Tuesday, (12/21/XX) 10:10PM
I stood in front of my mirror, fixing the golden buttons on my cuffs. Nikolas gave me a white long-sleeve v-neck top with ruffles on the chest and a raven blue tailcoat with golden embellishment to wear over my shirt. I decided to tuck the shirt into the ash-gray puffy trousers I had. He also provided me with black boots. I wasn’t sure how to style my hair, so I slicked back my pink hair with gel. I had a side part on the right side of my head, showing off my natural black shaved sides.
I pinched my nose as I looked at myself. “I look like a renaissance man reject.” I sighed. “How does Nikolas pull off these clothes?”
I heard the tapping of glass at my window. I hurriedly walked to my window and my jaw almost dropped to the floor.
Nikolas wore his usual vampire outfit, but instead of gold accents they were silver, and his vest was now scarlet red with a subtle black pattern. The black cape he wore over his elaborate outfit had a silver chain going across his chest, keeping the fabric in place. The silver chains and ruby earrings he wore complimented his new hair and eye color. Nikolas’s hair was also slicked back, but it seemed slightly disheveled, which made him appear all the more attractive. His hair must’ve gotten blown in the air as he flew here as he tried to fix the hair on the back of his head.
He thanked me for opening the window and he sat on my window sill, adjusting his cape so that it was placed evenly on his shoulders.
"I apologize if the clothes I chose feel uncomfortable."
"It’s not bad,” I smiled, “I just have to get used to this type of clothing."
The vampire eyed me and nodded. "It suits you well."
"Thanks," I softly patted my hair unconsciously, "Your clothes look much more sophisticated compared to mine."
"I appreciate that," he sighed, "I had to change my wardrobe because of the change in my hair and eyes…" Nikolas looked down as he spoke. He stiffly blinked and looked back at me. "Well, shall we go?" He held out his white-gloved hand.
I dipped my head as I placed my hand into his.
His eyes lit up. “Before I forget, we have to wear this.” The vampire handed me an elaborate masquerade mask that was the same shade as my trousers. The golden pattern on the mask matched the design on my tailcoat. “It’s a masquerade ball.”
He placed his black masquerade mask on while he grasped onto my hand. I gasped as the sensation of the floor disappeared from my feet. I could’ve sworn he smirked as he pulled me in, but I was too shaken by the changes in my surroundings to know.
I swayed forward as I squeezed his hand and leaned my other hand on his chest for support. I looked around my new environment and saw a massive mansion behind us. I let out a breath of awe.
“What is this event?”
“In celebration of the Winter Solstice, the school hosts a ball.” He turns his head toward me as we enter the building. “The entire student body attends this event.”
Upon walking into the building, we were faced with quartz stairs on the left and right, climbing their way to the second floor. The only lighting in the mansion was torches set ablaze on the walls.
As we ascended the stairs, I heard squeals from up ahead. I looked up and saw someone lunge at me from the second floor. I squealed right before he had the chance to tackle me. Nikolas sighed as he held the werewolf in his arms.
Kazu jumped out of his grasp and squeezed me tightly. “I haven’t seen you in so long, Acchan! I missed you!”
I wheezed and patted his back. “I missed you too.”
“Kazu, you’re hurting him,” said Nikolas.
Kazu let go and had the biggest grin plastered on his face. “Your wizard friend is here too! He’s in the ballroom already.” He pointed to the opening behind him.
I got a better look at Kazu and he wore a three-piece suit, his coat, and pants were black with his vest slate gray. He wore a white long-sleeve collared shirt and a tie that matched his jade-green eyes. Kazu looked like a businessman, or perhaps a mafia member with the way his muscles were outlined by his clothes and the golden piercings he had on his wolf ears. He wore a masquerade mask that was half white and green with a golden pattern.
Nikolas poked at the small golden hoop on Kazu’s ear. “I didn’t know you had piercings.”
The wolf’s ear twitched. “I do, I only wear earrings on special occasions.”
As we entered the ballroom, the first thing my eyes landed on was the floating chandelier above all our heads. It was the only source of light within the ballroom besides the towering windows that were letting the moonlight inside. To the left of the doorway was a long appetizer and beverages table covered in a black tablecloth. I turned to my right and saw more long tables with food and drinks. Within the center of the ballroom were round tables covered in the same black tablecloths. Unoccupied tables were on the floor, but the ones that had guests sitting were floating in the air.
“Shall we sit down?” Nikolas asked, offering his left elbow.
I hesitated for a moment and finally held onto his arm. I nodded as Kazu led the two of us to where his table was. A table descended to the floor, allowing the three of us to sit down. The fourth guest was sitting at the table.
“Good evening, Akio.”
“Nice seeing you here, Ryu.” I smiled.
Ryunosuke wasn’t wearing his glasses tonight, which was strange to see. He wore a tuxedo with an emerald green and black ombre and black pants. Under his tuxedo was a white shirt similar to mine: a white long-sleeve top with ruffles on the chest, except the ruffles were more subtle. A deep green satin cape to match his tuxedo was pinned to his right shoulder. His hair at first appeared to be black, but with the moonlight reflecting on his head, you could see the green highlights in his hair. Ryunosuke’s hair was parted off-center, pushed back, allowing thin strands of hair to fall near his temples. His black masquerade mask with a silver design had a green feather sticking out from the left. The jewelry he wore the last time I saw him in his wizard attire was the same tonight.
