"James!" Lily called out as she ran onto the Quidditch field. She looked up, watching the dark haired boy zoom angrily across the field.
"James, come down here please!" She yelled again, hoping he would hear her cries or at least notice her small form on the field from where he was in the sky.
"Ugh," Lily muttered, looking to her left for something that could help her catch his attention. She saw the broom when she turned to her right.
"I can't believe you're making me do this, Potter," the girl mumbled under her breath, grabbing the broom and swinging her right leg over.
As soon as she was sat properly the broom lifted her off the ground, a startled scream passing through her lips.
The broom jerked back and forth, spinning Lily all over the place as she held on for dear life.
"Jaaaammmeeess," Lily screamed, knowing the girl on the flying broom jerking back and forth would definitely catch his attention.
"Lily!" James shouted, quickly flying down and over to where the broom continued to shake her around. "What're you doing?"
"What do you think I'm doing?!" Lily cried out. "I'm trying not to die!"
"Lils, hey, hey look at me," James answered softly. "You need to calm down, okay? Just look at me, keep your eyes on me. I promise you'll be okay."
Lily lifted her face, slowly opening her green eyes to look into James' hazel ones. Once their eyes locked Lily felt a calming sense flow over her. Her heart rate slowed from its abnormally fast pace, as did her breathing.
James moved his broom closer to the one she had found, moving his right arm and wrapping it around her waist.
"Okay, Lily, I'm going to lift you onto my broom. I need you to work with me here, alright? I promise you won't fall. I've got you. Okay?"
"O-okay," Lily stuttered, her heartbeat picking up a bit. She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt James' grip tighten around her waist, slowly lifting her off of the broom she found and onto his.
Once she was securely on his broom James loosened his arm from around her waist, taking back full-control of the broom. Lily scooted back into James' chest, wanting to feel even more secure than she knew she already was.
James slowly lowered the broom to the ground and as soon as Lily's feet had touched the grass she was immediately off the broom.
"So what'd you do that for?" James asked, raising one of his eyebrows as he leaned against his now standing broom.
"What do you mean 'what'd you do that for'?!" Lily yelled, exasperated. "I came here looking for you and I tried to get your attention but you weren't noticing or hearing anything from down here!"
"Woah, calm down Lils."
"Calm down? Calm down?! I almost died, James!" Lily cried, throwing her hands up in the air.
James chuckled. "You wouldn't have died, Lily. I wouldn't have allowed that to happen. You might have fallen, yes, but you wouldn't have died. I'd catch you or get killed myself before I ever let anything happen to you."
Lily looked up at the boy standing in front of her, taking him all in. His breathing was still a bit hard from all of the flying he had been doing before she came, but he was James. He was her James, the lovable goofball who would never let anything happen to her.
And that's when she knew it. That's when she, Lily Evans, knew that she was in love with James Potter. She had always been in love with him, ever since fifth year after he had defended her against Snape. Lily may not have known it until now, but she always was.
She was in love with James Potter.
James Potter was in love with her.