They stopped to rest and Laim scouted the area After a tiring journey, they decided to take a break and rest for a while. Laim, being cautious, checked the area for any potential danger. Meanwhile, Charlie sat down beside a tree to relax his tired body.
Charlie looked at Laim and said "Hey you need to bond with this sorhebi".t in case there were any creatures they could be ambushed by a creature that could kill them, charlie sat down by the nearest tree and relaxed saying “Finally my lungs need a break and I feel like this baby sorhebi needs a bondmate and so do you”.
Liam smiled and went up to Charlie and the bag and sat down across from Charlie. He was a little nervous about bonding to one but it was nice that Charlie was there to guide him through it.
Charlie began saying “The first thing to do is have food and luckily for you, I brought some meat, offer it then present your hand in front of it and it will touch you giving you a unique mark on your shoulder”.
Laim was intrigued by the last part, he nodded and Charlie opened the sack letting out the little sorhebi, it had blue green, and white splotches it stumbled forward making the cutest sound in the world, laim offered the peace of meat to the small sorhebi.
Once he held out his hand the sorhebi leaned forward and licked his hand, a bright light flashed and Laim started to hear the sorhebi’s thoughts. He said, “Hello my name is Oliver what's yours? Why do you look so weird, hehe, I'm still hungry, give me more!”.
Charlie spoke up and said, “yea maybe I should have warned you, you can hear their thoughts, and don't worry since you're older tonight the little monster will download your knowledge and become as mature as you have”.Laim kinda looked a little annoyed, his brain was overflowing with Oliver's thoughts and it was hard to keep sane.
Laim asked Charlie, “Sorry Oliver is being a little annoying, got any more food? he keeps saying he’s hungry and it's driving me a little insane”.
Charlie got out his backpack and gave him some food to give Oliver, they began moving again towards the edge of the island trying to avoid any other threats. Oliver after a few hours kept asking to be carried and Liam finally caved in by the fifth hour, Laim stared at the marking on his shoulder, it was a cat face with wind shaping the circle with the cat in the middle.
Oliver had settled on his shoulders finally falling asleep giving Laim some peace. It was sunset when they picked out a spot to stop for the night, and Laim sat Oliver down gently to not wake him up. \
Charlie and Draco had already made their bed by the time Laim was done scouting the area. Surprisingly Oliver was still asleep, Laim tried not to think a lot because it could wake him up.
He found a ledge nearby to watch the sunset, charlie sat next to him and started to lean on him. To Laim this was the perfect opportunity to kiss him but he did not know how to initiate it.
He was looking at the sunset and then looked over at Charlie, he was analyzing his face and all the amazing features he had, and Charlie quickly caught on and stared back at him.
They both leaned in and Charlie kissed him and he said “yama mottave li aidea yatow naga ihr mottave hosant nito kistu yama”.Kan sitta semouning charlie, Chairlie hatarted nito kitsu kani morot jonessatly. Laim semoated soan forolluned charlie’s namead aso charlie gero non jotop nof kani matall kitsuning kani.
Octavia had just heard the news about Laim, “What! There's no way he escaped, how?”.Scarlet remained quiet as Rida said, “Well they somehow chipped a hole through the concrete and they took a baby unbonded sorhebi”
.Octavia narrowed her eyes and said, “Fine I'm gonna go drag his ass back here and beat his ass..”.Rida stopped her in her tracks and said “We have a party out looking, you need to stay here”.
Scarlet pinched in and said, “I can look for him, I am an expert tracker, you have Octavia so I would not leave her here in your clutches so I'll go with a group of people”.Rida pondered this for a moment before nodding and she called over a guy.
The guy's name was Koda and Rida began to speak to him in shalanese so Octavia acted as a translator for Scarlet and whispered into Scarlet's ear the English version.
Rida said “curo yama soan yamate gurpo giku towith scarlet, tsuma sochir kai etasuru nai tresu nito esgeru”.
Koda responded with “ Allaji, alatso yama hiten ern aidarter norta proseisai sah soan octavia wa noh kanfect onanil norta yama.Iham tadaji luyaning korthe nazecause ihram yamate yuden rida”
Rida replyed back “Tadaji giku, ern appakuru yamate kenern shib ern amna kincho buro yubailing karem soan octavia wa nai kohere yory chenta, soan octavia curo rikistan tashi batu”.
Octavia stepped in saying “yenu mayta hanacus korthe den purvete soneed nof furot nof antona kafo”
Koda's eyes widened and said “ antano war, antno war, shib yama nito arum tsude norta othather, tadaji kanth nibot erit”.
Octvia rolled her eyes as she translated it for scarlet, scarlet was in tears almost laughing, and Octavia shoved her and walked away. She was not in the mood for annoying shippers if that's what you call someone who keeps fangirling over two characters possibly getting together.
She went off into the forest to ponder her situation and her anger at Liam. She could not blame Liam because she did betray his trust but that does not mean he gets to run away. Octavia felt like punching down a tree but she restrained herself because nature was just too beautiful.
