Chapter 40
Vander rushed out from behind the tree53Please respect copyright.PENANAZqYrfPaydj
and immediately rolled to the ground as two arrows embedded themselves in the53Please respect copyright.PENANArJNsn8IHBO
dirt right where he had been standing. Despite being assassins and spies, it53Please respect copyright.PENANAcj9Tqprbbj
seemed as though the Green Serpents were crack shots with the bow, but he53Please respect copyright.PENANAdqZK8ouDkQ
decided to see what would happen when they faced someone who was expecting53Please respect copyright.PENANAWirAx6m0Or
them. He scooped up a couple of rocks from off the ground and palmed them as he53Please respect copyright.PENANAtObLiZeVjQ
charged his enemies.
More53Please respect copyright.PENANADk4S7uEr9R
arrows were thrown at him, but it seemed as though they were drawn quickly53Please respect copyright.PENANAZ82JYDVJ09
without much aim. Some whizzed over his head while others got stuck in the53Please respect copyright.PENANAO3XhIcrkVZ
ground a few feet in front of him. One came dangerously close to him, but he53Please respect copyright.PENANAcQ71X9TuFE
smacked it away with his sword. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted some53Please respect copyright.PENANACT7D9JyLD6
movement. Taking quick aim, he threw a rock hitting a Serpent’s shooting hand.53Please respect copyright.PENANAF82XXhvzOA
With a cry of pain, he dropped the bow, but drew a knife instead.
“I’ll53Please respect copyright.PENANAj7VwQUhOCx
gut you.” He snarled and rushed him with the dagger poised low. Vander stepped53Please respect copyright.PENANA8DqUFZuhqQ
back as the dagger was thrusted forward. He grabbed the serpent’s arm and53Please respect copyright.PENANAcl4efSmkVW
yanked the poor man off his feet before slamming his palm into the guy’s nose.53Please respect copyright.PENANAoWL20vo7nK
Blood spurted as his nose broke and embedded itself into the brain, killing him53Please respect copyright.PENANASGOcId2c6u
instantly. He quickly lifted the body up as two arrows hit him in the back. He53Please respect copyright.PENANAbmyQAiTgpL
rushed forward using the freshly made corpse as protection until he could see53Please respect copyright.PENANAS0KE4aqybm
who he was looking for: three Serpents standing in front of him.
Unlike53Please respect copyright.PENANAO19tgk1oIs
the one he had just killed, these three looked like veterans. They had deep53Please respect copyright.PENANAnDcYEckw5G
green face paint and wore outfits that helped them blend into their53Please respect copyright.PENANAT26Qpznxdt
surroundings. There was a hardened look in their eyes as they stared at him.53Please respect copyright.PENANAdinO0WgoRb
Knowing their bows would be useless if close combat, they lowered them to the53Please respect copyright.PENANAo2DjDoBR0S
ground then removed their quivers. Each one removed a large knife from the53Please respect copyright.PENANAO6oeISLgw0
sheathe strapped to their backs.
“You53Please respect copyright.PENANAI9bPh4ixfl
might be a Blade, but you aren’t a match for all three of us.” One of them53Please respect copyright.PENANAlSNGRrUbdT
growled. As if practiced, they spread out keeping Vander between them. From53Please respect copyright.PENANARplJd3JLgB
here he could tell that the knives were poisoned, one wayward scratch would53Please respect copyright.PENANArlkVwHUNbi
send him to the afterlife, but he couldn’t stay here as he was. That was just53Please respect copyright.PENANAts41pvWEmu
asking to be killed.
