Chapter 30
The knocking continued before55Please respect copyright.PENANAWv9JzDFuJN
Vander got off the bed, slowly walking over. He couldn’t smell much through the55Please respect copyright.PENANACiDPB9rVYr
heavy door, but there was enough to know that both Right and Left were standing55Please respect copyright.PENANAMIRW1nzfzG
there. He wasn’t sure what they wanted. It was still many hours away until he55Please respect copyright.PENANAiTz4kWwnDh
had to get ready for his bout with whoever Ross had picked, so they must want55Please respect copyright.PENANAUUx0fzcRi7
something else. Shea jumped down from the bed to join him. Her ears were55Please respect copyright.PENANAeP2hDEyF1G
sticking up, but he knew that she would be ready to protect him if he needed55Please respect copyright.PENANAbMNUgCGgET
He opened the door, slowly, poking55Please respect copyright.PENANAsRxRW3i5QR
his head out to see the two bouncers standing there with arms folded. One of55Please respect copyright.PENANAJ88MgrFMIc
them was carrying a long, wrapped package in his hands. “I still have a few55Please respect copyright.PENANAWOJX2Qv9vs
hours,” Vander said. “What can I do for you?”
“Ross sent word.” Right said.55Please respect copyright.PENANAItNmyMQ5Fw
“Something came up, so the fight won’t be for two more days. Make sure you are55Please respect copyright.PENANACMpq4JUdaj
well rested.” The news was a shock. In the entire time Vander had been here,55Please respect copyright.PENANALn6y103gmM
not once had the boss pushed back a fight, especially not one he had been55Please respect copyright.PENANABNqCmP9n92
looking forward to for years. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had something55Please respect copyright.PENANAGFDS2AttvB
to do with him.
“Your weapon was finished.” Left55Please respect copyright.PENANAFkgNPo4lVu
thrusted the package into Vander’s arms. “Not sure what you needed something55Please respect copyright.PENANAx2qLK1SjGu
like this for, but just don’t break it. It was expensive.” Thanking the two of55Please respect copyright.PENANAT5h4OM390I
them, Vander ducked back into his room.
“What did you get?” Shea55Please respect copyright.PENANAa0HWJ7mTYH
jumped back onto the bed folding her paws underneath each other.
“A special sword from Kolmijr,”55Please respect copyright.PENANATCMYgXRFsO
Vander tore off the packaging to show a scabbard sword. The sheath was ornate,55Please respect copyright.PENANALwhI0WB6z4
made from wood that had been painted black with white along the edges. “The55Please respect copyright.PENANAqWQMM4Cuzo
sword has a reverse blade, so I won’t hurt anyone if I come across them55Please respect copyright.PENANAKRlpysbx7e
“If someone attacks you, you55Please respect copyright.PENANA0qu54eHLT4
should strike them down, no questions asked.” Shea growled. “They blamed55Please respect copyright.PENANAE6AyG2o1Al
you for something you didn’t do, they deserve no mercy.”
“Unless it’s Leon, I don’t want to55Please respect copyright.PENANAC5zjdtC9wQ
hurt them no matter your feelings on it.” Vander sighed. “They will be doing55Please respect copyright.PENANAI3mEZ0ZqX7
their job, there is no reason to lose their lives for it.” He placed the sword55Please respect copyright.PENANAoFULdUvTXL
on the bed before cupping his companion’s face in his hands. “It’s no longer us55Please respect copyright.PENANAsIlPWDZASH
against everyone else, Shea. We have friends we can count on.”
“Then where are they?” Vander55Please respect copyright.PENANA4Dl3jTdWg8
didn’t have an answer for that. He kissed the top of her head before heading55Please respect copyright.PENANAimnS0engJt
towards the desk against the wall.
With everything that had been55Please respect copyright.PENANAMH6NsNUaed
going on, he hadn’t had time to look at the book Peyton had been willing to55Please respect copyright.PENANAeaGDyQGD6o
kill Malcolm to get his hands on. If this book was as important as everyone55Please respect copyright.PENANA3rjToUvhJt
seemed to think, why had it stayed unknown within the royal library for so55Please respect copyright.PENANAdrgq6mbr8M
long? And why wait until now to get it? No matter how long he thought it over,55Please respect copyright.PENANAh2coiw5M5m
he couldn’t get to an answer that made any sort of sense. Since he had the next55Please respect copyright.PENANAAViKLkAnVs
two nights off, now would be a good time to find out why.
