Chapter 31
The roads leading out of the63Please respect copyright.PENANAaKx6xB440M
district were empty, which wasn’t much of a surprise. A common misconception63Please respect copyright.PENANAYhJwKLhwCh
about this place was that there were crimes happening all over, but that simply63Please respect copyright.PENANAct0GRYDJbp
wasn’t true. Since Ross had taken over it had gone down considerably, but63Please respect copyright.PENANAFzky13ZYB9
stigmas kept people from coming here, which was beneficial in this case.
The guards protecting the gate had63Please respect copyright.PENANAekXXPzTT9z
doubled since the other days and Vander didn’t think he could bluff his way out63Please respect copyright.PENANA09MaD3GXxN
of this one. Luckily, he was in disguise, so he instructed Shea to wait until63Please respect copyright.PENANAiVn0UoM7Xh
the guards were distracted before sneaking her way through. So, he shrank down63Please respect copyright.PENANAAHKLqOz7Iv
a bit and looked down at the road before meekly walking up to the guards. He63Please respect copyright.PENANAdeQEGbqqvn
made sure to make enough noise so that they would notice him. A giant hand was63Please respect copyright.PENANAghm0iIeApp
stuck out to keep Vander from going further.
“Stop,” One of them said. “Where63Please respect copyright.PENANAKy262AXbPi
are you coming from?”
“Over there,” Vander pointed back63Please respect copyright.PENANAewpu3wKkV3
towards the Southern District. “I’m new to the city and had no idea where I was63Please respect copyright.PENANAmRqgcrwnlL
going. I didn’t think a place in Eluvia would be so… scary.”
“Everyone knows to stay away from63Please respect copyright.PENANAz7avAaiMey
that area.” Another guard snorted. “Idiot probably tried to get some cheap tail63Please respect copyright.PENANAWybzoQum4v
and got scared.”
“Where are you headed?” The first63Please respect copyright.PENANAe39JT3MHbw
guard glared at his companion before turning back to look at Vander.
“Warm Heath,” Vander explained. “I63Please respect copyright.PENANAC3cpBkmEYJ
was told to meet my father there, but I got lost while I explored.”
“Warm Hearth?” The guard thought63Please respect copyright.PENANABrO2sdMqOK
for a moment before brightening. “That’s Julianna’s place. Such a beautiful63Please respect copyright.PENANA8lMHZBDekf
woman that one.” He sighed.
“What I’d love to do to her.” The63Please respect copyright.PENANAaBa3h0VhNS
other guards laughed together. Vander had to hold back his anger, but it didn’t63Please respect copyright.PENANAg4AS2S00aP
seem as though the group would have even noticed.
“Just follow this road all the way63Please respect copyright.PENANA1i72b4DSxy
down.” The helpful guard explained. “Once you see the gate leading into the63Please respect copyright.PENANAKY8YRFBDOF
Northern District it’s right here on the left.”
“Thank you.” Vander bowed his63Please respect copyright.PENANA5nknT9FqsT
head. He went to walk past them, but another hand stopped him in his tracks.
“Make sure to show some support to63Please respect copyright.PENANAdP97CoU2lW
your helpful guide.” A guard with a missing tooth grinned. Sighing, Vander63Please respect copyright.PENANAGcriXDRJs1
reached into his pocket and removed a gold coin then placed it in the guard’s63Please respect copyright.PENANA4fjl8EpVJc
hand. Pretending to be a country boy, he said:
“I hope that’s enough to show my63Please respect copyright.PENANA1u1g6dOhbb
appreciation.” The guard’s eyes practically exploded from their eyes as they63Please respect copyright.PENANAhYTa34vemd
saw the mark. Normally they’d get loose change, maybe even a silver piece, but63Please respect copyright.PENANAIQdBWjCIZZ
for someone to give them a gold mark, it was quite a boon. “If there is63Please respect copyright.PENANApxa8NVs2CN
anything else I would like to be on my way.”
