From that day she rarely saw Caspian and when she did he seemed to be detached from her. He barely spoke with her and she was relieved.
Preparations were booming today as Princess Nadia was coming back today for the day and to do some activities with Caspian.
She was glad today that they were on stand-by and could watch the games from close-up and of course, Nadia would sit in the high seats made for the prestige so she could have a clear view.
They were all chattering in excitement as they waited behind the wooden stall gates, the competition had started and they all cheered.
Caspian was doing an amazing job when it was his turn, finally, it was down to both of them and they were both impressive in their own ways but finally, Caspian landed a fatal blow and he had won. They both were given round flower garlands as they were the finalists.
Caspian took him and gave it to Nadia who beamed at him, then the stranger came up to them, and they were loud gasps which made Caspian turn around too, so he could see the commotion.
The stranger handed her the round flower garland and she was surprised,
“For you my beauty.”
“Thank you My Lord I am truly flattered by your kindness.”
“Till I see you again.”
With that, he left and all the eyes that were on her had dissipated. Her friends squealed around her,
“Ohhhhhhhhhh seems like someone has a crush on you, my lady.” Said Lucy.
“Oh cut it out.”
“If it were me I would have been quoting about love and destiny,” Agnes added.
They all laughed,
Their voices lowered and she knew that they were about to gossip, “I thought he was going to give Nadia as a challenge and threat to Caspian.” Ella added.
“Right, and how did he even spot Aurora?” Ida remarked.
“Red hair and green eyes are not a surprise but distinguishing her from the crowd is another,” Barbara added.
“When you marry rich don’t forget us,” Evelyn added.
“Oh stop it.”
“He did say till next time, I am sure there will be a follow-up date.” Said Agnes.
“Is that not exciting?” Lucy beamed at her.
Evelyn took the garland and put it on her head as it was the tradition to do so. It was time to take out the food as all the parties were now seated.
Aurora got some platters and placed them in front of Caspian and Nadia.
“I see you got a garland.”
“Yes My Lady.”
“Do you know the men?”
“Not at all, it is my first time seeing him here.”
“I guess your beauty works like a charm if he could spot you apart from everyone.”
“Thank you, My Lady, it is an honor to get a compliment from a person such as yourself with elegance and most beautiful.”
Nadia laughed a bit, she turned to Caspian, “Do you think so?”
“Yes, I do.”
Nadia beamed, yet for some odd reason she could see that Caspian was looking at her so intently,
“You may leave.” Said, Nadia
Aurora nodded and went back to the wall where servants stood, and leaned against the wall. Everything was going as planned.
“May I talk to you?”
Aurora turned to the voice she had never seen before, he was dashing,
“I’m afraid I can’t leave my post, My Lord.”
“Don’t worry about that, I have it all sorted out with your Madam over there.”
Aurora turned in the direction he had nodded in and she saw Madam Beatrice approve.
“If the Madam does agree, then I have no reason to decline you.”
“This way.”
Aurora followed the gentlemen that she did not know, they were walking down the garden.
“I see you like the garland I gave you.”
“It was you?”
He grinned at her, “Yes it was and by the way I am Ethan.”
“Thank you for the garland, and mine is Aurora.”
“Your name matches your beauty.”
“Thank you, My Lord.”
“When I was competing I could not keep my eyes off you the minute they set them on you.”
“Thank you, you flatter me too much.”
“I really mean it Aurora.”
“What do you do?” Ethan asked.
“I’m a maid as you can see.”
“That’s interesting.” He replied.
“You mean lowly?”
“I never look at ranking when it comes to someone that’s just pure rubbish, to judge someone from a background that they can’t control is lousy,” Ethan replied.
Aurora found herself smiling at his words why couldn’t all men be as open-minded as he was.
“Who do you serve?”
“I serve Caspian My Lord.”
“That must be hard serving the prince.”
“Not at all, he is merciful.”
“Of course, how is it living here?”
“It’s convenient as I have a job and food to eat, that is more than plenty enough for me.”
“So you have never thought of traveling before?”
Aurora had to think hard about this one as she would love to travel around the world if she had the means to.
“No, my life is here.”
Ethan nodded, “Well I love going to new places, with water and flower fields when it’s raining, there is so much out there to see.”
The depictions that he was saying made her hope, hope to leave and this was one of the most dangerous thoughts that one could have when you were a palace maid. They were taught to always think about the palace.
“Look at the night sky,”
Aurora did as Ethan asked her to and the sky was decorated with jewels and the moon. It was a spectacular sight.
“Beautiful.” She murmured more to herself,
“I know right. Laying under the stars is a very peaceful and relaxing scenery.”
After some time she decided to head back as it was late, “I need to go My Lord.”
“Okay, but I will come to look for you again.”
Aurora scurried back to the palace, it was a night to walk around the moonlight,
“Aurora you’re finally back, you need to go to Prince Caspian’s chambers.” Said Cathy.
“At this time of the night?”
“Yes, you did leave early from today’s event.”
“But Madam Beatrice did excuse me.”
“I know but Caspian still wants you to come to his chambers.”
Aurora nodded and made her way to his chambers and knocked lightly.
“Come in.” His voice boomed from inside.