They could barely hear Rida shouting at her. There were explosions and fleeing people. Octavia shook her head and took Rida's hand. Her survival instincts came in and they started running towards the explosions. Men were running towards them with knives and lots of guns. She finally snapped out of her daze and focused. She picked up a nearby sword.
She saw Rida pick up an axe, and they both charged forward, cutting down the first wave of soldiers. She smiled and did what she was good at. She felt in her zone as she fought back the intruders. She saw one targeting her, and she ran to him and she swung her sword at their stomach and just nicked him. He jumped back. She charged at him; he jumped to the side but Octavia knew what she was doing and held her sword out and cut his throat.
He fell down choking on the blood. She killed one by one easily, but they circled around, pushing Rida and Octavia back to back. Rida looked back to Octavia, and they had the same idea. Octavia turned around and held Rida's hand. She twirled around, getting some air underneath Rida. She used all her strength to let her hurtle her to the nearby guys.
She cut through at least 5 or 6 of the soldiers; they cut their way out of the circle. Octavia ran to the opening, but more of the guys started pouring in and charged at her. She started using her brute strength to push through the soldiers. She knocked a few down before hitting a bigger guy. She dodged his sword and cut his leg, causing him to cry out falling down.
She finally saw the Rida fighting off tons of guys. Octavia looked up and smiled. She jumped up and started running on top of the soldiers. She jumped and landed next to Rida; she helped her fight off the men. Suddenly a battle cry came out and backup came. Rida's army arrived and started fighting off the intruders. They retreated, they took the bodies with them and they ran back into the forest. Octavia signed in relief and she suddenly felt dizzy.
She could see Rida checking on the others before she staggered. She looked down at her leg, which was bleeding profusely. Her adrenaline faded, revealing the pain in her leg and her chest. She suddenly fell down, causing nearby medics to run to her, Octavia called out to scarlet and Liam before finally succumbing to the darkness.
She could hear Rida instructing the medics to get a med kit. She woke up on a bed; she tried to move but she could feel a sharp pain in her leg. She heard Liam telling her to stop moving; she smiled and felt relieved that Liam was there. Laim came around the bed and looked down at her. Octavia smiled and waited for Liam's scolding.
Liam sighed and said, "Can't believe you charged into a group of terrorists, your so reckless, but I'm glad you're okay". Octavia smirked and said "well bet you would do the same if it was to save your little crush". Liam got a little red and huffed turning away.
Scarlett entered the tent and ran to. Octavia, she smiled, then frowned. "Liam! You were suppose to tell me when she woke up idiot". She went over to Liam and hit him in the back of the head. He turned around, prepared to hit back, but Rida showed up just in time. She walked to Octavia and assessed her wounds.
She spoke "Well, thanks to you. Most of our soldiers are okay because you took out most of them, so I owe you a thank you". Octavia acted like she was concerned about it, but she was tired and felt herself falling asleep. Liam moved in between Rida and Octavia and spoke to Rida. "Look, I appreciate your help, but she needs her rest, so please talk about this later". Rida looked annoyed but said nothing more and walked out of the tent leaving scarlet and Liam alone with Octavia.
Octavia fell asleep. She welcomed the oncoming darkness and relaxed. She kinda heard scarlet laughing at Liam, but she did not care enough to stay awake to listen. She finally woke up again. She heard Liam, scarlet and Rida talking. She did not move so she could listen in on her conversation. It seemed like they were arguing over her.
Rida raised her voice and said "Look this is not up for discussion, she is going to be on my right side so she can help us win". Scarlet seemed annoyed and said, "Um yea and you're gonna be the death of her! You can not just put Octavia in constant danger just because she's better than you".
Liam pitched in as the middle man saying "Okay, girls calm down, look Octavia can make her own decisions scarlet but then again Rida you need to be more careful on where you put her after all we are like family and I protect my own".
They both seemed to be satisfied with that and looked over to Octavia, who was pretending to be asleep. They all left the tent, Octavia sat up and looked at her wounds, they were healing nicely, she was curious what they had use for it to be healing that fast.
She moved her legs over to the side of the bed and attempted to get up. She wobbled a bit but found her footing and walked outside the tent and looked around. It was about lunchtime. She wondered how long she had been asleep because she felt like she could run a marathon.
She did not trust Rida as far as she could throw her. She looked up at the purple sun and relaxed a little. She loved the colors of the overall landscape. She knew scarlet would be all over it if not for Rida and her tribe.