He removed the book from the55Please respect copyright.PENANAeJKLEEesfm
hidden drawer within the desk. Only two people knew it was there and with Shea55Please respect copyright.PENANA6TlUwYeUTG
guarding the room, there was no way Ross would have come in there uninvited.55Please respect copyright.PENANAu42lQ0UBIj
Friend or not, that would have been a one-way trip to the undertaker.
The book itself seemed to be very55Please respect copyright.PENANAvFmbBL1VLY
old. The blackened leather was beginning to crack while some of the pages were55Please respect copyright.PENANAnh13mzO99C
stuck a dark brown from years of sitting on dusty bookshelves. It was rather55Please respect copyright.PENANAb0JiGegrbz
innocuous, if someone hadn’t been looking for it, there was a huge chance that55Please respect copyright.PENANAhWKD6c4MMO
they never would have found it. Vander hesitated before opening it. This was55Please respect copyright.PENANAxkc04Cye36
something Malcolm had been killed for; what mysteries would be hidden within?
The first thing he saw was a55Please respect copyright.PENANAsfKYagpTWN
folded piece of paper inside of the front cover. Confusingly it had his name on55Please respect copyright.PENANA2w0hXkKM1N
it with the former King’s handwriting on the front. Frowning, Vander carefully55Please respect copyright.PENANAGGBors2dKr
removed the letter and unfolded it to read the contents:
I55Please respect copyright.PENANAJsowYkCqmO
am writing this letter shortly before my son’s, and your friend’s, wedding. If55Please respect copyright.PENANA0i0nRQylz8
you find this letter, then my life has been cut short and my plans have gone55Please respect copyright.PENANA9nqpB3J4fa
off the rails. Being the Ma’akti of Humjir has its challenges, but being able55Please respect copyright.PENANACGx3gbuKOv
to see the future and doing nothing to change it tops the list. Just know you55Please respect copyright.PENANAykwKKmu6If
have everything you need to find those responsible for my death and bring them55Please respect copyright.PENANAc3UHOFNcBr
to justice.
In55Please respect copyright.PENANAm43V9VYC8c
this book you will find some answers you need, but the rest you will need to55Please respect copyright.PENANAWixS4I69iW
find on your own. I am sorry I couldn’t do more and I’m sorry that you must do55Please respect copyright.PENANAFcVA2CRBmb
this alone. He will listen to you; you just have to ask. Good luck kid, despite55Please respect copyright.PENANAzbdsYno0Nr
the time we had together I wish we had more, but I know you will do everything55Please respect copyright.PENANAhIQz2dYSBd
you can to protect our home. You always have.
After55Please respect copyright.PENANA2B2Wn5Llk7
you read, see Humi. He alone knows that you are innocent, and he will help you.
Good55Please respect copyright.PENANAU9wnnn98vF
Tears55Please respect copyright.PENANA1oBl0LHgzl
splashed down on the letter, but Vander quickly brushed them away. He knew he55Please respect copyright.PENANAg8MEeKL06l
should be angry at Malcolm for not letting him know ahead of time, but he knew55Please respect copyright.PENANA7RA2RVJo6G
that if he had been told, he would have done everything in his power to keep55Please respect copyright.PENANAi9ecF4Cxsd
the king’s death from happening. That didn’t mean he had to like it, however.55Please respect copyright.PENANAo0DtX8vd4Z
And if Humi had known, that would have meant Malcolm trusted him enough with55Please respect copyright.PENANACWjwVifatn
his secret, but did that mean Vander should trust him as well? There was only55Please respect copyright.PENANAvJvwiIvCpv
one way to find out, but he would have to wait a couple more hours until it was55Please respect copyright.PENANAqczkXjSGyz
dark. Until then, he would read.
He55Please respect copyright.PENANATtG7vUt8ZK
skipped past the creation myth of the first couple of chapters. Everyone in55Please respect copyright.PENANAV9PVhYuxRm
Eluvia knew about it, they were taught when they were small about the Gods that55Please respect copyright.PENANA8rNMwJUL0M
ruled their lives. Most of them anyway. He wanted to know more about Unna, the55Please respect copyright.PENANAZfHYt9RT8v
one who had changed the course of his life. He wanted to know about the demon,55Please respect copyright.PENANAIydhiJCCUb
what he could do to keep it from taking control.
