When I step out of the shower and dry off, I walk straight to my closet to find an outfit suitable for a meeting with the devil; a meeting with an ex-husband who doesn't deserve this opportunity that I am giving him. Needless to say, he obtained it purely by default.
Lola and Hugh backed me into a corner, and when I left the office today, I decided that I wasn't going to be railroaded into doing something that, at the time, I wasn't sure I wanted to do. But after dinner with Hugh tonight—the way he strummed my softness like the strings of a violin, holding me steadily against him while my entire body vibrated—I am more than certain that he is a sexual prodigy.
Heat rapidly travels through my body causing me to tremble in remembrance of the way his warm tongue sensually rubbed my clit. A moan involuntarily escapes my mouth as I wave my hand back and forth, trying to fan away the heat that has traveled to my cheeks.
"Get it together Raven," I think to myself, just as a knock on the door brings me out of my erotic echos.
"Let me in Raven! I know you're in there!" Lola screams from the other side of the door. "I am not leaving until you let me in!'
I sigh in frustration, as I pull a navy mini dress from my closet before rushing to the door. When I open it, Lola rushes pass me in a huff.
“Why haven't you answered any of my calls?!"
“Shhhhhh!" I scold her, as I shut the door. "This is an exclusive building Lola...please keep your voice down."
"Keep my voice down?! You haven't answered any of my calls!" She says again, looking at me from head to toe. "Wait a minute...You look different. Your cheeks are flushed and—" She stops talking, tapping her index finger against her lips while she walks around me like a vulture circling. "Did you and Hugh do it tonight?"
I flush a deep red before swiveling on my heel; walking back into the bedroom without answering her question. Lola follows me.129Please respect copyright.PENANA2q15lDP5mO
" I have to finish getting ready, I don't have time for this," I shout over my shoulder. "And besides, anything I tell you, you're just going to tell Hugh so—" 129Please respect copyright.PENANAm4fQWEi9F3
Before I complete my accusation, Lola grabs my elbow, turning me around to face her.
“That's a low blow chica.,,and not fair! I was only looking out for you. Hugh really cares about you, and I suspect that you care deeply about him too. Am I right?"129Please respect copyright.PENANA7EAnPEgPQ7
I angrily snatch my arm away from her hold, because it irritates me that she knows me so well....I'm so transparent. She nervously smiles her legendary apology at me, before looking knowingly at me from under her long lashes. I nod my head in acknowledgment. She sighs, pulling me into a hug( relieved because all is forgiven. I could never stay mad at her for too long. 129Please respect copyright.PENANANYILJPiHyX
“I was just trying to help you two get out of your own way. I never meant to jeopardize this project; you know that. I just wanted you to do this intimate thing with someone who will take care of you; and the person you've waited for all these years."129Please respect copyright.PENANAYz6kfdIcQn
"I know..." I whisper, gently pulling away from her. "I'm sorry. This is just turning into more than I bargained for; and I am sort of losing it here."129Please respect copyright.PENANA04rAQtJQqn
“Why? Did something happen? Did you and Hugh do it, like I asked earlier; before you blew me off?" She says, rolling her eyes.129Please respect copyright.PENANA5EEF2kc7Dd
I giggle at her juvenile response to our agreement and her reference to sex. I walk back to my closet to retrieve a belt from a drawer. "I know that I've only had sex with one man Lola. but it's okay to say the word sex; But no, we didn't 'do it...' but we might as well have."129Please respect copyright.PENANAoDDeFtoOoG
Lola squeals, clapping her hands before walking over to sit on the bed. "I knew it! I knew it! Tell me everything!"
A coy smile forms on my face and I feel my whole body heat up again. "Well I hate to sound like a Madonna song, but when he touched me...I totally felt like a virgin, all my senses were heightened and fully aware of him...and then when he—" I swallow hard, wondering if I should share such intimate details with Lola.