Vander53Please respect copyright.PENANA19b4edvMrQ
threw the dead serpent at the one in front of him. As he fell scream in a53Please respect copyright.PENANAFFhnevuxNA
tangle of bodies, Vander went to the left to handle the one there. He slashed53Please respect copyright.PENANAjOPm3OXcTt
with his sword, but the serpent was nimble. He rolled over the sword strike,53Please respect copyright.PENANAPUi32sKuqI
landing on his feet. He stabbed with the daggers, but Vander grabbed the wrist,53Please respect copyright.PENANAWO76epX25N
guiding it away from him. He kicked out the back of the leg sending the Serpent53Please respect copyright.PENANAjves3Ytl0Y
to the ground. As he fell, he brought his boot up catching Vander in the53Please respect copyright.PENANAGorBBQtzud
stomach and sending him flying onto his back. He rolled and brought his sword53Please respect copyright.PENANARtgfJgX7HG
up in time to block the second serpent’s daggers. He pushed him stumbling53Please respect copyright.PENANAq78gOXHm14
sideways then scrambled to his feet. Before the serpent could adjust, Vander53Please respect copyright.PENANAiqaXDTwSOZ
slashed his back open with his sword.
Blood53Please respect copyright.PENANAHggvJUsaD8
sprayed as the man stumbled and fell to the ground. There was no time to check53Please respect copyright.PENANAvkCy6Lkh1S
to make sure he was dead as another was on him. The man was a whirlwind with53Please respect copyright.PENANAGCKTdn0g64
his daggers, spinning, slashing, and stabbing. The dagger cut his pants,53Please respect copyright.PENANAxGPoUQf9xS
jacket, and shirt, but luckily it wasn’t deep enough to draw blood, but soon53Please respect copyright.PENANA0fifikoehE
enough he could get past his guard. He wanted to keep one alive for53Please respect copyright.PENANApvChWxNEOE
interrogation, but that didn’t seem like it would be likely. So, he waited for53Please respect copyright.PENANAo84i8AC9x1
a brief opening before cutting down with the sword. With a scream, one of the53Please respect copyright.PENANAZFBzQ6PnFb
serpents’ hands hit the ground in a bloody heap. Before he could scream more,53Please respect copyright.PENANAz2BsATUjHX
Vander cut his throat.
“Die!” The serpent who had been53Please respect copyright.PENANAvFKOmkZkcz
tangled up jumped from behind him. Panic raced in Vander’s chest. He had53Please respect copyright.PENANAOD3tFZZ6ii
forgotten about him and now it was too late for him to protect himself as the53Please respect copyright.PENANARpErzeXOLT
daggers raced towards his throat. Acting on instinct, he lunged underneath the53Please respect copyright.PENANAwSvWjjAwGc
daggers grabbing the serpent around the waist bringing them both to the ground.53Please respect copyright.PENANAv5BOwkThwh
Vander’s fingers turned to claws as he tore out the man’s throat.
He could feel the demon clawing53Please respect copyright.PENANAloPWWCwdSR
closer to the surface. It wanted out, a way to release its aggressions, but now53Please respect copyright.PENANAhR1WMOpwsO
was not the time. Vander bit down on the impulse shoving the beast back into53Please respect copyright.PENANAbmiwiWynon
the recesses of his soul. Soon, but not now. He had to get Kiara and Eliza back53Please respect copyright.PENANA8vkOa1JLXt
first then all hell could break loose.
Vander spent some time going53Please respect copyright.PENANAFT29zlXWGC
through the pockets of the dead serpents to see if they had left behind any53Please respect copyright.PENANAexuIUekhNG
tools for him to use. He found several poisoned knives and needles, but the53Please respect copyright.PENANAt3UwEu4z9o
rest were weapons that would be too much for him to carry so he discarded them.
Before leaving53Please respect copyright.PENANAyb7dNFSN2o
the area, he dragged Briar and Forest’s bodies back towards the road. He never53Please respect copyright.PENANAxhaA17Nj38
should have brought them here. This was his penance and his alone. Now they53Please respect copyright.PENANAAYO5DFif8A
were dead. He would have to carry that burden, but he swore he would make the53Please respect copyright.PENANASBbYBD0M6x
Serpents, and Eve, pay for what they had done.