“Just one more thing.” The first63Please respect copyright.PENANAvfEiVXjhgn
guard said. “What’s with the sword you’re holding? Usually merchants don’t63Please respect copyright.PENANA2CC3DfwuQK
carry weapons, so why do you?” He looked at the guard confused, but then burst63Please respect copyright.PENANA2PWMBnkQ8o
out laughing. He removed the sword from his baldric and handed it over.
“It’s got a reverse blade.” Vander63Please respect copyright.PENANAUj1RiHuJxF
explained. “It’s mostly used to keep people from messing with me. It’s not63Please respect copyright.PENANAbS2fcDaFEj
something that I’ve had to use yet, but it makes me feel safe.” The guards63Please respect copyright.PENANApx08md7u73
unsheathed the sword and looked it over. The first one chuckled before handing63Please respect copyright.PENANAROMGLY3NJN
it back.
“That’s quite the con you have63Please respect copyright.PENANADpenh6xdcY
there.” He said as Vander resheathed it. “Hopefully no one notices it or you’ll63Please respect copyright.PENANA21YW1FrJJV
wind up in trouble.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank63Please respect copyright.PENANADjSDPCgs2R
you.” Vander excused himself. He could hear the guards muttering to themselves63Please respect copyright.PENANABE75XnPCYh
as he walked back. He could hear what they were saying, and it sounded like63Please respect copyright.PENANA3wyppd5oGW
they were going to try and rob him if they saw him again. Perhaps he misjudged63Please respect copyright.PENANAsiU1zL6hnI
by handing them a gold mark. He would have to keep his wits about him when he63Please respect copyright.PENANAMG3aky3Otk
returned. He probably should go through the eastern district next time.
There were more patrols going63Please respect copyright.PENANA7b57qJJgPF
through the western district this time. It was to be expected since seven63Please respect copyright.PENANAZOfDZpCq5n
people had been killed, but he thought it was a bit overkill that mixed in with63Please respect copyright.PENANAdfnDjr3IyL
the normal patrols were Blades which made his job a little more difficult. They63Please respect copyright.PENANAoe7HAJLG7q
would be able to recognize him even through this disguise, even more so if Shea63Please respect copyright.PENANAZvrdX3trSF
was with him. So, he told her to stick to the shadows and alleys. He would meet63Please respect copyright.PENANAzA28eZ8SHQ
her in the northern district as soon as he could. She agreed and was gone.
To not appear suspicious, Vander63Please respect copyright.PENANAuWC0REpb5J
kept his head up and back straight. He walked without the fear of being hunted63Please respect copyright.PENANA3b47QeVT1C
which made him to be more invisible than if he tried sneaking. He had been63Please respect copyright.PENANAN4YFfcbl3e
taught that if you want to hide, you should do it in plain sight. Adapt a63Please respect copyright.PENANAxZiFPH1k3m
persona that wouldn’t stand out but look as though it belonged. He had learned63Please respect copyright.PENANAUFsQicGVGS
that lesson from Malcolm who enjoyed walking down to interact with the people.63Please respect copyright.PENANAEWkwMayOxg
He always did that in disguise. It made him feel closer to the citizens he was63Please respect copyright.PENANA8BTsIOdtqL
supposed to govern and protect.
I didn’t take him long to maneuver63Please respect copyright.PENANAhw6sOweVk5
through the scores of guardians in the district to arrive at the Inn where63Please respect copyright.PENANAf30BesuGjH
everything had started. Peering through the window, he instantly saw Julianna63Please respect copyright.PENANAKeUWcrB3rm
maneuvering her way through the scores of customers to place food and drinks on63Please respect copyright.PENANAhOP1ymvkfP
the table in front of them. Someone must have said something because she gave a63Please respect copyright.PENANAVeawWqUbyF
small laugh. As she turned around to head back, hers and Vander’s eyes met.
