When I walk through the back entrance, there is a waiter waiting for me. He offers to collect my coat, but I insist on keeping it with me because I don't plan on staying too long. However, every stride that I take toward the dining room is a stalk that dissolves my resolve, liquifying my anger. The aesthetics of the rooms deconstructs the walls and defenses that I've assembled allowing me the space to appreciate all the exquisite architecture, beauty and history that the restaurant has to offer.
Wow, I think to myself as the dimly lit antique chandeliers, hanging from the ceiling, twinkle their pleasantries. The white linen tablecloths, candles and beautiful white roses covering the tables welcome me with their innocence. All the tables are strategically pushed against the wall, all of them except for one that’s nestled between a baby grand piano, and a brick fireplace tucked away in a dark corner. The servant stops right in front of the dinner table and pulls out my chair.
“Mr. Daniels will be out in a moment. Would you like some wine?” the attendant asks, reaching for the bottle.
Before I can answer his question, Hugh's voice sneaks up behind us. “I'll do that, Bradley.”
I suck in a slight breath, responding to the huskiness of his tone while the hairs on my neck prickle up at attention. “You can leave us now... thank you for all your help.”
Hugh's footsteps stop right behind me. He slips the waiter a few hundred-dollar bills before shaking his hand. “Make sure you give my regards to the chef for allowing me to use his kitchen for the evening, even though it took some convincing.” Hugh chuckles before his warm fingers massages the base of my neck.
I lean forward in rebellion to his touch, before biting down on my bottom lip to suppress the moan that's threatening to expose the desire that’s rushing through me.
Bradley is oblivious to what is going on between us. He just laughs boisterously at Hugh's comment and nods in agreement. “You know Scott sir, he never allows anyone in his kitchen, you must have promised him something good. I hope it was worth it...”
Hugh surprises me again by sliding his palms on my shoulders even after I rejected his touch before. “She is...” he whispers.
His hands feel like fire on my skin, burning me from the inside out, making me want things that I don't wish to admit. So, avoiding his caress and regaining focus on the reasons I am here becomes my priority. I turn in my chair, causing his palms to fall away from my shoulders as my eyes scold him for his forwardness.
Bradley looks between us, with a perceptive smirk on his face, before responding to Hugh's comment.
“That she is,” he says looking at me now. “I will thank him for you, Mr. Daniels! You two have a Good night.”
Bradley nods to both of us before walking to the back exit to leave.
We both remain silent in our prospective battle positions until we hear the rear door close. The click of the lock is like the fight bell at Caesars Palace. I hop up from my chair and lash out in verbal and physical conformation.
“How could you do this Hugh? What gives you the right to appear back into my life, after all this time, and try controlling me?” I whisper before slapping his face.
Hugh eases one of his hands to his red cheek before sighing in frustration. In a slow, deliberate move, he twists his head back to look at me. Fury and desire blaze in his eyes, but he remains calm. He doesn’t say a word in defense of himself before taking a hesitant step towards me, so we're now standing nose to nose. His eyes prowl through my defenses, signaling to me he sees my outburst as a means of distraction, my attempt to mask what’s happening between us. He raises his chin and gently kisses my nose while his hands grab the belt on my coat, pulling the buckle loose.
The air between us thickens making the heat so intense that it's almost tangible.
“Answer me, Hugh... why did you do this?” I mumble.
He looks at me, acknowledging that he heard me, but remains silent, totally engrossed in what he's doing.... daring me to distract him. My pulse races and my breathing become irregular as he divides the two sides of my coat, easing it from my shoulders. When it falls to the floor, he snakes his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him, so close, I notice his heart beating in synchrony with mine. He brushes his lips against my ear and moans.
“You know exact why baby girl... don't you?” he asks, sucking my earlobe. “Can't you feel this thing between us?” He breathes, before kissing my ear.
I shake my head in deceptive denial because there are no words that I can speak that won't betray me.
I pant desperately for him as my body submits to how close he is to me. It rebelliously surrenders to the way his sultry and husky voice commands me.
All rational thought abandons me, but I decide that I can't let him know what he means to me or how much—despite my denials—I want to complete this bucket list with him. I just can’t trust him.
I try pulling away from him, but his grip tightens around my waist as he chuckles at my resistance to admit the obvious. The shivering of my body against his contradicts all of my rejections.
He leans away from me in challenge as he looks me in my eyes. “Are you saying you don't feel this? Is more proof needed, baby girl?” He smiles innocently, while I just stare at him unable to speak.
He takes my silence as consent and releases one of his hands from my waist, trailing his fingers down to the hem of my short white flared skirt ever breaking eye contact. Hugh eases my skirt up just enough to slip his fingers along my panty line, tracing a scandalous trail over my clit.
A mutiny of moans escapes my lips and my thighs involuntary open a little, giving him more access. He licks his lips in satisfaction before moving the lace material of my panties aside, so his thumb can gently graze my clit.
I gasp in desire at the contact, contact I haven't felt in almost three years, and it's too much. I throw my head back because of this barely uncontrollable passion, pinning my body closer to his. His finger’s soft repeated strokes against my clit weakens my legs like boiled Spaghetti.
