I'll never forget those sleepless nights, we traded for hours of conversation. Full of fun and laughter until the moon rested her weary head and the sun returned again. Those little moments where it was a struggle to keep us apart, that even a second without one another felt like a day without oxygen. Endless phone calls and streams of messages, begging the other when the next time we meet might be.
I miss those times. The times no doubt you've long forgotten. But the distance kept us apart, making our hearts hungry for love. There was no cure for what we were feeling. We tried our best to remedy the ache in our lungs, but nothing seemed to work. The world around us carried on, without considering our feelings at all.
First came the missed calls on our agreed time. Then the messages became less frequent. Soon, our schedules had altered so much, that we couldn't enjoy one another's company without missing out on the world around us.
That was no life to live. As much as it pained us both to say goodbye, we knew it was our only option. The pill was a hard one to swallow but the distance was too much to bear.
But not a day goes by where I don't think of you, or wonder how you are. I wonder if you think of me, and the world that might have been, had we not said goodbye.