He sipped a blue liquid from one of the glass cups that were placed on the table. “I didn’t know you were coming. If I had known, I would’ve asked you to be my date.”
Nikolas glared at Ryunosuke as he drank from his cup. He chortled, amused by the vampire’s reaction.
I reached for the cup that was standing in front of me.
Ryunosuke stopped me by waving his extended head. “Wait, don’t drink that,” he snapped his fingers, and suddenly the liquid inside the glass turned clear. “Now you may drink.”
I turned to Nikolas while gingerly drinking from the cup. “What was originally inside?”
“Mermaid juice.”
I knitted my brows, dumbfounded.
“It’s not from actual mermaids,” Nikolas said. “Mermaids make it, but it’s poisonous for humans.”
I gulped. “Is there anything I can eat here?”
Kazu nodded. “There’s chocolate snails, fingers in a blanket, chimera buns and dragon jam, and my favorite, roasted turtle and owl!”
My head slowly turned to Ryunosuke, my eyes pleading for help.
“There’s also roasted chicken,” Ryunosuke tucked a stray bang into his hair, “and I can conjure some rice for you if you want.”
I grinned and grabbed onto his hand with both of mine. “You’re such a lifesaver.”
The clinking of glass echoed in the ballroom. In the center of the ballroom stood Headmaster Selena. My body unconsciously flinched seeing her presence.
Nikolas leaned into my ear. “Don’t worry, at this event, we’re allowed to bring any guest. Human or ghoul.”
I let out a breath of relief.
The Headmaster began speaking in a foreign tongue, but it seemed as if everyone else could understand what she was saying.
“What is she saying?” I whispered to Nikolas.
“It’s a formality for the Winter Solstice ball.”
I slowly nodded as she kept talking in a strange language for several minutes. Finally, I heard her say in a language I could understand, “With that, the feast may now commence!”
Hundreds of plates began floating to the tables. As promised, Ryunosuke transformed my meal into something edible for me. The four of us, mainly me, Kazu, and Ryunosuke conversed as the sound of classical music rang throughout the ballroom.
While I was finishing my plate, I noticed students ascending from the tables. Students with their dates began dancing. I watched as the tiny pairs gracefully waltzed below our table.
Nikolas noticed that I was watching the students dance. He leaned close to me, “Do you want to dance, Akio?”
I turned to him with a smile. “Can we?”
The vampire held out his hand patiently. I eagerly put my hand in his. The two of us fell to the floor with a soft landing.
Nikolas took a step back, bent forward, and placed a gentle, cool kiss on my hand. His ruby eyes peered up as he slowly moved back. Embarrassed, I covered my mouth with my other hand.
He placed his hand on the small of my back with his other hand holding onto my right hand. I stiffly put my left hand on his right shoulder.
“Have you ever slow danced?” The vampire asked.
“But you wanted to dance anyway?”
I pouted. “I was hoping you could teach me.”
Nikolas looked down at our feet. “Move your foot this way,” he said while he pointed with his foot, “then move this foot here.”
I watched as he showed me the steps of the waltz.
“I’ll take the lead, so follow me.” I felt the hand on my back pulling me closer to him. “And relax.”
Easier said than done…
The two of us took it slow at first, Nikolas calmly guided me through the dance, even when I would accidentally step on his foot. Finally, I managed to remember the footsteps and we started to blend in with the dancing crowd.
I looked up at him with a triumphant smile. He nodded as his facial expression eased. Nikolas lifted his arm and twirled me around, then our two arms were extended. He gently pulled me in to continue dancing. When my nerves calmed down, I managed to lean my head on his chest.
Eventually, I started to become out of breath. I moved away, letting go of his hand. “I’m going to take a break on the balcony.”
He nodded. “I’ll get some drinks.”
I smiled and headed towards the door opposite the entrance. There was an empty rectangular balcony, surrounded by a pearl-white waist-high stone pillar barrier. Besides the light coming from the ballroom, there were a few lanterns on the wall that illuminated the balcony. The lanterns were accompanied by vine plants I had never seen before growing on the wall.
I walked to the right end of the balcony and leaned against the stone pillars while examining my surroundings. This was not Japan. I could see the moon and stars illuminating the night above a boundless forest. The sound of the orchestra playing in the background drained out the noise of the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees. It truly felt as if I was living in the 1800’s.
The sound of footsteps echoed on the balcony. I turned my head and saw Nikolas.
“Where are the drinks?” I questioned.
“They ran out, so they’re replenishing them right now.”
I nodded and turned back to the scenery. Nikolas stood beside me, leaning his arms against the barrier as well.
“Are you having fun?” He asked with a smile.
I smiled back. “Yes, I’ve never been to a ball before, so this is a new experience.”
Nikolas looked down and reached for my hand. The cold touch of his hand radiated on mine as he intertwined our fingers. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?” Nikolas said as he brushed the back of his other hand on my face.
I couldn’t help but chuckle shyly. “No, not yet at least.”
“Well,” He smiled again. “You're the most gorgeous person here tonight.”
Flustered, I gave a bashful smile. I looked into his eyes and psyched myself. This is my chance to ask him. I thought.
“Hey Nik, I need to ask you something,” I started.
The vampire nodded, slowly inching forward.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you this, but I didn’t know how to bring this up, so…”
The vampire’s hand lifted my chin to his face. With a swift movement of his cape, I was being kissed by Nikolas.