The end of the world was primarily because of the actions of the man named Ryan Polanski who detonated power plant, releasing hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere, resulting in the extinction of life as we knew it. Many bunkers were built for things like this, so Octavia, Scarlet, and Liam were put in the very last on only because of their parents and their jobs. The bunkers were intended to last for approximately 20 years; however, it was discovered that most of them lasted less than a year. The bunkers' ability to communicate with each other via radio only discovered this. The oldest of them all was Scarlet; she was the only one who knew how to work a radio because of her dad. They have been in the bunker ever since. They discovered they were there as an experiment to see if they could survive. Not only that, but they used different materials for the bunker, and it turned out that that was the only bunker to survive.
Octavia looked at Liam and laughed. Okay, okay, fine, win what you win.”. He smiled his devious “I won” smile and said, “Mmmmm, you have to do my dishes for an entire week, haha.”.
Octavia groaned and said, “Fine.”. They put up the board game, and Liam sat up to go to his room. Octavia watched as he walked off and put the pieces together in the box. She got up, opened the game drawer, and put the game on top of the other games they had. She went and bothered Scarlet.
She traveled down the hall, looking at the white walls with red edges. She spotted Scarlet's room. Anybody could see her room from a mile away; it was bright with the many colors, in her opinion. She opened the door and saw that Scarlet was watching a video from the old world. Octavia jumped into the scarlet bed to see what she was watching.
“Hey there, it's Chloe checking in with y'all! I am here today, hiking up a mountain in Colorado. I am here to document birds!…. As you see, there is a moc…….”. She seemed to watch some girl she liked, so Octavia asked, “So Scarlet got any fun things to watch or just boring crap?”.
Scarlet sighed and replied, “Nope, but in this video, they discover a new species of bird.”. Octavia sighed and went to her own room. There was technically nothing to do; actually, usually they play games or eat and clean.
It got boring really fast after a while. After an about an hour, she could smell dinner being made; it was Liam's turn, and when he cooked, it was amazing. She went to the kitchen to check out what he was cooking; he was making curry with rice, her favorite meal.
He yawned and was waiting for the rice to get done. Scarlet was in charge of the plant's growth rate, and Octavia was in charge of the animal population. The bunker was huge, so it stored a lot of stuff. There was a huge room for the animals; it was like a whole ecosystem in the room.
She went to down the hall and turned right toward a big door. She opened the door and went inside, reviling the forest. She looked up at the lights of the huge area, and she heard little birds and lots of noises that the forest was making. She liked it in there because of how calming it was; Scarlet loved it, too; it reminded her of her father.
Octavia and Scarlet were best friends; they knew everything about each other. Liam did not know as much as Octavia, but they were all pretty close. She walked through the forest. She heard Scarlet creeping up behind her. Not only that, but she almost laughed, thinking that it was stupid to even try. Scarlet attempted to lunge forward and try to tackle her. Octavia moved to the side swiftly and pushed her over; she laughed, almost crying, and Scarlet got up and groaned.
Scarlet laughed too and said, “Ugh, I can never get you; it must be nice having a Navy SEAL dad teach you everything.”. Scarlet got up and looked around. A bunny jumped in front of them, startled, and jumped off.
Liam burst into the door a little away from them and yelled, “Guys, see this!” They looked at each other, and both ran toward Liam. Liam let them go to a wall; it was pretty far away from any of their rooms. He looked at them and explained, “Okay, this might sound crazy, butt there is a room behind this wall. I was looking for a blaze when I tripped and hit this wall.” He knocked on the wall, and it echoed like there was a room behind it.
“Okay, this is a little crazy; how do we get it open?” Octavia said, and Scarlet pitched in, “Well, I have a hammer; we can always break it down.”. Liam nodded and gestured for Scarlett to get it. About a minute later, she came back with a huge hammer and gave it to Octavia.
Octavia got into a stance and swung the hamper at the wall. Once it hit the wall, it created a huge hole. She swung it again, creating a human-sized hole. Scarlet rushed in; she looked around. There were many shining objects and strange-looking objects; there were a lot of crystal balls and papers on a desk nearby; it was a decent-sized room with shelves of mysterious ideas lining them. Scarlet went up to the crystal ball on one shelf and almost dropped it, but caught it in advance.
Liam went in cautiously, but was just as curious as Scarlet was. Octavia looked at the papers and a huge book; it was named Artifact Magic. She looked through the different pages and read about different types. Liam picked up a staff and posed with it to be funny. He asked, “How do I look, guys?”, scarlet laughed and Octavia looked over and rolled her eyes.
She got up and looked at all the different artifacts, trying to match them with the ones in the book. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off, and they all jumped. Liam said, “SHIT, the food!” He ran to the exit and ran down the hall.
