Inspiration: Something you love.
Although love can be interpreted in many ways, all anyone seemed to care about is the affection from another. An endless journey of searching for a soul mate, craving for the anyone can muster. We've seemed to lost the true meaning of love. Forgotten that it comes in a variety of forms. That it's not so easy to box them into; Attraction, Affection, or Lust, that love truly knows no bounds and should not be restricted as so. Love can mean different things depending on the individual.70Please respect copyright.PENANAHD3WOteAQc
For me, I have always struggled to understand love. 70Please respect copyright.PENANAT227fnSQnZ
I struggle showcasing my affections for another individual, my family included. It isn't that I'm not capable of love, but I scared of that love to be temporary. That I've grief I'm still not ready to let go of, and prevents me from trusting those who claim to love me. It's not their fault.
My love languages may look very different to outsiders. Words alone do not make me feel loved, instead it makes me question the individual. Physical touch and action are my highest love languages. I prefer to show an individual how I feel. I'm a visual and kinaesthetic learner, I show my love by action.
'I saw this and it made me thing of you, here's why...'70Please respect copyright.PENANALxdI7gyqqb
'Would you like to get something to eat, my treat?'70Please respect copyright.PENANAFT3J26sGzP
Love is the laughter and smiles I receive from my children. The warmth that surges through my heart whenever we're together.70Please respect copyright.PENANAXRLEjitod9
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Love is the moment my cat climbs into my lap and purrs until she falls asleep.70Please respect copyright.PENANA7pfCPsSEah
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Love is the self-care timeout where I indulge myself in a hot bubble bath listening to music or catching up on reading.70Please respect copyright.PENANAyxSaGKWEcD
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Love is more than one singular thing. 70Please respect copyright.PENANAPF8PumHWOy
Love is the memories or the little things that make me smile. Things I cannot possibly live without. Things that would truly break my heart if I was ever to lose them. 70Please respect copyright.PENANAz638svwoyw
That for me is love. So what's yours?70Please respect copyright.PENANArh7PijIIVl