She mouthed his name, but he was63Please respect copyright.PENANAawbi51oSYW
already gone. He heard her footsteps coming then the door flew open. He heard63Please respect copyright.PENANAjE8phZZay1
her shout his name, but he was already in the Northern District. He chided63Please respect copyright.PENANAREEkIMntb3
himself, he couldn’t believe that he had been so sloppy. Hopefully none of the63Please respect copyright.PENANAO826ZjtVuE
guards heard. He didn’t want any trouble coming to her, not on account of him.
“Wait!” He heard her shout at him.63Please respect copyright.PENANAackcAjyxRn
He stopped and turned to watch as she chased him down the street. He threw63Please respect copyright.PENANAcd3FGCNDa4
herself at him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. He was63Please respect copyright.PENANApbQOqNYlBa
shocked. It took him a second before he returned her hug. It felt good holding63Please respect copyright.PENANAfrrhlkGIh2
her again, breathing a familiar scent forced some calm into his body. However,63Please respect copyright.PENANATMEy6EUDp6
it felt as though she had lost quite a bit of weight since he had last seen63Please respect copyright.PENANAgSJxqgMgd8
her. He pushed her away slightly to stare at her. Her eyes were sunken in, it63Please respect copyright.PENANATzeRrk95zS
didn’t appear as though she was sleeping. He also spotted a few strands of63Please respect copyright.PENANAN7PjSdZ5GD
graying hair on the top of her head.
“Why are you staring?” It sounded63Please respect copyright.PENANAsuMnIlEmXq
like she was close to tears. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, you look as beautiful as63Please respect copyright.PENANAYh8G5HAYFM
always,” Vander cupped her cheek. “You look like you haven’t slept in weeks.63Please respect copyright.PENANANdiiFhRHJc
What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean what’s wrong?”63Please respect copyright.PENANAVA3PWSJNz5
She shoved him so hard he took a few steps backwards. “You asshole, you had me63Please respect copyright.PENANAEqJVRf7pJ0
“I’m sorry,” he sighed.
“They knew about our63Please respect copyright.PENANAqdp8Uj3Xhb
relationship.” Julianna said. “After the King’s assassination, they came here63Please respect copyright.PENANALpVGet9aIB
looking for you. That was before it came out that you killed him.” She paused,63Please respect copyright.PENANAJMgNWP5IYu
looking back at him. “You didn’t actually kill him, did you?”
“No,” the question hurt him, but63Please respect copyright.PENANA4ghH5wzB8O
if he was in her position he would have asked it too. “It wasn’t me; it was63Please respect copyright.PENANAtcUqJMepQz
Peyton Cranton.”
“No shit?” she sighed. “I knew63Please respect copyright.PENANAPLSnZCFrA2
there was something about him I didn’t like.” He didn’t know what to say so he63Please respect copyright.PENANAyX7VoMPYgB
just sat there awkwardly. “Are you doing alright?”
“I’m trying to clear my name.” he63Please respect copyright.PENANAg0ed0nasti
explained. “I’m hunting down those responsible so I can find proof that Peyton63Please respect copyright.PENANAWqqDAFzrNT
conspired against the King, but I’m coming up with nothing.”
“So, those people you killed?” she63Please respect copyright.PENANAwAF3S6wyZV
asked. “Were they enemies?”
“How did you know it was me?”
“Vander, I’ve cleaned you up after63Please respect copyright.PENANA7QBC8SP07q
plenty of fights where you’ve butchered people.” She spoke. “The first time we63Please respect copyright.PENANA19RwoPWga2
met was because you saved me. I’d know it was you from a mile away.”
“Do you think anyone else knew?”63Please respect copyright.PENANADLimiABAG2
She nodded her head.