I shamelessly grind my hips in a lustful rhythm with his thumb as desire rises inside me, demanding more. Before I can stop myself, my blatant heart abandons the alliance forged with my mind earlier and goes rogue. It speaks Independent brazen dialogue about the need that I now feel, causing me to beg for more.
“Please Hugh...” I moan desperately. He stares down at me with so much desire, that a thrill of heat travels through my entire body.
“Not until you answer my question baby girl, can you accept what's happening between us?” he demands, while continuing to mercilessly thumb my clit in excruciatingly soft, deep circles.
The pulsing need between my legs renders me speechless and I nod, whimpering my response. He sighs in relief, before a confident smile forms on his lips. Pleased with my nonverbal mutterings, he rewards me by slipping two fingers between of my thick, slick folds, sliding his fingers in and out of me as the pressure inside me builds.
“Mm, so wet and ready, baby girl,” he whispers. “I've got you baby… you can come.”
Before I know what is happening, he brings his lips to mine possessively, sucking, biting, and kissing me mindless. I fold my arms around his neck as I lift one of my legs off the floor to drape around his waist. He moans his approval. His tongue enters my mouth, wrestling with mine, in a game of domination and surrender.
He continues thrusting his fingers in and out of me as I grind against him. My soul shivers and tremble as I feel something that I never felt before. My body is burning like an inferno. A spectacular, fire of desire, passion, need and satisfaction igniting every part of me, and I explode into a million tiny pieces. He continues plunging his fingers in and out of me until I scream his name again in orgasm. I stand there trebling in his arms for a few minutes before he slides his fingers out of me, so he can hold me.
He kisses my lips again, then the corners of my mouth and then my chin as we both breathe heavily, trying to catch our breath. He leans his forehead against mine as I float through the wondrous aftereffects of my orgasm.
I realize at this moment that I’m at his mercy, I believe I always have been, and it scares me to death. Hugh brushes strains of my long black hair from my face before kissing my forehead.
“You are so beautiful...” he whispers. “I don't want another person touching you like this, Raven. Please, baby girl, let's do this together. Let me be the man to make all your fantasies come true. “
Tears stream down my eyes with the realization that I need him to do this with me, but he abandoned me when I needed him the most. How can I be sure that he will not do the same thing this time?
“I can't, Hugh...” I answer as I slide my leg from his waist before leaning my forehead away from his. I struggle out of his arms and fix my skirt before I pick up my coat to leave. He catches my elbow, turning me around with a puzzled look on his face.
“Why?” he asks, wiping my tears aside.
“Because... you took off me when I needed you most... you broke me Hugh more than Dexter ever did!” I sob uncontrollably now as he pulls me into his arms.
“Shhhh. I am so sorry baby girl. Please believe me. I should have explained why I left years ago instead of walking away like a damn coward. Give me tonight. Go clean up, have dinner with me and I'll explain everything.”
He begs, trying to stroke my hair. But my black mane swipes left and right against his chest in protest. I’m suddenly afraid and full of regret about what I have to tell him tonight. However, I lift my chin, determined to say what I’ve come here to express.
“Someone else has already agreed to complete the bucket list, Hugh. All he has to do is sign the paperwork—”
Hugh's eyes bulge in disbelief as he backs away from me. " What?” A muscle twitches in his jaw as he squeezes his hands into fists beside him.
“Yes... I’m meeting him later this evening. I came here tonight to tell you... but after all of this—” I blush, lost after everything that just happened between us. Hugh picks up on my uncertainty and extends his hand to me.
“You have doubts... that works for me.” He smiles as I lace my fingers through his. “You do not realize what I promised the chef and owner of this place to get you here to cook for you. Let us eat... and talk, so I can explain everything. If after you hear my explanation and decide you still want to leave, I will accept it. But if you concede to let me help you with this, we can figure out a way to tell that bastard, whoever he is. that you have changed your mind. Deal?” he asks, bringing my palm to his lips, kissing each finger softly.
I nod my head, complying with one exception. “I'll agree to dinner and talking because I need closure... but that's the only thing I’m agreeing to Hugh...”
“I'll take it ... it's a start,” he says, looking hopeful.
I point behind me, backing away from him. “I saw a bathroom when I came in. I'll go freshen up and be right back.” I feel heat travel to my cheeks as his eyes explore the length of my body. I stumble backwards under his intense gaze before pivoting on my heel, scurrying away as quickly as I can. But before I can make it out of the dining room, his tone captures me.
“Raven, out of curiosity, who's the guy?”
The jealousy in his voice surprises me, halting my movement at the exit. Squaring my shoulders for courage, my eyes close in pain, now regretting my decision. I take a deep breath and cowardly remain facing the doorway, only turning my chin over my shoulder to speak.
“The identity of whomever I chose was always supposed to be confidential. I didn't even tell Lola who he is this time because I don't want any interference. This is my choice, Hugh... I mean it.” I walk to the bathroom without looking back as Hugh's muffled profanity chases me out of the room.