“What?!" Lola demands. "You can't stop now!"129Please respect copyright.PENANAiXV8fErte5
"He went down on me..." I tell her, bending down in my closet to grab a pair of shoes so she can't see my flushed face.129Please respect copyright.PENANAatLpzU3Pcz
“Oh my God!!! How was it?" Although I can't see her, I can feel Lola's eyes piercing me in my back, waiting for me to turn around. Realizing I can't hide forever. I carry the 4in Christian Louboutin out of the closer with me and sit on the edge of the bed to put them on. Lola waits in anticipation of my answer.129Please respect copyright.PENANAfIhbnCM7yJ
"It was mind blowing. Totally unexpected. It was Epic! I nearly lost my mind tonight. No man has ever done that for me before; not even Dexter and I was married to the man for five years. Dexter taught me all about how to please him orally, and he made sure that I was very, very good at it. But he was never concerned with my pleasure...Not like Hugh was tonight." I blush profusely, before my body trembles.129Please respect copyright.PENANAtxL8g6ZmtS
"Damn girl! I've always imagined what it would be like if High did that to me..." Lola confesses as she crashes her back onto the soft mattress, grinning from ear to ear . 129Please respect copyright.PENANAxOlyhsIV8i
"Lola!" I stare at her, flabbergasted by her response, I swat her leg hard before standing up to slip my belt around the waist of my blue mini dress. She sits up rapidly, with rosey red cheeks, looking at me apologetically.129Please respect copyright.PENANAmtif37HsdV
“Oops. Did I say that out loud?"
“Yes you did!" I laugh, shocked by her boldness.129Please respect copyright.PENANAYiXsptiQzC
“Well... he IS incredibly hot Raven. A girl can dream." Lola shrugs her shoulders and smacks her lips, before shifting the focus back to me. "So how did it make you feel? " She asks quietly.129Please respect copyright.PENANAOmoovCQXm4
"I felt like..I'm in deep trouble. My body came alive under his touch; so much so that I am now curious; craving the opportunity to explore the amount of pleasure that Hugh can actually dispense; and the amount I can take...because clearly, I've been missing out."129Please respect copyright.PENANAbqge3wi9bW
"Whoa Raven! I have never heard you talk like this before. So does this mean what I think it means? Are you doing this with Hugh?"129Please respect copyright.PENANAfMSSK1XO7L
“I am; because whatever sensible reservations still linger in my mind, my body has conclusively decided that He is my choice. Everything in me is telling me to preempt my feelings before they go into overdrive, and walk away from Hugh altogether; but after I experienced a taste of what true pleasure feels like, I can't imagine abstaining from it; or denying him whatever he wants. The only thing I can't offer him is exclusivity."129Please respect copyright.PENANAZy1SjBxR0W
Lola swings her head from side to side in confusion. "Wait...I don't understand Raven." Lola says, scooting to the edge of the bed, standing up to stop my nervous busy movement. "Explain!"129Please respect copyright.PENANAcHMeB5iGbm
"I'm going to split the list."129Please respect copyright.PENANAZLlYwMiPRl
“Split it?"129Please respect copyright.PENANAhmhqudqF5J
“Yes Lola. I was so upset with you and Hugh for interfering, I made the impulsive decision to ask another man to help me complete the list. I did it before all this happened with Hugh tonight. I wish that Hugh could be my only choice, but he can't. Because one, if I back out of this with Dexter, he will not let me go easily, and two, if I do this with Hugh exclusively...I will fall in love with him; and I can't afford to fall in love with him because I don't want to be hurt."129Please respect copyright.PENANAYljst1CoH2
“Wait,..What?! Go back to the part where you said Dexter's name. The prick who made you feel like nothing! The bastard who abused you? What the hell Raven?! Does Hugh know what you're doing?!"129Please respect copyright.PENANAeDjwfZcCUN
I roll my eyes, secretly chastising myself for mistakenly letting Dexter's name slip from my mouth. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAfHLkeyro73
"No he doesn't and you're not going to tell him!" I don't have to run this by Hugh. I told him what he needed to know...that he won't be the only one, Everything else is on a need to know basis. Well..." I frown, remembering that I sort of relented about being exclusive when his head was between my thighs. "I mean I sort of told him." 129Please respect copyright.PENANAXoeNIyfL05
