You wake up to the sound of footsteps in your house, but they stop as soon as you open your eyes. You peek over to the clock on your nightstand, and it's flashing 12:00 am. You sit up in a slight panic.
“The power went out?” You ask yourself out loud. You stand up next to your bed and put on your moccasins. So far everything is fine, but you hear footsteps again. You walk to the door of your bedroom and grab the baseball bat next to your door. You ready the bat and pull the door open ever so slowly. It creaks as it turns on its hinges.
“I need some WD-40 for that damn door.” You say to yourself as a reminder.
You creep down the hall that leads into the living room. You can see a light flickering at the end of the hallway. As you approach the end of the corridor, you clasp your ears as the TV is turned all the up and you hear massive static playing. You run down the rest of the hall and see the TV on and blaring. You bolt for it and turn it off. When you turn around, you know something strange is going on. One of your dummies is sitting on the recliner chair you usually sit in during the day.
“Jefferson, what are you doing here? I thought I locked you back in the case.” You say as you walk over to him and pick up the James Bond looking doll in his nicely tailored suit with a bowtie. You carry him back to your room and open the case full of all your dummies but find that several are missing.
You go into a compulsive mode and begin searching for the lost marionettes You find nothing in the crate they are supposed to be in. Your heart starts to gallop as you try to remain calm. You place Jefferson back with his brothers and sisters but make sure to lock it up this time. You walk back out of your room and search the house for the rest.
Suzy, Mikaela, and Max are all missing, how did this happen? You ask yourself, but trip over something and land face first into the hardwood floor.
Your head hurts, and you try to stand up, but the floor is slippery, so you fall back down. You look back to see what you tripped over but see nothing. Then you feel a horrible pain in the back of your head and black out.
You wake up tied to a dining room chair, and your head is still foggy. As your vision clears up, you see a short person standing in front of you. Your head is still in the clearing up process, but when it finally clears up, Suzy comes into sight. She is standing on her own, and it's dark.
“You know what's scarier than finding out you are truly alone?” She asks you. “Huh, no answer? Well, I'll just tell you. What is truly scarier than finding out you are alone? It's finding out you aren't.”
A chill is sent down your spine as you listen to the little girl in a pink floral dress. Her golden locks of real hair sway gently to the side of her wooden head. The ropes around you are beginning to irritate your skin while you struggle to get free. You hear the clickity clack of Suzy’s feet on your floor as she slowly circles behind you.
“What are you doing?” You ask nervously as you lose sight of her behind you.
“Oh nothing” She replies with a sinister sneer. You feel ridges on your skin as goosebumps rise. You feel something cold, hard, and sharp rub against your arm. The air is thick in the room as you look around to find that you are in the center of your dining room. You are directly under the chandelier with all the other lights around you off. You start to sweat, not from fear or being nervous but from the heat radiating off the light.
The rest of the house is coated in a blanket of darkness. You feel your nerves begin to twitch as it's been several minutes now since Suzy went behind you but in the next few seconds you feel your arms burst free.
“Better go quick!” Suzy’s voice echoes behind you as you jump to your feet and run away, not even looking back. You run blindly through your house, trying to find the front door to escape this madness. Even though you have lived here for years, you become helpless with the sudden blindness. You are so panicked that you can't even find a light switch to end it all. You slip when you try to make it around the couch but catch yourself. Your eyes are slowly beginning to adjust to the darkness, but that's when all the lights flick back on.
You are now blinded by the overwhelming rush of light blasting your face with its rays. You hear the sound of wooden feet scattering across the hardwood covering the floor of your home. When your eyes finally adjust to the light, you make a mad dash for the front door. It's unlocked but won't budge. You begin to kick the door, hoping it will burst open but nothing. You look to the window and pick up your coffee table, flinging it at the window hoping it would shatter, but again nothing.
I'm stuck in this prison! Am I going to die here? Your mind starts to race as hysteria sets in.
You turn around to face the dining room, and your heart nearly stops as you witness something dreadful. Not only Suzy but Mikaela, Max, and Jefferson are all standing in a row next to your old prison of a chair. Each of them has a knife of varying sizes. Before you react to the four of them, the lights go out, and you hear their feet like wooden cobblestones across the floor.
A second later you feel several sharp pains in your legs, bringing you to your knees. You begin to flail your arms wildly in an attempt to fend them off, but it doesn't work. You feel something pierce your back and fall backward when it's removed. You smell iron in the air as you bleed out on the hardwood. Like four small children, they all dive on top of you. You feel stabbing pains all over your chest and stomach. The last thing you see is the lights coming back on and your four children repeated stabbing you while you lay helplessly on the ground. Your world fades to black like an onyx cloud of void covering your eyes.
You don’t see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell anything, just pure blackness. A room of all white appears when you see a light flick on. A tall, older man in a white coat is standing next to the doorway, and he walks over to the side of your bed to sit down. When he sits down, he looks you in the eyes. You recognize this man; it's the wretched Dr. Angel.
“So Mihael, was it the same as before?” Dr. Angel asks.
“Of course, it's the same, It's always the fucking same with you and your crazy medications!” You shout and lunge forward, but you are stopped by restraints attached to your bed.
“I always loved how feisty you can be Mihael.” Dr. Angel replies.
“Fuck you, Dr. Angel.” You shout in his face before going silent in your prison that is this hospital.