He couldn't disagree with his father , he had been living his whole life getting satisfaction from his training through the effort he put in rather than something simple like being lazy and spoon-fed like some spoiled child who drank several elixirs to improve their body .
" But you know you are not that kind of child Ikuta , but having a complicated joy would make your white magic stronger , because your joy has many reasons to be this joyful rather than a simple satisfaction of filling up your stomach "
Ikuta was still looking for soul magic when he agreed he would take the test for white magic ' I still can't find soul magic but I can start with black and white magic ' he still doesn't know what to use the coding magic for though .
' It is one of those magic that just appeared it only uses technology as a medium ' he compared coding magic to enchanting magic but coding magic was much more harder if it could bring him inside the game world and influence reality .
' But the magic the clerk uses was just runes sent to a game ' every code Ikuta would write eventually gets translated the moment he uses the enter key according to the clerk's memory .
' I could translate the games I had but some of them use reality so it probably won't work at least I have it now but the way this magic works is different '
Because a game also functions differently . Ikuta had to adhere to so many rules if he wanted to apply coding to magic and the translation key from word to magic runes was just one of them .
' No wonder he had to put it in a game chip because uploading through the internet would be hard ' he figured he could make use of this one day but the problem was who he could use it on .
' I could show that I was able to use it and pretend that the clerk found it in a garbage dump it would make a lot of sense and would let me get the credit ' he wanted to use the device he got from the clerk as a catalyst to run these games and get an increase on his access to the library .
He finishes lunch and goes to Nisse's home seeing Amber inside " So how was the trip to the church ? " " It was very short I got the book and gave it to Claire for safekeeping "
" Wow you have very long hair " Nisse's cousins took him and for the rest of the day he played the role of staying still while talking about how he kept his hair healthy .
He came home hearing Ratatoskr tending to Yggdrasil " AHH young master Ikuta you are home currently I have to take care of the house now that Claire and Louis left it to my care so if you want to ask for a meal I will provide it " Ikuta wanted to do something else today .
' It's time I try out coding magic , he already learned enough and took the old console and started to code a game for it ' This is so exciting ' Ikuta felt like the time he started making his first sword but this time he was enchanting technology itself .
He already knew about the enchantments he could get but enchanting technology that has a complex system compared to the simple enchantment on a sword made this exciting . Magic items still exist even today but incorporating technology with magic was hard .
He held the soul of the clerk with him using their experience to finish the game " Okay now I just have to add the translation " He selected the file with the runes for dark magic and replaced it with the default runes for black magic .
' After that I hit enter ' he hits the button and watches the program's code turn from the language he was familiar with into the dark magic's runes " Ikuta Dinner is read " " I'll eat after I'm finished with this "
The program code was finished and now he just has to upload it into a chip . He selects one empty chip and uploads it into it " I'm coming " the computer starts uploading the data into the chip and Ikuta watches the process with his dark eye spell .
" How was the visit ? " " It was good Nisse introduced me to her cousins and the younger ones called me her boyfriend but she said we're not " " Oh so you have a crush on her " Claire teased Ikuta while he shook his head .
" No , I don't have that " " Oh come on Ikuta you could consider Nisse your childhood friend and you know how you develop a crush with a girl who you have been with since you were young " Ikuta wonders if Claire's teasing was just his father teasing him .
" I already said I don't have a crush on her " Ikuta retorted while keeping focus on it " Sigh you're no fun " His father said " Okay , at least you don't have to fight Druk over the elf princess " ' She's not an elf princess '
He was sure about this because Nisse had silver hair , Nisse was a night elf even though her cousins were day elves who dwelled at the night , her mother was a day elf but her father's lineage was clear in her body .
There was supposed to be a war between the night and day elves previously called dark and light elves during the war they settled their peace after finding no justification to kill each other .
' Nisse used to have friends but they usually leave since she looks more like a night elf but she isn't that bad ' Ikuta thinks about the racial discrimination that some kids had before that slowly disappears as they grow older and more mature .
While watching the runes being uploaded to the chip Ikuta wondered if he could find a way to use the chips as a catalyst for great magic spells ' That sounds hard but that's because it's useful ' The upload was complete and Ikuta finished dinner to rush upstairs to try his new item .
He used the seeing dark spell and saw the world as black and white seeing the console working as intended . He selected the items and entered sword to test the first function .
He felt his dark mana course through the gadget and it broke erupting through the room staining it " AHHH " He screamed loudly and Louis ran to see what happened .
He found the chip and controller destroyed " what ? Why is it broken " Ikuta complained , He worked too hard on this even enlisting the Clerk's soul to understand the concepts better , but now the chip and the console just destroyed themselves .