“That’s why there are so many63Please respect copyright.PENANAZS2uMn0NLe
patrols.” She explained. “They are hunting for you, hoping to catch you before63Please respect copyright.PENANAemfmFOf7wb
you kill others.” She reached over to take his hand. “Do not stop until you63Please respect copyright.PENANAMmeh7nyjFQ
clear your name, okay? The city seems a lot darker without you in it.” She63Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6fkZrFgDT
reached up to kiss his cheek. “I will keep you in my prayers. Now go, before63Please respect copyright.PENANACFi4FGfM2s
another patrol stops you.” Vander squeezed her hand back, but before he could63Please respect copyright.PENANAvN9S0Qc8S6
do anything else, she pulled away heading back to the inn, but she seemed to63Please respect copyright.PENANAiyyYMnZhTk
have a little more pep in her step.
He leaned up against the gate,63Please respect copyright.PENANAreWnFnK7cR
which was oddly unguarded. He didn’t understand why, he thought that all the63Please respect copyright.PENANAejcUl6FiRW
gates in the city were guarded, the Northern District wasn’t an exception.63Please respect copyright.PENANAgCKRkYwetO
Maybe something had happened, and they were needed? Either way it was good luck63Please respect copyright.PENANAAveJ0FcDki
for him.
“What happened?” He heard63Please respect copyright.PENANA2byX0NjyWU
Shea ask. He looked over to see her slipping out from the shadows. They clung63Please respect copyright.PENANAmnpc80VkL0
to her fur turning her black, but as she stepped away, they flipped from her63Please respect copyright.PENANACmiS63rsNN
turning her fur back to normal.
“Julianna saw me,” He explained.63Please respect copyright.PENANAA9hS8AbPlH
“Hopefully nothing comes of it. Anyway, aren’t you going to tell me how long63Please respect copyright.PENANAVBhZOqvuWo
you’ve been able to do that?”
She snorted. “I’ve always been63Please respect copyright.PENANAJnypD0q866
able to, you’ve just never noticed.”
“After this is done, you’ll have63Please respect copyright.PENANAZNMTaRIeIU
to tell me everything else I never noticed.”
“That will take a long time.” She63Please respect copyright.PENANAmu03r5MCzL
grinned. He had to resist the urge to smack her, but they had other business to63Please respect copyright.PENANAgFXK2nbtKG
attend to.
The Temple District was the most63Please respect copyright.PENANAB6Dco7dB5J
spacious of all the districts. It was home only to the temples for each god63Please respect copyright.PENANAPlUxK9k1dF
along with parks and forests to allow people time to reflect in a63Please respect copyright.PENANAJHymWjb2jH
nonjudgemental space. Weapons were strictly prohibited here, they had to be sheathed63Please respect copyright.PENANAnaS1sRBUpe
or hidden. If not, you would be forcibly removed by the guards and expelled63Please respect copyright.PENANAWz69B8Xasj
from the city.
The Temple of Humjir was the most63Please respect copyright.PENANA0m6m3LBoRx
spacious and largest of all the temples as it was the cities patron god. The63Please respect copyright.PENANAeBGKoUPNBG
building was built in a massive circle with the central part open to the63Please respect copyright.PENANAS6yVZ2TvHK
elements. It allowed the moon to shine down into a pool of water in the dead63Please respect copyright.PENANAYqdxEKvZYS
center. Rumor had it the high priest sometimes got visions from Humjir which63Please respect copyright.PENANAtajv7zUrWa
allowed him to aide the King. Whether or not that was true remains to be seen.
Vander walked up the large, stone63Please respect copyright.PENANA26Bz0WRhc1
staircase with Shea trotting alongside him. Once he reached the top, he saw63Please respect copyright.PENANAX5KPDyTZhn
Humi standing there with his arms folded in front of his chest.
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“I’ve been expecting you,” Humi63Please respect copyright.PENANA1jhfL9EVgA
smiled. “Welcome to the Temple of Humjir, young Blade. Follow me, we have lots63Please respect copyright.PENANAXX5heWuq5K
to discuss.”