Tragically55Please respect copyright.PENANA2GwMF5HQjb
there wasn’t much in her section. He shouldn’t have been so disappointed, he55Please respect copyright.PENANA8nbiZ9lase
knew that, but it still hurt. Other than Aubum, Unna was the most secretive of55Please respect copyright.PENANApbZsb3VyVh
the Gods, preferring to toy with humanity and their emotions. There was no way55Please respect copyright.PENANAO6AFXeP3XG
that she would spill her secrets on anyone who would ask and most of those she55Please respect copyright.PENANA0QpQT20uCS
chose to take her power didn’t live long anyway, but it was still worth55Please respect copyright.PENANAkeKWo4XMPC
remembering what was there in case he needed it.
Unna’s gifts are not for the faint of heart. She55Please respect copyright.PENANAhwNptIXf7t
gives her Ma’akti the power of the animals they bond with the strength of the55Please respect copyright.PENANAq5XgL8t0vo
bear, senses of the wolf, or sight of the hawk, but it doesn’t come without55Please respect copyright.PENANAV8KC8wekJw
cost. In each of her Ma’akti lives a more animalistic version of themselves, a55Please respect copyright.PENANAV7cF7zY57L
demon as many called it. They embody what the person would be if they didn’t55Please respect copyright.PENANADjflvTSlfS
have morality and lived by the laws of the wild. Many can resist the urges of55Please respect copyright.PENANADM3k6JyJj6
their demon for years or even decades, but after awhile the walls in their mind55Please respect copyright.PENANABOd62hepkU
crack under the pressure. They go into a trace then kill without question. Many55Please respect copyright.PENANAkAst1c710h
are killed once people know what they have done and have many centuries, people55Please respect copyright.PENANA63vCcY00k0
preemptively killed those chosen as soon as they found out causing many to hide55Please respect copyright.PENANA2rGrPlSaku
their true nature until the end comes.
It is difficult to explain why these things55Please respect copyright.PENANAYN8Bt7aEh6
happen, why some can hold out longer than others. Many believe that it is based55Please respect copyright.PENANAchAGSPJute
on Unna’s will. If she likes you, she makes it easier to resist. If she55Please respect copyright.PENANAjtxo3havKs
doesn’t, well, you wind up her dinner. Some believe that will is the driving55Please respect copyright.PENANAt4nRC1chjB
force behind resisting the urges, but I’m not sure if that is the case. It will55Please respect copyright.PENANAJO63aRdNZY
be a true testament for someone to live more than two decades after being55Please respect copyright.PENANAOk0prKMDix
chosen. As of now that hasn’t happened, but I am hoping at some point it will.55Please respect copyright.PENANA7TTkKuqTNR
These chosen can be a force for good in protecting us if Darkness ever makes55Please respect copyright.PENANAmN8K2j48nN
her way back into our world.
Something of interest I have discovered after55Please respect copyright.PENANADQl7BXoVQP
years of research. Each of Unna’s Ma’akti has something called a mate. Unlike55Please respect copyright.PENANAgHvLI5CK0o
today’s term where someone’s mate is the person they spend their life with and55Please respect copyright.PENANAdzQeSWBQ08
raise a family together, an Unna’s chosen’s mate is something a little more55Please respect copyright.PENANAnnnTyILu3N
primal. It tethers them to humanity, soothing the demon enough for them to get55Please respect copyright.PENANAyy7YLrmZhy
a handle on who they are and who they want to be. It’s even stronger when their55Please respect copyright.PENANAXyzqhAmdQe
“mate” is another Ma’akti. They can feel an instant attraction to one another,55Please respect copyright.PENANA841BUMuQtd
as if fate was guiding them. It’s only happened once before, if it can be55Please respect copyright.PENANAFqtVtejAJD
believed. The only one in myth was Ritoru, Unna’s own mate. A large white wolf55Please respect copyright.PENANAsg4CgvCuDm
capable of killing anyone who dared messed with her. Quite a match.