" What happened ? " " I coded magic like the instructions said but it didn't work " Louis looked at the book " Maybe the material isn't that good ? " " Awww why did it have to break " the duchess herself had no answer for Ikuta .
" Maybe your affinity is too high " Ikuta thought of it " Yeah it probably is " He was still annoyed that it didn't work as he intended but at least he knew the problem for now was the material he uploaded the code on or maybe something else .
' But it worked so well with this chip ' Ikuta thought he had missed something and Ratatoskr was busy cleaning the dark mana that spilled ' I'll have to ask the clerk again ' " Don't worry I will have this room cleaned " Louis helped while Ikuta took a bath .
He returned to a clean room with all the parts that broke down cleaned out and walked to bed dropping himself to sleep " What's the problem why did your game work but not mine !? " Ikuta said loudly even if the clerk was being controlled .
" My chips are made of metal that is soaked with black mana " Ikuta wanted to wake up and check but he had to go to school and figured that he would still have to wait either way and then asked duchess .
" How do I keep dark mana present ? " " To do that a dark room would be preferable " ' And I have to upload it again ' Ikuta decided to do exactly with Duchess had said and the next morning he got up early and pooled all of his dark mana into a tiny box and threw one chip inside it .
' I don't know how much dark mana I need so I'll give it a lot ' Ikuta doesn't know about the consequences of doing this and stopped " Wait doesn't this mean the chip will eventually run out of mana to use ? "
He was almost convinced to marinate the chip with mana and hoped for the best but the thought of running out of mana crossed his mind ' How did you keep the mana replenished " the clerk gave Ikuta an answer .
" The use of games allowed it to extract black mana from any target " ' So that's why I had to cause suffering no wonder that's how I scored ' he assumed he just had to make the formula for the conversion of darkness into dark mana to create and he had the perfect one .
' Alright I'll upload this and take it with me ' he uploaded the data into the chip again but had no way to test it . He goes to have breakfast " Here " Louis showed Ikuta a new console " We found a new model for it and it performs better but can still read whatever chips you put "
He looked at the new console " Wow " " It can handle mana more , and it was just made last night " " Thank you " Ikuta said " Good now have breakfast " Ikuta decided to go earlier and reach the classroom .
' Okay now I can start ' he extracted his dark mana and the chip started to enchant it to derive dark mana from darkness itself on its own the same spell the duchess used on the moon ' Since it becomes easier to extract mana in the dark I just have to do it like this . '
He surrounded the chip with dark mana and runes " Ikuta what is that ? " Ezio asked " I'm trying to make a game with magic I found a retro game maker set online and bought it turns out it's a new kind of magic "
Ikuta draws the last rune and embeds it " Okay now this could be bad so I have to go out to try it " He puts the chip inside and the console emits a dark ray and shows a black and white screen " Hmm it looks like it worked "
He selected an icon and created a block " It worked " He held the control and moved the block " YES IT WORKED " He started making stairs back to their classroom and climbed up " Wow " Ezio touched it and felt how solid the blocks are "
" Alright , this is perfect " " You better be careful Ikuta unless you want it confiscated " Nisse said " Oh yeah Ikuta hide it hide it " Ikuta was confused and quickly held his console ery tightly " The worst you can get is a warning you are very new , but what was that ? " Nisse asked .
" Ikuta found something when he was looking for retro games " Ezio said and Nisse turned to Ikuta to get a more detailed story " I found a guy who wanted to sell a setup for making retro games I didn't know it was made for enchanting a chip to make the game like magic "
" Can we have a look ? " Ikuta nodded " But if you want to test it be careful I nearly destroyed my bedroom for it " " But you didn't get hurt " Nisse guessed " Yep , I got dirty though "
Druk and Amber entered and both were looking at them wondering what they were talking about " Amber Ikuta made this " Ezio pointed at the console " Made what ? " Amber was confused about it and so was Druk .
" Well it's something I found online and made and it's too long to say it all the time though " " Let's just say he learned how to enchant technology and now that console can use magic " " Yep you can even use it to " Ikuta gave Druk the console and the teacher took it .
" Druk I'm confiscating this " " What ? " Druk turned to Ikuta who was just as surprise " Uhm sorry it was me " the teacher seeing that Ikuta was just new and figured " Fine we'll let you off with a warning don't use magic like that ever again "
" Thank you teacher " Ikuta bowed apologetically " Hey Amber why don't you come visit Ikuta's home with us ? " " Ehh I can ? " " Yeah that's how I became friends with Ikuta "
Later they arrived at Ikuta's home and saw Ratatoskr " Oh hello Young master " Druk was confused about why there was a squirrel " Hmm " Nisse was observing him " Oh uhm you guys know I have a contract with a plant right ? " They all nodded .