Octavia laughed and followed him, as well as Scarlet. They arrived to burn rice; he was in the middle of making a new batch and was throwing away the burnt rice. They forgot about the mysterious room for the day and ate dinner; everyone played monopoly after that, and it ended about around 12 in the morning, so they went to bed.
Octavia woke up groaning. It was her turn to make breakfast. They usually take turns with meals, and boy did she know how to make the best chocolate chip pancakes and eggs.She got up and walked to the kitchen, she made breakfast; she saw their main coon named blaze; he was a ginger and the sweetest thing to Octavia, blaze like scarlet, but did not care for loam. He meowed and rubbed his body against her legs. She bent down and petted his head. He trotted off to the living room.
She heard Liam yawn and sit down at the table. She was almost done with the eggs when scarlet came into the kitchen. He plated the food for us. They ate breakfast then Octavia went to shower; she got a towel and got into the shower; she started thinking and remembered the mysterious room that they found, that encourages her to be faster.
She dried her hair and called down the hall for Liam and scarlet. They ran over and Liam showed the way to the room. They went in and she looked at the staff that Liam held last time. She looked at the markings and found them intresting. Laim took the staff from her and started posing again being funny, suddenly when Liam moved his hand there was a clicking sound and the room suddenly shook, scarlet cried out “What The Hell Did You Do!”,
Liam replied with “NOTHING”, there was wind covering up their voices as it got stronger and stronger suddenly there was a purple light that flashed and they suddenly disappeared.
Octavia woke up looking up to a blue sky, it was weird for her she never seen the sky but she did also see the others getting up. She sat up and saw the blaze sniffing her feet. She did not know that the blaze was there. 86Please respect copyright.PENANAAbcYbF10dr
She grabbed him and sat him in her lap, petting him. She said “where are we?”. She got up, still holding the blaze Liam shook his head and looked around, “wow weird, is this a dream or is it all yall to?” he asked. Scarlet got up with the help of a nearby tree. “nope all of us, man the sky is beautiful but i don't realize the plants here and the sun is a wrong color?”.
The sky was blue with a light purple sun, there were white clouds covering some of the sky and a bunch of trees and bushed surrounded them, some plants were multicolored, the trees where white with light purple leaves. Octavia set the blaze down, knowing that he would follow her. She walked forward so did Scarlet. Liam asked “where are yall going?” They both said in the union “To find a water source".
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They were walking for about 2 hours when they suddenly stumped onto a lake, it was a small one but they could drink from it, scarlet made sure it was drinkable and while there were drinking Octavia suddenly heard footsteps, she said “Guys I hear about eight to twelve incoming, be careful because we don't know who or what they are and we must be on there land”. They saw them running aggressively toward them. In a quick response, she yelled, “Get back! I'll take care of it”. Scarlet and liam went to hide while Octavia got ready to engage, the first one who got to her yelled “kakond hoh!”.
Octavias' inner translator ticked, and she recognized the language instantly. It was her main language, Shalanese. Her parents raised her off it because it was a language that nobody on earth really knew. It originated from a tribe called the shalabunzo. Her mind translated “surround her!”.
Once he caught up to her, she quickly struck him down with a punch to the face. “Good thing I worked out with Liam,” she thought as she used her brute strength against the guy. As she was surrounded, one man instructed the other to call for backup.
She attacked one of them with a flying kick, hitting him in the shoulder with a crack. The guy shouted in agony. The others attacked in union. One of them tried to punch her in her right shoulder but they missed, causing the other to collide with another attacking shoulder. She jumped up and kicked a soldier into another. The blow landed on the side of his head, causing him to fall unconscious.
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She quickly dodged another two solders and kneed him in the stomach and whipped him around to collide with the other one attacking, there were about three more solders left but they did not touch her, she finally heard her friends yell, she looked behind her and they had been caught by four soldiers with guns held to their head, she growled and let herself be taken by the three soldiers she over head what the other solder was talking to into the walkie-talkie, “Shiwa warum toriting towith niwo sonthr” who she translated to “we are coming with two others”.
They walked for a while before a strange snake-like creature with a person on it flew down to pick them up. Octavia was hesitating to get on, but she had no choice. They flew for about 5 minutes before seeing the village that they were heading to.
They flew down and moved us along to the bigger tent. They went in and saw a woman with animal skin and camo clothing on. She was sitting in a big chair. She had blond hair and orange eyes. She was fairly skinny, but she had some buff features.
One of her men spoke with her saying “Noh arinja kamir onanil tota ota roxi nof dotar dansen, karyen dater den noh guitou” which translated into “the orange hair girl took down six of our men, they were in the outskirts”, as he was saying this the woman was looking at her intensely and said to her “Sore yama curo rikistan toshi?” Octavia replied “hai”, Liam and scarlet looked at Octavia for translation, "she asked if i could understand them and I said yes".