Vander55Please respect copyright.PENANAOkiG5nUq0F
leaned back into the chair after rereading that part several times. The writer55Please respect copyright.PENANASn1jrdjV1j
said it had only happened once, if mythology could be believed, but if that was55Please respect copyright.PENANAqjhD9WfIEW
true, how did Eliza know about it? Were things taught differently in Bricen55Please respect copyright.PENANAhocHDSC87f
than they were here? But at least now he had his answer. The creature55Please respect copyright.PENANAogic52drLO
whispering in his ear was his more animalistic side, the one that just wants to55Please respect copyright.PENANAFWUsTDK4oO
kill and survive. He would have to fight with everything he had to keep it at55Please respect copyright.PENANAGx9qPdPDzU
bay, but what would happen if he was forced to give in? It was something he55Please respect copyright.PENANA2LXahN9EpG
really didn’t want to think about. Shea must have sensed his distress because55Please respect copyright.PENANA1eI1DL7fp7
she walked over to him placing her head on his leg. He rubbed the top of her55Please respect copyright.PENANAbOIklbJrId
head deep in thought. Perhaps Humi would have the answers he needed.
“Do55Please respect copyright.PENANASubWBIXwFv
you fancy a stroll?” He looked down at Shea.
“Do55Please respect copyright.PENANANMow4IVM1O
you mean it?” Her55Please respect copyright.PENANA5Z45UzddKX
tail was wagging as she looked up at him. The only time she went out was to use55Please respect copyright.PENANAYze8DYLKjf
the bathroom, other than that she was forced to be in this room. Someone like55Please respect copyright.PENANAlHEdIhkbsp
her should be stuck behind the walls of some warehouse, she should be free to55Please respect copyright.PENANAMQJyBNih3S
explore the streets. Since it was late enough and people were inside, he55Please respect copyright.PENANAesXUc4rI8Y
figured why not allow her some freedom?
“I55Please respect copyright.PENANA0HYlbDIJjc
do.” He nodded. He stood up from the desk, making sure to take the black book55Please respect copyright.PENANA01I75aZ39s
with him when he got changed. Regardless of this place being under Ross’55Please respect copyright.PENANA2QvCsJSISX
protection, he didn’t trust the man not to go through his belongings once he55Please respect copyright.PENANAcayapgJFDf
and Shea were gone. He would do whatever he could to get one over on anyone he55Please respect copyright.PENANA3I8HxHbiyD
thought he could use, no matter their position.
Vander55Please respect copyright.PENANAX3JWHjrmsU
got dressed in his outfit he had used to cut down the Serpents the other night.55Please respect copyright.PENANA9B67nyuP9f
He had been up late cleaning all the blood of it then allowing it to dry. He55Please respect copyright.PENANAm91Ccz9rkG
didn’t want anyone to question him because it would be bad for all involved. He55Please respect copyright.PENANAkt9pdbK0aY
reapplied some of the dye to his hair before strapping his sword onto his55Please respect copyright.PENANA5mTzcpkBcF
baldric. The two of them walked over to the window that overlooked an alley. He55Please respect copyright.PENANAbR07gi58Im
pushed his hood up to cover his face then jumped, landing heavily on the55Please respect copyright.PENANAYKshP2HcRa
cobblestone road. Shea landed lightly behind him.
The55Please respect copyright.PENANAx8pRJ23E12
Orange Fox was booming tonight. Patrons were disappointed that a fight wasn’t55Please respect copyright.PENANAsAwU9YIqvv
happening so they were drowning their sorrows in booze, gambling, and it was55Please respect copyright.PENANAgl5Sdhq2xP
likely that more than a few of Ross’ girls would get a hefty payday once55Please respect copyright.PENANAKonpvQ6vQd
tonight was done. Right and Left were guarding the door dealing with people55Please respect copyright.PENANA1qi1aeoVcJ
wanting to get in, so they weren’t paying attention to the alley. Giving an55Please respect copyright.PENANAMW41IbTSdd
all-clear signal, Vander moved out from the shadows.
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For55Please respect copyright.PENANAAp0ms0pE13
tonight he said goodnight to the Southern District. Hopefully by the time he55Please respect copyright.PENANAzKyJTLTyHh
came back he would find the answers he needed. If not, then he just might be55Please respect copyright.PENANAMl06ejBWNs