Scarlet followed Koda through the camp and they met up with his group of trackers there were about four of them. Koda, Max, Yazmina, and Chloe, all were the best on foot trackers.
She asked why they did not use the sorhebi to track and they said “Well sorhebi may be the strongest but they are not the best trackers, the best trackers are the fuguta but no one has not been able to bond with one yet”.
Scarlet was interested in what a fuguta looked like, but from what Rida explained, they sounded aggressive. They were out for about an hour before they started to see tracks of two males a adult sorhebi and a baby one.
They started to follow them but they ended at a ledge off of a cliff, yazmina signed and said “They have taken on air, we won't be able to track them but at least we know what direction they are heading, max go back and get the Yusens, we will stay here and wait”.
Max would not be back for another hour or two so they just explored the area around them. Scarlet sighed as she looked up at the lavender sun slowly going down.
Suddenly, she stopped and heard a rustle in the bushes. She stepped back, calling to the others. Koda was the first one to run over to Scarlet and ask her what was wrong. Scarlet replied, "Um, I hear something coming. I suggest we start..." Suddenly, a fuguta burst out of the bushes but immediately fell and whimpered.
It was on the brink of death and its injuries were too severe.
Scarlet looked into its eyes and felt a deep sense of sadness. Max was running back and interrupted their distraction and everyone ran over to him to talk, the adult fuguta whimpered and suddenly and weakly made a tiger grunt and the sound echoed around her, and she could hear more rustling in the bushes. A baby fuguta jumped out and ran towards its dying mother.
The group was still talking to Max when she noticed the look that the fuguta had placed on Scarlet. She knew exactly what to do and had enough time to sneak away just as Octavia said.
She touched the mother's fur and whispered, "I promise I will take care of them." The fuguta seemed to nod, then closed its eyes, breathing its last breath. She felt a heavy sadness in her chest, but she knew she had to escape.
She quickly grabbed the baby and started running. She was a very fast runner, so fast that she even beat Octavia. She smiled with relief when she saw that Koda hadn't noticed her yet, giving them some distance.
She knew that they would never catch her so she began looking ahead, she noticed how soft the baby was and held him closer, the baby did not struggle weirdly like it knew he was in the right place. She finally stopped to rest, her lungs bursting as she took in deep breaths. She sat down, relieved to have a moment's respite from the ache in her joints.
She loosened her grip on the fuguta, but it remained curled up in her lap. She smiled and placed her hand on the fuguta, and it lifted its head to rest on her hand. Suddenly, a bright red flash stunned Scarlet for a moment.
Then, out of nowhere, she heard a thought that wasn't hers: "You feel safe, just like Mommy said.".She shook her head thinking she was going a little crazy, she started thinking “Really? That's good to hear".
The fuguta lifted its head and turned it to the side. She finally realized that she had formed a bond with him and was amazed to discover that they could hear each other's thoughts, which she thought was pretty cool.
She then asked, "So, what's your name, little one?". The fuguta got up circled in her lap, then laid back down. She heard him say 'My name is Kai.' Scarlet hoped that Octavia would leave soon. She looked down at the fuguta and felt sorry for its mother. Scarlet said, 'Well, you're safe with me, and I will protect you as best as I can.'"
Octavia needed some time to herself, she did not care about Koda's comments but Rida kinda stood up for her and it was refreshing. She still did not like her but it still was nice to have someone take up for her, all her life she had to defend herself unless Scarlet helped her.
She went to Rida’s tent and sat down on the couch. She decided to get up and she wanted to see the sorhebi nursery because she loved babies.
When she got there she was stopped by the keeper and she asked “ zany arum yama kohere nanati yamte bishigo kohere”.
Octavia replied “ ern tadaji hosented nito miree noh bakies, tsuma’s mun kanlee beyory”
The Keepers name was Sammy and she was sweet but stubborn, so she said “So? curon’t tadaji giju den norta li reyuson, maver sirai charlie sutor osu Ihren non tighki alekoku”.
Octavia planly said “Ihren Rida’s laji tenad den comento-”
The keeper's eyes widened and stepped aside and said “Soan tanoye yamate jimken den noh kursen”.
Octavia smiled and walked into the nursery, she saw a pen filled with babies and she sat down in front of the pen staring in awe at all the colors. She sat in there for an hour before leaving and taking a nap on the couch.
As Octavia woke up, she felt Rida shaking her. "Octavia, Scarlet has disappeared too," Rida said. Octavia struggled to comprehend the news and asked Rida for more information. Rida sighed and replied, "Scarlet has disappeared as well, you're all alone now."
Octavia sat up quickly and almost shouted, "What the hell!" but ended up just raising her voice instead. Rida stepped back to allow Octavia to stand up. As soon as she got up, she started pacing back and forth, expressing her desire to take matters into her own hands and seek revenge against them.
Rida gave her a "you okay girl?" look and left the tent. Octavia let out a sigh of relief once Rida had gone, hoping that Scarlet was safe and that their plan was working.