Every night is the same. The torment always begins around midnight. It's 11 pm and you know it's only about an hour away. You brace yourself for the immediate pain. Unbearable and unrelenting, it never seems to end. The night has snuck up on you. You know it's dark outside, but that's outside, not inside. You sleep with the lights on at night. It keeps you from succumbing to insanity.
You don't even go to bed tonight. You will be sleeping on the couch. It doesn't matter where you are. The screams pierce your consciousness regardless of where you rest your head. This hell, unleashed upon should erupt soon enough.
You begin to see shadows dance around the room. It looks like a small child is playing in the house. You even hear the laughter and feet stomping around the couch. Down the hall towards your daughter's room you hear somebody calling out to you.
“Daddy.” The voice echoes down your cryptic corridor. You stand up from your makeshift bed on the couch and walk down the hallway. When you approach your daughter’s door, you open it only to find a clean little girls room with nobody in it. The bed is still made up nicely.
You feel a profound emptiness begin to overwhelm you. It has started earlier than normal; it's only 11:10 pm right now. This was your torture. Your only daughter died in a car accident ten years ago and ever since she haunts your days and nights. Never stopping, but tonight you were going to try something. You grab your coat and find your keys. You leave your house and get into the car. You back out of the driveway and leave. You are frightened by the torment of this, and you can barely keep your nerves in check.
You keep driving to the end of town where the old cemetery is. The old man who watches the grounds does allow people to visit after 9 pm so you would need to sneak your way in. You finally pull up but park two blocks down so you won't be noticed. The cemetery is fenced in with large rod iron fencing as well as two huge rod iron gates that squeak horribly loud, so that isn't an option. You creep your way around to the back of the cemetery where you know there is a loose rod that you can slip through. You find it and pop right in. You keep your eye on the house of the keep to make sure he doesn't spot you.
You find your way to the tombstone you were searching for. It reads “Here Lies Amanda Lynn Carter, Born Oct. 15th, 2000 - May 28th, 2006.” You break down to your knees and beg her to stop tormenting you. You don't realize how loud you are with your wailing and begging. The grave keeper is standing behind you with a shovel.
“I thought I told you not to come back here at night, Boy.” A gruff older man spoke behind you.
“I'm sorry sir; I'll leave.” You reply as you stand up. He leaves you, and you walk back out of the cemetery underwhelmed. You just hope it worked. You get back into your car and begin to drive back home. You look out your rear view mirror to see your beloved daughter in the back seat covered in cuts, scrapes, bruises, and of course blood. You jerk your head to the back seat and see nothing. Your heart is pounding with the ferocity of a jackhammer.
You pull over to the side of the road and take a deep breath. You aren't sure what to do, and you are at least a mile from home. You take a few deep breaths and get out of the car. You double check the back seat but you already know it's empty. You get back into the car and begin driving once again. Once you reach your home, you go back inside. You find your couch once again, the blankets still a strewn mess from before. When you lay down, you hear it again. The sound of children laughing. You try to ignore it because you know to acknowledge it is to give it power and to give it power is to let it win. You refuse to lose by this torment.
Finally, a shriek pierces through your meditative thought, so you jump back to your feet, and the blanket falls to the floor. You bolt to your daughter's room, but it's dark in here, but you can see your little girl is now on the ground crying, but you can see two glowing orange eyes about your height in the shadowy corner of her room.
“Who's there?” You shout, trying to provoke it into showing itself. It obliges and the grave keeper steps out of the corner. He doesn't say a word, but he starts to charge you with his shovel drawn back. You turn to run, but you slip on the rug in the hall. You hear the screech of Amanda once again. When you look back to her while you are on the ground, the shovel is at your throat, but he stopped. You see him turn his head slowly to look back at her. You take this chance to stand back up.
“Quiet you!” He yells to Amanda. You run back down the hall and into the kitchen where you grab a butcher knife. The grave keeper stumbles into the kitchen as well with his shovel pointed at you. You are trapped in here with no escape. You are now in a fight for your life with this sick man.
“Sam, I told you to stay out of the cemetery at night. Now you will pay!” He exclaims. You begin to panic, could this actually be happening? Your heart starts to weep when you see your daughter standing behind him with a sickening smirk on her face.
“Get him!” she orders. A frown comes over your face as you hear the dreadful words from your only child. You don't say a word as your begin to defend yourself from this mad man. Swinging your blade, deflecting his attacks with the shovel but it matters not. You take a shot to the shoulder, and a gash is formed as blood pours out like it's a sink that sprung a leak.
He clipped your right shoulder and left bicep. You can't hold the blade any longer, and you drop it. He swings the shovel with a powerful burst of energy. You feel your throat slice open, and the pain is horrendous. You fall to the ground of the kitchen and bleed out. The world begins to fade slowly as you hear your front door close. You look to see the grave keeper has left your home. As darkness slowly surrounds you, you see your daughter walk up and sit next to you in a pool of your blood.
“It's okay daddy; now we will be together forever.” She says as she watches you close your eyes.
The world finally went black, but you wake up wearing a straight jacket and tied to a chair that is apparently bolted to the ground. A tall older man dressed in a white lab coat walks in front of you and smiles as he kneels down to get on eye level with you. His wrinkled face brings you so much anger. you struggle to get free, but it's no use, the restraints are too tight.
“I see, the additional restraints were needed this time. So how did it go this time Sam?” The doctor asks.
“Fuck you Dr. Angel!” You scream into his face. He smirks at you and pulls out a massive 9 inch needle, pushing out the air.
“Let's try this again, shall we.” He says as he pushes the needle into the exposed part of your shoulder.