Lily and James headed to the Common Room from where they were on the Quidditch Pitch. James had wanted to get a quick practice by himself in earlier and had found Lily on the way there which ended up with him dragging her along to watch him.
She had smiled to herself while watching James fly around because that was her boyfriend up there practicing for his team. There was no understatement of how proud she was of him.
When they reached the Common Room the others were already down there waiting with their presents.
"Took you long enough," Sirius joked. "Weren't you the ones who said to meet you here in five minutes? It's been like ten!"
Lily rolled her eyes at the boy and sat down on her boyfriends lap who had previously occupied the only empty armchair left. She then accioed the presents from her and James down from her room and the group began exchanging presents.
Frank and Alice had gotten plants and seeds to help them start the garden they were wanting to grow at their new house they had just bought. Marlene and Dorcas each got sweets from Honeydukes and some home-furnishing books to help them out with the decorating of the apartment they had just gotten together.
The group had all previously decided on Sirius' gift, deciding to get him mirrors. The look on his face when every present he opened was a mirror was hilarious to them all. Unfortunately, James had to step his present up a notch and had made it into something Sirius could use besides just looking at himself.
It was a two-way mirror, James having the other one. Whenever Sirius looked into it James could see his face on the other side and vice-versa. It was an easier way for them to talk if need-be.
Remus had gotten some books and sweets from Honeydukes like Marlene and Dorcas, but his books mostly consisted of things to do with constellations and the night sky, the sweets mostly being anything chocolate. Peter was just given a whole bunch of different junk foods.
When it came down to Lily and James' turn everyone was already really tired from the long day they had had earlier. The two decided to just open the ones from their friends and then to do their presents to each other separately so the group could get to bed to be ready for classes in the morning.
Lily had gotten books and James had gotten Quidditch supplies, like normal. They said goodnight to their friends and soon enough were the only two left in the Common Room.
James smiled at his fiancée, kissing her on the head before handing her the small wrapped box.
"For us to be safe in the journey ahead," James said as Lily opened the package. He watched her drop it into her lap, laughing and shaking her head.
"Godric, James. A box of condoms? Really?" She laughed, kissing him on the cheek. "It's too late anyway and now you've gone and ruined my whole plan."
"What do you mean it's too late?" James asked, confused.
"Open your present," Lily said softly, wringing her hands nervously.
James picked up the present that was sitting on his lap, it was rectangle shaped. He opened it, finding a frame. When James pulled it out it was backwards, not showing the picture that was placed inside of it.
Lily became more nervous as he turned the frame around to look at the picture inside of it, she turned her head down so he couldn't look at her face.
"Lily?" James whispered, staring at the frame.
She didn't answer.
"Lils?" James whispered again, trying to get her to look at him. "Baby?"
Lily flinched at the nickname. "Sorry," James chuckled. "Bad choice of words. But sweetie, really. Look at me please."
She moved her head up, tears brimming in her eyes. Lily looked at James and when she saw him smiling tears dropped down her face.
"Is this for real? Like this isn't fake right?" James asked happily, wiping away the tears from her face.
"It's real," Lily whispered, looking down at the picture.
"Godric, Lily, I'm so happy right now. This is so good. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
James pulled Lily's face toward his, kissing her slowly. Lily broke the kiss, leaning her forehead against his as they both looked down at the picture laying between them.
The ultrasound stared up at them, their baby looking as tiny as it would ever be.