You loathe your own existence. All you do is lay in bed waiting for the next dose. Jeffrey walks in, and you take a deep breath, knowing the darkness is coming. The darkness is what you fear most. Not because it's dark but because it's what happens in the darkness that scares you.
“Hello Patient Z-19, it's that time of the day again,” Jeffrey announces as he preps the needle with black liquid of some kind.
“Can we just get this over with tonight, Jeff?” You ask calmly awaiting the dreaded horror to come.
“Just a moment Patient Z-19. They say patience is a virtue.” He replies. You hate this man but what could you do? Attack him? That would get you put into the soft room with no light. Not what you want to happen at all. He finally approaches you with the previously mentioned needle and taps your arm to reveal the veins. A second later a sharp pain pinches your arm. You start to fade from this world and into the next.
When the world fades in, you are in your living room watching TV. One of those cop shows is on, and you are just relaxing on the couch, completely sprawled out. You decide it's time to go to bed, so you turn off the television and stand up. When you head to your room, you hear what sounds like footsteps behind you, but when you look, there is nothing. You shrug it off and go to bed. You lay under your covers, and the warmth brings a sort of comfort to you as your drift off into never-never land.
You wake up in a 10 x 10 x 10 room with all white walls, hardwood floors, and a single speaker ebbed into the wall which is also painted white. Your heart is pulsating at an irregular rate, and your hands are sweating. You are still in the nightwear you had on previously, black t-shirt and pajama pants. You are trying to figure out what happened, but nothing springs to mind until you remember the footsteps behind you before you walked into your room.
There had to be something more behind me than a simple sound. What the hell is going on! Your mind screams as you try to process what's going on.
The room goes black, and you sit there confused and afraid. The utter darkness creeps in, but you slowly adjust to the low light situation. The lack of light is making it difficult to adjust. You have never been in real darkness before, and it's terrifying. A noise breaks your concentration, and you jump slightly. All you can hear is the low reverberating sound of static. It doesn't bother you….. At first.
You have no concept of time but at this point, it feels like it's been days since you first set foot in this room and the static hasn't stopped. You are beginning to feel a bit insane. Suddenly a blinding wave of light that enters the room. You are so used to the dark that you can see the light erasing the darkness into nothingness. You slip from complete vision stealing darkness and static noise to illumination and silence. Even in this solitary place, you notice something is different about this room. It's gotten slightly smaller or maybe that's just your imagination.
You sit in silence knowing you are stuck in a place of eternal hell. After what feels like an eternity the lights go off once again. You are alone in this prison, as darkness spreads like the black plague. It stretches across the small room like a blanket, numbing the mind to the outside, forcing you to forget what you once cherished.
You start to hear whispers in this voided room. You slowly stumble around trying to find the source of it, but you soon realize they are coming from all around you. Surrounded by incessant whispers, you can't make out what they are saying. All that you hear is the constant psst coming from what you can only imagine are nightmares incarnate. The light sounds of footsteps and scratching surround you along with the inaudible voices.
Pure darkness is terrifying. It plays on the mind in a way you know all too well. You can't contain your feelings of confusion and fear. You place your hand on the wall trying to collect yourself as this utter blackness tugs on you, weighing you down. Just when you think this nightmare can't get any worse, you hear the sound of gears grinding. It clearly sounds like it's coming from the other side of the wall but then you are pushed to the ground. You feel the wall pushing you along the floor, but it stops a few seconds later. The lights are turned back on, and you see now that the room is much smaller. It's only a fraction of what it once was, even moments ago. You can now stand in the center of the room and touch opposite walls with your hands flat on their surface.
“What in the world is happening?” You ask out loud as you begin to breathe hard and your heart is beating at an ungodly rate. You feel it pounding on your chest like a hammer to a nail, pushing harder and harder till you feel like your heart will burst out of your chest. You are pushed to the brink when you see the walls slowly closing in even further. Soon enough you are on your knees trying to hold the walls open with your hands, but nothing is working. As time goes on, they move ever faster until suddenly they are closed completely and you see blackness once more.
You open your eyes to see a familiar face that you absolutely loathe. It's not Jeffrey this time; it's the good doctor.
“Hello, Markus. How did the serum treat you today?” Dr. Angel asks with a sinister smile.
“The same as always.” You reply with utter defeat.
“Shall we try again tomorrow? I think we shall.” Dr. A. says before standing up and walking out of the room. Before he closes the door, you pick your head up, and he stops.
“Fuck you, Dr. Angel.” You say, letting out your true feelings. He smiles one more time before closing the door.