, fuming.
McGonagall turns to look at me once I shut the door. "Potter!" She barks. "Your late!" "Sorry, Professor," I say stiffly. I take my seat next to Ron who is failing to turn a goblet into a parrot.
Pansy and Zabini both flash me grins. I smile back, ignoring the curious gaze of Hermione, who sits at the next table over with Neville. I turn to the goblet that sits in front of me and switch my concentration to turning it into a parrot.
By the end of class, Ron turned his goblet into a tissue. He did better then me, somehow. My goblet didn't change at all. Embarrassing, but typical.
I walk towards Potions with Hermione and Ron. "Harry," Hermione begins. "Are you friends with Parkinson and Zabini?"
"Parkinson, yes. Zabini, I'm not sure," I answer. Ron looks at me, as if I personally insulted him. "You do realize that those two are Malfoy's little minions, right?" "Yeah. Except I don't think they're his minions. I think they're actually his friends, unlike Crabbe and Goyle were."
"I agree," The soft voice of Luna comes from behind us. We turn to look at her. "Draco says Pansy was the only one who takes care of him. Blaise isn't as close to him as Pansy, but they're still pretty close."
"Is everyone friends with those three now?" Ron asks incredulously.
"Exactly the opposite," Luna says sadly. "They hate those three. Especially Draco. Everyone loathes Draco. The whole thing really wasn't his fault, though." "How do you know so much about Malfoy?" I ask. "He doesn't seem like a friend-material person." "They're cousins," Hermione sighs at me, like I was supposed to know that. "All purebloods are related, remember?"
I nod. We reach the potions classroom. Luna smiles at us, says goodbye, then flounces away. We walk into the room and sit down.
Slughorn grins at the three of us. "Today is an independent experiment day. We're brewing Amortentia. What is Amortentia? Miss Granger?"
"It's the strongest love potion invented. It doesn't make someone love you, unlike other love potions do. You smell things you're attracted too, and the smell of the person you're in love with will be one of the scents." "Good job, Miss Granger!" Slughorn beams. "Take 10 points to Gryffindor."
I wonder if it's really necessary. I mean everyone knows who they like. Mine will smell like Ginny. Even if she pisses me off, we're still dating. I think. I'm not sure. We didn't technically break up. But we pretty much did...
Okay, Harry. Pay attention. Start working on the potion. I gather my ingredients.
After 45 minutes, I'm giving it my final stir.
"Okay! Once everyone is done, I will call on two people to tell us what they smell. One Slytherin and one Gryffindor," Slughorn calls. "Anyone who is done, you may smell yours now."
I look at my potion and confidently take a whiff. My head jerks right up once the scents hit my nostrils. I smell broomstick wood, treacle tart and a familiar cologne. I can't put my finger on who's cologne it is, but I know very well it isn't Ginny's.
I take another sniff, just to be sure. Yeah, definitely not Ginny's floral perfume.
"Miss Parkinson, if you can tell me what your potion smells of?" Slughorn asks.
"Pine, Parchment and Smoke," Pansy says, blushing profusely. I'm guessing one of those scents describe Zabini, because his face is red. Slughorn looks like he's trying not to laugh.
"Okay and Mr Weasley, what do you smell?" Slughorn calls out.
"Mum's cooking, bacon and flowery perfume," Ron says, blush creeping up his neck.
"Okay, then," Slughorn nods cheerfully. "Okay, bring your potions up here, then you may go."
I hastily bring mine up to his desk, gather my stuff and walk out of the classroom, mind racing. Who's cologne was that? It had to be a boys- I mean I don't think girls wear cologne. Anything's possible though.
I stumble through the rest of my classes, paying only half-attention.
Finally, dinner. I pile a great amount of food onto my plate and stuff it in my mouth.
"My god, Harry!" Hermione exclaims. "Your eating like Ron!" Ron gives her a very insulted look. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, through a mouthful of fried chicken. Hermione doesn't answer. She just shakes her head and sighs.
After I'm finished, I stand up. "I'm going to bed. Long day." I turn and walk out of the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor Tower. When Ron enters about an hour later, I pretend to be asleep. After a couple hours, I actually do fall asleep, Amortentia potion not far from my mind.
Ahahahah this chapter is probably one of my longest. Thank you all for waiting so long for the update <3 It was kind of rushed and I've been having extreme writers block, so it isn't the best. I'll try to improve for the next chapter!
+ this chapter was made especially for CkyberCpace, who made me remember I even started this book