" Well Turns out it's the child of Yggdrasil " Druk and Amber were surprised while Ezio and Nisse " Okay so is that squirrel supposed to be Ratatoskr ? " Nisse asked " Wha ? Nisse are you not surprised ? " Druk asked .
" With the amount of lifeforce that he is giving through the contract , I wouldn't be surprised if he fed a tree to be like the world tree , they did say that all plants were connected to Yggdrasil " Nisse said .
" I mean do you think it's surprising at all ? " Ezio asked " Yes ? " Amber said " It doesn't sound like it , Ikuta being strong is already weird so I'm fine with this " " Of course it's weird " Druk said " No it's not DRUK " Ezio said with a louder voice and started to rant .
" This guy could time chance time at party bros , his dice rolls aren't random it's custom , I thought I could win a game with luck but he is so skilled he bypassed the barrier of luck , he buys the triple dice in the shop and never touches the custom dice "
Nisse listened to his rant and said " Woah Ezio you have to calm down , I would believe that Ikuta would win even if we all go against him " Ezio thought about it .
" Yeah he probably could " Ezio and Nisse went to the couch while Druk and Amber were still looking at Ratatoskr and the roots around the house .
" I got the game but we have five people , so how about you guys play first ? " " What will you do ? " " I'm going to update the console so I can use it for other things " " Okay " Louis looked at the friends and made an order .
" Amber get the crust !!! " Ezio yelled at last place " I'm trying " while they played a game Ikuta was upstairs trying to make an update ' I'm going to need it maybe I should make another weapon '
His initial design consisted of making things appear and letting him interact but that's all it is , a bunch of forms that manifested ' I only have one spell right now so maybe I should add another one '
He remembers the attack the mannequin shot at him at the last minute and decides to give the game a character " Maybe I should just make the hands " He imagined himself with mannequin hands around him prepared to cast spells " That works but it's not like the hands would look good on 8 bit games "
He knew how hard it would be to make the hand look good so he took a different approach " How about the blasters that can shoot with pulling a trigger " he drew a 3d model using blocks and codded the form into one of the selectable forms .
" Now I just need to add that dark laser " he felt satisfied to have a floating laser shooter " Wait ... is it spelled laser or lazer " He goes down to ask Ezio about it " Ezio what is laser spelled with an s or z ? " " I think both are fine but I think you should go for lazer " " Ezio it's your turn " " I know "
Ikuta settled with the incorrect spelling and added the spell formula for turning dark mana into a laser " Okay now what else do I need " he remembered he had shown the others the seeing dark spell and figured he could add it but had to set up a targeting system .
" I would have to do it for the lazer too anyways " he coded the targeting system for the dark laser on the blaster model , he added the seeing dark to be cast on a person's eyesight ' This one is hard , better make a some glasses '
He didn't want anyone to experience what he had seen when he closed his eyes with the seeing dark spell , so he completed the glasses and thought of more defensive power " A wall should be enough "
He uploads everything and looks at Ratatoskr " Ratatoskr can you stay still " " Of course " Ikuta starts the game and searches for the glasses selecting it before pointing it at Ratatoskr . Glasses his size appeared and shot through him " AHHH "
Ratatoskr dodged it " Young master did I displease you in a way ? " Ratatoskr asked " Oh no I didn't think it would do that looks like I have a lot of things to do " Ratatoskr was curious and followed Ikuta and stood on his computer desk " What are you doing ? "
" I'm trying to enchant technology to make a magic tool but it's hard " Ikuta tested creating a laser and it only popped out somewhere nearby " This isn't working " " What kind of result do you seek ? "
" I wanted you to use the seeing dark spell that I added to the glasses I didn't think it would blast it off I'll just get that fixed , maybe make it appear outside instead of through the console " Ikuta had no idea how to fix the problem of items manifesting and shooting out .
" What am I missing ? " He hears the doorknob turn " Ikuta wanna play ? Druk said he'd rather watch " " No I'm still trying to figure this thing out " Ezio was curious and followed Ikuta " What's the problem . "
" Every time I want to make an item appear it shoots out instead of just appearing " " You know there is a VR game that uses your house as a platform ? " " Oh that sounds nice " Ikuta thinks for a while " Hey that could work , Thank you Ezio I'll be able to finish this "
Ikuta started working while Ezio got bored and excused himself out " Alright this has to work " Ratatoskr stood still and Ikuta pressed the button manifesting glasses the size of Ratatoskr that fell on him not in a harmful way " Wow this is fascinating . "
" Yes , it worked now that means this should fly " He summoned a blaster made a wall pointed the blaster at it and got it to shoot . A dark laser shot at the wall and acted the same way a laser would act after colliding with a wall .
