I woke up to the sound of beeping. I opened my eyes and saw sunlight coming in the window. I knew it wasn't my room due to the fact I have black curtains on my window. I heard a soft snore to my right and slowly turned my head to see Garrett sleeping slouched in an uncomfortable chair. Then yesterday hit me hard. I went to try and sit up but my back became a roaring fire causing me to whimper softly. That soft whimper was enough to make Garrett wake up.
"How do you feel?" He asked. "Like I was hit by a truck." I answered. "What happened?" He asked. "This huge guy from Brimstone broke into my apartment. He told me this was my final warning to join them. I put up one hell of a fight and in the end he pushed me into my bookcase. The next thing I know I'm knocked out." I replied. "The police are going to want to talk to you. Emily and I told them we think it was someone who blames you that one of their family members died. If they ask you if your in a gang tell them you were in the gang when you were younger but left when you were in high school." He told me. I nodded taking in his information. "You're going to be here for two dayd and then you and Mushu will be going to my place until your healed. You also can't drive due to the drugs they're going to give you." He told me.
I nodded and before I could say anything else his phone rang. He got up and left the room to answer it. While he was out of the room on the phone nurses came in and a doctor to see how I was doing. Now I knew how my patients felt with the interogation on your condition. When they left Garrett came back in. He sat back down in his chair and watched the tv. He soon broke the silence, "Can I see your back?" I nodded and he helped me sit up. He untied the strings in the back, making sure to be careful. With him being this close I was able to smell his colone. It was interesting and comforting. When he was done looking at my back he tied it closed again. When he pulled back he seemed ashamed.
"What?" I asked. "I wish I was there for you." He whispered. I reached for his hand and grapsed it, "Don't blame yourself for this Garrett. You were there for me when it mattered whether I died or not." I reassured him. He looked at our hands then entertwined his fingers with mine, "If I was there from the beginning you wouldn't have gotten hurt." "They were waiting for me to be alone, it would've happened anyways." I said. He sighed, "I guess your right. Now then the doctor mentioned you were sleep deprived to the point they had to use drugs to make you sleep. You've been having nightmares haven't you?" He asked me. I looked down at my lap and nodded, "Yeah." "Why haven't you called me?" He asked next. "I was scared I was going to wake you up." I replied. "Don't worry about waking me up. I gave you my number for a reason. At least you'll be living with me so now I will know." He said while crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
Before I could say anything Emily came in with a box of chocolate chip cookies. "Thank god you're ok." She sighed. She handed me the box of cookies and I opened them and started munching them. "Cookies aren't breakfast." Garrett muttered. "Technically it's three in the afternoon so it's snack time." Emily pointed out. Matthew then came in, "She has a point." Garrett rolled his eyes and shook his head, "You guys are dumbasses."
"That's not a very nice word." I said around a mouthful of cookies. "And those aren't very good manners." He countered while raising an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and bit off half a cookie. Soon Jason came in looking hung over. "Have fun?" I asked. "I am so sorry I didn't answer when Emily called." He said immediately when he saw me. I waved a hand, "You didn't know anyone was going to break in." "What happened anyways?" Mattgew asked. "I was in the kitchen making popcorn and I heard my door open. I thought it was Emily since she has a key. When I called out there wasn't a reply so I went to check it out. When I saw the door open I went to grab my phone and that's when some big brute grabbed me from behind. He isn't hard to miss, he has a huge slash over his right eye that I gave him with a butcher knife. I was able to blind him but after that it became a blur. He told me he was there to give me a final warning, to join them or die. He wasn't supposed to kill me, but I tried to kill him. He left my house with three broken fingers, two on his right and one on his left." I told them. "Do you remember what he looks like?" Jason asked me. "He had rancid breath, six foot seven, roughly around a hundred and eighty pounds, spends too much time in the gym, had brown eyes, buzzed brown hair, a weird shaped birth mark on the left side of his neck, left handed, and had small tear in his left ear lobe." I recalled.
"I can't think of anyone who looks like that." Jason said. Matthew and Garrett nodded in agreement. "They won't get away with this." Jason declared. "Don't get yourselves killed because of me." I stated. "Let someone protect you for a change." Emily told me. I shook my head, "I'm not worth dying for." "Would you shut up. Just because you hate yourself doesn't mean we do. So shove that low self-esteem bull shit." Emily snapped. I didn't say anything else and just ate my cookies.
"Anyways I've got to get to the warehouse and talk to my dad. I hope you recover soon Nicole." Jason said before leaving the room. Emily checked her phone and squeled, "Shit I'm going to be late for work. Call me soon Nicole."
Matthew shrugged, "Might as well leave too. Let me know if anything happens." He said to Garrett. Garrett nodded then looked to me and I knew I was about to be lectured.