Christmas at the Potters was a lot different from what Lily saw. Everyone was always cheery, kind, and helpful. She loved it. She didn't have to defend herself every second and she wasn't being pushed around into doing things she didn't want to do.
The one thing she's learned so far is that James definitely did not get his pranking joke side from his mum. Mrs. Potter was probably one of the most kind and generous person Lily had ever met. Mr. Potter on the other hand had been telling jokes since Lily had arrived, he was definitely the one James got that side from.
He also looked a lot like his father, with the unruly hair and the glasses. His eyes though he got from his mum. Lily would never be able to get those kind, loving eyes out of her head even if she tried.
She sat silently curled up in James' lap, his arms around her body holding her close to him. Lily felt a little uncomfortable doing this since they were in front of his parents who she had never met until today, but James had insisted (practically begged) on having her close to him. Sirius sat beside them, sending Lily glances every now and then to make sure she was okay.
Mr and Mrs Potter were talking continuously about how it was so nice to finally meet her, Lily just smiled and nodded appreciatively. Thanking them and replying whenever it was necessary. It wasn't much later until she finally felt comfortable around the two parents and in her new surroundings.
"Mum, dad, I was wondering if it'd be okay if Sirius and I took Lily out to show her around," James spoke up after a few minutes of silence had settled between the five.
"Of course it's okay," Mrs. Potter responded. "I'm sorry we've kept you for so long, it's not every day we get to meet one of your new friends let alone your girlfriend."
"Don't apologize, mum. I'm sorry I didn't bring Lily around sooner," James said kissing his mum on the cheek after us three had stood up.
"It was very nice to meet you both," Lily smiled, hugging both Mr and Mrs Potter before going back to stand next to James.
"Likewise, my dear," Mr. Potter said, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist. Lily smiled to herself, the gesture reminding her of what James always did. She guessed he had learned it from his father and was she oh so happy he did, it was one of Lily's favorite gestures as she always felt safe and protected next to him wrapped in his embrace.
The three moved to go outside, James keeping Lily close to him as they walked while Sirius ran ahead like a child. Lily shivered a bit as the cold air hit her face and body, she wasn't as bundled up as she probably should've been since it wasn't snowing and freezing cold at her childhood home.
James pulled her closer, trying to keep her warm. Instead, Lily pulled out her wand and did a simple warming spell around them.
"I knew I asked you out for good reason," James mumbled, kissing the top of her head.
Lily laughed, playing along. "Well I'm not called 'smartest witch of her age' for nothing."
James agreed, she was definitely the smartest witch at Hogwarts even being muggleborn. Lily had surpassed everyone their age which always left him wondering why she had chosen him, plain old James Potter.
. . .
Hours later, after James and Sirius had shown her around, Lily and the two boys headed back inside for Christmas dinner before they opened presents. Remus, who had dropped by not too long ago and was joining them for dinner and presents, was already inside greeting Mr and Mrs Potter. Lily wondered if this was their Christmas tradition.
Dinner had gone by smoothly, everyone was cheerful and there was never a dull moment. Lily had offered for her and James to clean up the dishes and, unfortunately for James, Mrs. Potter accepted her offer.
They were now in the kitchen washing the dishes and James complained every moment he got.
"Oh would you shut up," Lily finally said, having had enough of his whining. "I'm trying to do something nice here. Your parents have taken me in when they hadn't the need to and on Christmas nonetheless. I don't need them thinking I'm rude, I've already barged in and probably ruined their Christmas with you."
"Sorry," James mumbled to his now annoyed girlfriend. "But you're wrong. You haven't ruined anything, lils. My parents adore you if you haven't caught onto that yet. They seem to like you more than they like me."
"That's nonsense James and you know it. Your parents love you to death and don't you dare ever think otherwise. I would give anything to have parents like yours."
That shut James up. He stopped drying and turned around to look at his girlfriend who was leaning over the sink, still washing dishes.
"Hey, baby. I'm sorry." James whispered, embracing Lily in a hug.
"I know," she whispered back. Lily buried her head in his chest, breathing in his calming scent.
"James! Lily! Get your butts out here," Sirius yelled from the living room where everyone was waiting around the tree.
Lily laughed as she could hear Mrs. Potter scolding Sirius for being rude and calling out for them instead of going to get them like she had asked.
"Coming!" James called back. Taking one last look at his girlfriend he smiled and pecked her on the lips before they joined the rest of the group out by the tree.
James and his parents exchanged presents and Sirius and Remus did the same, thanking the Potters. The four of them had decided to do their present exchange back at Hogwarts with the rest of their friends.
Lily sat a bit awkwardly in James' lap as the two parents and three boys exchanged presents but he kept kissing her cheek and mumbling cute things in her ear that made her smile. What Lily hadn't expected was when Mr and Mrs Potter turned to her with one last present in hand.
"Now, I know we've just met and all," Mrs. Potter started, "But we've heard so much about you from James and although we didn't expect to see you here, we did get a little something for you."
"We were going to give to James to give to you when you both saw each other back at Hogwarts, but now that you're here we can just give it to you directly," Mr. Potter finished for his wife, smiling.
"Oh, wow. Thank you so much. I don't have anything for you though," Lily said a bit embarrassed. "It's very lovely for you to have thought of me."
"Nonsense dear, we don't need anything from you. You've already given us the best gift we could've ever hoped for," Mrs. Potter answered.
At Lily's confused look she continued. "You've given our son happiness, that's all we could ever ask for."
Lily looked up at James, smiling at him as he kissed the side of her forehead. She then graciously took the present for Mr and Mrs Potter and opened it, careful to not make a mess of the wrapping paper like the three boys before her had done.
"Oh, thank you," Lily said, getting up to hug both Mr and Mrs Potter. "They're lovely."
They had gotten her a cute pajama set and apparently, according to James' reaction, he had the same pajamas. They had gotten her and James a matching pajama set. Lily couldn't be happier because now she could make James wear the pajamas with her at Hogwarts.
After they had finished presents the four teens made their way up to James' room, talking about Hogwarts and how they weren't ready to get back to school anytime soon.