Lola raises her eyebrows in curiosity and anger. "What do you mean you sort of told him?"129Please respect copyright.PENANA56HgsfqoGQ
"I did tell him; but when he was orally pleasuring me, I sort of agreed to whatever he wanted... which doesn't count by the way." I explain in my defense. I walk over to the dresser, pick up my brush and begin stroking my hair.129Please respect copyright.PENANAkFvCtD5Lmf
Lola walks over to the dresser and stands behind me, staring st me in the mirror.129Please respect copyright.PENANAMqYeYfPCkC
"It does count sweetie, because despite Hugh's playboy looks and his tough exterior, he literally worships the ground you walk on; and when he finds out that Dexter is the other man you are doing this with, after everything that Dexter has put you through, he is not going to be happy. More importantly, Dexter is dangerous and can't be trusted...this is a treacherous road you are traveling Raven. Please don't do this." Lola says with tears in her eyes.129Please respect copyright.PENANAyCJfe1fTdP
I put the brush down on the dresser, placing my two palms on the wood surface, lowering my head because I know she's right. "He's not going to find out Lola and even if he does, they both are signing confidentiality agreements and are legally bound, which means that they can't discuss this with each other or the public. I am also going to confine Dexter to the non sexually bucket list items. There are five of them. The other five, I will perform with Hugh."129Please respect copyright.PENANAul9DMWAJGQ
Lola grunts, causing me to look up and look st her through the mirror. "What?"129Please respect copyright.PENANA374hu1P5Fh
She stares at me like I'm five years old. "Do you really think that Dexter will follow the rules? That he won't take this opportunity to make this about him? Remember your bucket list basically accused him of being a terrible lover, so If you let him do this, he makes you out to be a liar and gives him bragging rights. If you don't do this for yourself, then think about your followers. They've been on this reinvention journey with you. They will feel betrayed. Please think about this long and hard before you do this." 129Please respect copyright.PENANAPK75GurBGl
Her words sink in and I know she's right. "Damn. I didn't really think about all the consequences of this, I just reacted." I whisper regretfully. "A small part of me also wanted to prove to myself that I can get him to desire me....proving to myself that I am indeed good enough for the great Dexter Cunningham. It was good in theory, but now that I'm confront with the stark reality of it all, I am not sure how to handle this now..." 129Please respect copyright.PENANA2i6DNEcioG
I look at Lola in the mirror as countless scenarios of how this might end flash through my head...none of them good. I start gathering my lipstick, powder, wallet and cellphone out of my old bag to switch to my new smaller one.129Please respect copyright.PENANALz4EaD0YH0
“What are you going to do Raven?"129Please respect copyright.PENANAkce96DDpj7
" I don't know yet but I have to meet Dex in 20 minutes, so I will think about it on the way." I whisper regretfully, walking past Lola to get my coat.129Please respect copyright.PENANAb5GumGZXi4
" Well I am coming with you." She responds firmly.129Please respect copyright.PENANAxUy9JATx19
I turn to look at her, fully prepared to tell her that I can handle this on my own; and that she's done enough. But the look on her face lets me know that no matter what I say, there is no way in hell she's going to let me meet the devil alone. 129Please respect copyright.PENANADoEx8TS8Il
“Fine!" I respond angrily; but secretly relieved that I don't have to do this alone, " Just let me do all the talking." I explain, as Lola grudgingly nods her head.129Please respect copyright.PENANAiJsQxZp8rR
"Mmm huh..." she moans as my cellphone starts vibrating.129Please respect copyright.PENANAauuYoZUgFA
"What now?" I ask quietly, as we walk toward the door. I look at the screen and send the call straight to voicemail. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAcqEP6QeCAO
"Who are you trying to avoid?" Lola asks. 129Please respect copyright.PENANA2HgNtPiqEt
“It was Hugh...he's called four times since I left the restaurant tonight; Don't ask." I plead, as I lock the door behind us. 129Please respect copyright.PENANA8DJzxYt6RJ
Hello Everyone! The completed novel is on sale on Amazon!
https://a.co/d/0gyzj8SR129Please respect copyright.PENANAYjrzft3znH
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