Before she could take it all in, she saw Rida approaching her. Rida sighed and said "Whelp, at least you are healing nicely and will be up and Adam, we need you in the front lines". Octavia almost wanted to run away without looking back, but she couldn't. She did not wanna leave her friends alone with the sociopath and her war buddies. She did not sign up for it, but she had to go with the flow and wait until the perfect time to escape. She replied "yea whatever".
She left Rida and wobbled to Liam and scarlet, she almost fell in the process but she found her footing, she smiled when she reached them, they were talking about scarlets obsession with plants. When Liam saw Octavia, his face brightened up and said, "well look who came to join the party. You're feeling good? At least you can walk". Scarlet also went up to Octavia and hugged her then she pushed her lightly, causing Octavia to struggle with balancing, "I swear you better not do that again or I might be the one to put you in the hospital".
Later that evening, Octavia went to a meeting with Rida and her council. Octavia couldn't of been more bored out of her mind. She took everything under note but still need to move around. She yawned and when they were wrapping up; she perked up at the thought of getting some actual sleep. The meeting had lasted hours, and it felt like midnight.
Her leg caused her a great annoyance because it took forever to get anywhere and she kept falling down; the meeting was finally over and Rida noticed Octavia's struggle to walk so she ran over and helped her up. She did not complain but still kept her guard up around Rida. they got back into the tent and settled on the couch. She quickly fell asleep and awoke again. She got up and saw Rida sleeping. She looked outside and saw that it was still dark. She walked around the area for a bit and almost fell down twice.
She yawned and found a spot to watch the sunrise. The lavender light finally reached the sky, and she basked in the sun, enjoying the warmth. She heard the others get up and talk to one another. She looked back and saw Rida outside the tent looking at her. She looked ahead, not wanting to think of all the drama and fighting she would have to do before she got an ounce of freedom.
Scarlet surprised her by jumping beside her and laughing as Octavia jumped. She rolled her eyes and said, "Jesus, do you ever alert someone before you scare the hell out of them?". Scarlet smiled and said, "Nah, it's much more fun to scare the hell out of people", Octavia laughed and pushed her a little.
Rida came up behind them and said "sorry to ruin this moment between friends, but we need your help Octavia". Octavias smile turned into a frown as Rida Said that, she replied "Yea sure thing mom". Scarlet held back her snickers and watched her get up and follow Rida. Rida rolled her eyes and said "please this is important, we have a situation at the border, they are trying to push here base onto our outskirts, know I know your in no shape to help us but you can help plan this out".
They went to the meeting room and began discussing battle tactics and ways to use the element of surprise. Octavia said "Look we can sneak through the trees, your guys can climb right? anyway they should jump tree to tree then attack them there," she said, pointing to the map.
She had seen war tactics and many battle plans before because of the internet back when the world was green and bright. Rida agreed and said "yes we can climb, and I hope we can do this before Proseisai Sah". Octavia was not sure she heard her right, and she asked "wait what did you say?", she smiled and said "Proseisai sah".
Octavia was a little baffled and said "Yall have a proseisai day? um that's intresting and when is that?". Rida explained, "It's once a year so we can proseigen more heirs, but not everyone has a partner to take part so not everyone joins, it lasts a week" she said looking down. Octavia noticed she looked sad then she noted Rida did not have a partner, so it made sense so she tried to relate by saying "well at least you're not alone". Rida smiled and said "Alrighty I think we are done here, thank you for your help", Octavia nodded and walked out to enjoy the morning air.
She joined Liam and scarlet; they were both talking in the spot she was this morning. Octavia sat down beside them and said, "you will not belive what I found out. They have a Proseisai sah". Scarlet and Liam both looked at eachother in confusion. She smiled and translated for them. Scarlet and Liam's eyes widened when they heard it meant.
Scarlet said, "Dam, what's crazy? Never knew that was a day! and it lasts a week?!", Liam nodded but was not as surprised he looked like he did not mind, Octavia knew why "really Liam? you wanna take part, huh? Hah, I bet it's with that boy".
Laim's eyes widened and said "Hell no im not that.... I wouldn't..... shut up Octavia, nobody wants to hear you talk. " He crossed his arms and looked away in frustration. Scarlet laughed and said, "well you dont have to have a partner to take part hah", Octavia looked at her with a smirk and said, "dam scarlet never knew you had that type of mind. Then again, we all do".
Laim smiled and pushed us. Scarlet and Octavia laughed and pushed back. She looked up at the morning light and let out a relieved sigh. Octavia was relieved to have her friends with her or the world of never made it this far. She heard Rida gathering up her warriors for the attack, so she went to wish them good luck.