" It worked !!! " Ikuta was so happy he returned all the dark mana from the outside and returned it back in " I got it to work " Nisse looked at the console and Ikuta brought it down " Look " He pointed at the TV manifesting a transparent wall that is enchanted by the seeing dark spell " Wow "
" I know this is so exciting it even works " He canceled the item and selected another one forming 8 bit glasses " Cool it looks like the ones on the internet " Ezio said and he put on the glasses and poses .
" Yeah " " Yo it's like having an editor in real life " Ezio wondered if he could get a fake cigarette " It's too bad I can't make any other color but if I can enchant it with more it could work but I'm not so sure about using different languages to code "
Nisse was curious and thought of it " Don't you have an ice affinity ? " Ikuta nodded " Then you can try that " Ezio said " Hmm I'll try " " Won't it be hard to use two different affinities " Amber said " Normally we would but Ikuta started without an affinity I'm sure he can do it "
Ezio said with much pride that he answered that " That's true but it's not like I know how to create ice mana out of nowhere " While darkness was naturally more inclined to the void and is omnipresent but hidden by light Ikuta didn't understand the concept of how to extract ice out of the void .
' I could try to use myself as a supplier that is how magic items worked before but it did break when I used it like last night ' he figured he could try but he wasn't that far into learning all the runes for ice magic " But in the first place Ratatoskr said that my ice affinity was more like Niflheim's climate "
Druk and Amber were surprised to hear that and Ezio said " So does that mean you can't make blue pixels ? " " Yeah , the way this coding magic works is if I know the runes of the affinity I use , there's no point in using normal ice runes if I have ice mana from Niflheim "
Ikuta sighed with so much disappointment " Uhm If you just want runes from Niflheim why don't you ask the literature of the giants ? " Amber said .
" Mom always said that even though ice giants used to live at Niflheim their descendants went to Jotunheim so only the ancient ice giants live there but no one knows what is in there because it is the realm of primordial ice "
" Oh then isn't this the perfect opportunity for you to visit Niflheim ? " Ratatoskr said " you can find Nidhogg or Vedrfolnir to help me take care of Yukina " " Yeah let's go on an adventure " Ezio said " Now now now children you are all not allowed to go you feel freeze to death if you go "
" Aww " Ezio said with so much disappointment " So why not hire some adventurers to help you ? " Ratatoskr suggested " I don't think that would be a good idea " Nisse said " They have only been making a living out of dungeons but even that wouldn't be enough to go to the realm of Primordial ice "
" I forgot to ask this ... where did Ratatoskr come from ? " Ezio asked " I came from Niflheim after young mistress Yukina woke up , so I can lead you to Niflheim " " Oh perfect " His father said " You can go get runes for it I'll just have to move Nidhogg and Vedrfolnir in some location "
" I don't think I want to go " Druk said " What are you scared ? " Ezio asked not in a mocking tone " No I'm not stupid to go " " Well you don't have to go only Ikuta here should , with his affinity the thing he has to worry about is whether his clothes could freeze " Ratatoskr said .
" You might want an excuse abscene form for that " Nisse said " Well I'll be waiting on your decision until then " Amber fidgets " Uhm I don't think you should , it is dangerous " " Well I won't go yet but I do want to make blue pixels "
Druk couldn't believe Ikuta would risk his life just to add another color to his game . Louis intervened before it got any more awkward " Everyone you don't have to worry about Ikuta he already had the frost go through his body so you can go home without worry especially you two "
Amber and Druk nodded and got ready to leave and so did the rest " See you at school Ikuta in case you don't go to Niflheim " Nisse said " Good luck on your adventure , captain " Ezio said waving back and walking through the snow with the rest .
" You know It would be really fun if Ikuta did get the runes it would make the sunglasses cooler " " Do you mean as in cold or just cool " Nisse joked " Ahh " Ezio realized what he just said " I take it you didn't mean cold " Nisse said .
Ikuta also wanted to get the runes but the fact that he might get so much attention would ruin his social life ' I don't want to be popular but I still want to get the runes ' He looked at Ratatoskr and wondered about the lightning he has .
' Didn't the adventurer use something similar ? ' " Ratatoskr how did you do that lightning thing ? " " Oh you mean this " Ratatoskr sparked a bit of lightning " Yeah how do you do that ? " " I earned it it's a very long story you don't have to hear it "
" I want to hear it " Ikuta said " Alright I'll tell you a bedtime story then but only after you finish dinner and your bath " Ikuta was curious about the story of how Ratatoskr got his lightning because he was sure that the adventurer also got it .
While inside Niflheim Vedrfolnir and Nidhogg were placed in a completely random location " Now as for that ancient ice giant he'll have to bring the giant out if he wants to I just have to bring the portal somewhere else "88Please respect copyright.PENANAsGhcaSFDNT
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