The next years went by fast, Harry grew up under the loving and watchful eyes of his parents. He got to witness the wedding of Remus and Sirius as well as Marlene and Dorcas.
It was now the day Lily had been dreading, the unbelievably sad send off to Hogwarts. Her baby boy was off to school and she was starting to feel the effects of empty nest syndrome weigh down upon her.
James and Lily had just entered Kings Cross with Harry, walking with him to Platform 9¾. James had already explained what Harry would have to do so Lily took his hand, walking with him through the brick that stood between Platforms 9 and 10 while James followed behind with Harry's trunk and owl.
Lily and James went to stand by the other parents while Harry went off to find his friends.
"Hello Molly," Lily smiled, walking up to the red haired witch. "How're you coping?"
"Oh you know how it is, gets me every time. Soon enough Ginny will be going to Hogwarts," Molly said sadly, nodding down to the child that was wrapped around her leg.
The two moms continued to talk, Alice eventually joining in on their conversation after her and Frank had arrived with Neville.
James and Arthur struck up a conversation about Muggle appliances, Frank joining in.
Soon enough Sirius had arrived to say goodbye to his favorite godson. Remus was already up at the school getting ready for his lessons as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
The train whistled, notifying parents and students that it was almost time to depart. Everyone said goodbye once more before watching as their kids boarded the Hogwarts Express.
Lily and James stood back, arms wrapped around each other. Lily was crying and James was trying to calm her with the help of Sirius, although both men had their fair share of tears pooling up in their eyes. It wasn't everyday you got to see your child off to school.
It was only after the train departed that parents and godparents and grandparents started to leave. And it was only then that Lily pulled James aside, whispering something into his ear. James smiled, leaning in to kiss her before kneeling down to Lily's soon-to-be-huge belly and kissing it as well.
All was well in the Potter world