He remembered the53Please respect copyright.PENANAMmlLDisVLn
village from his travels across the country. He knew that it would be heavily53Please respect copyright.PENANAPjf5Sp88aI
fortified, especially now that the challenge had been issues towards him to get53Please respect copyright.PENANA7gjSSCioeh
the queen back. He would have to come prepared. So, he scooped up a bow along with53Please respect copyright.PENANAGjYVcLeJFt
a quiver of arrows. They would know he was there, but only after some of them53Please respect copyright.PENANAjxpTl66YM5
had died.
The sun was53Please respect copyright.PENANAO65AGTjx1a
beginning to rise when he spotted the walls through the forest. The village was53Please respect copyright.PENANAPtBTDk3sfp
aptly named because it bordered the forest. This was a hunting village, taking53Please respect copyright.PENANAVqulCkU0rx
out small game and deer to feed everyone. He wasn’t quite sure when the53Please respect copyright.PENANAaclCa9PLDx
Serpents moved in, but it must have been recently as they have had no reports53Please respect copyright.PENANAWCcSLwAN67
of the village being under attack.
As he looked at53Please respect copyright.PENANAfuGZ1pNmEL
the front gate, he noticed several men wearing green cloaks and talking amongst53Please respect copyright.PENANAcc5RrLinqs
themselves. Without caring about who they were, Vander notched an arrow to his53Please respect copyright.PENANAJxoOHZZitk
bow, took aim, then fired. The arrow took a guard in the throat and before the53Please respect copyright.PENANANOI7BkPzXB
others could react, several more arrows flew into parts of their body. One took53Please respect copyright.PENANAVCR02iFoBO
an arrow in the shoulder, while the third took one through the knee. Both went53Please respect copyright.PENANAyRWA847JvI
down screaming, but they weren’t killing shots. It was enough to bring more53Please respect copyright.PENANAx5GS1ESKLZ
Serpents out for him to kill.
They were pouring out of the village53Please respect copyright.PENANAlN9tJVR66i
now to get vengeance for their fallen comrades. He only had time to take down53Please respect copyright.PENANAWyuyiSbv9Z
two more before the rest were on him. He tossed aside the bow and quiver and53Please respect copyright.PENANAmHU6CR0SfJ
drew his sword to strike against his attackers.
The first one went down with barely53Please respect copyright.PENANApvZPOWP6gm
any effort. He sidestepped out of the way and ran him through. He blocked a53Please respect copyright.PENANA71e65iiby0
strike from the next one then pushed him aside, but soon he was overpowered by53Please respect copyright.PENANAeVFQzGMtIf
the sheer volume of people. As he raised his sword, one kicked his wrist53Please respect copyright.PENANAMlvBo72alq
sending it spiraling out of his hand. He was punched in the jaw and knocked to53Please respect copyright.PENANAUaOgTQI0Mo
the ground. He tried to fight back, but several pinned his arms and pointed a53Please respect copyright.PENANAQikLLVAOYH
sword right at his neck.
“Stop!” Vander heard Eve shout. She53Please respect copyright.PENANAHv6xSuZj9b
pushed her way through the group and if he held out any hope that she hadn’t53Please respect copyright.PENANAHfOxHRQELd
betrayed them the look in her eyes combined with what she was wearing sealed53Please respect copyright.PENANAbrs8h0LnU5
her betrayal in stone.
She wore a sleeveless green shirt53Please respect copyright.PENANAV51vwytBrn
showing off lean muscles and a massive snake tattoo going down her left arm.53Please respect copyright.PENANAhoph7B9Lxj
Her hair was pulled back but covered with a green hood. She wore two daggers on53Please respect copyright.PENANAb0UQsiiLXB
her belt.
“So, you did betray us.” Vander spat.
“Betray you?” she laughed. “I was53Please respect copyright.PENANATMgLMw6wS6
never apart of you.” Now that he got a good look at her, he realized that she53Please respect copyright.PENANAMacHvSJdzm
had been messing with him from the beginning. She was broader than she looked53Please respect copyright.PENANAJOfNcMJjyZ
before, more heavily muscled. She wasn’t sixteen, she was likely someone older53Please respect copyright.PENANAgbfbSy0zyO
than he was. It also explained the gaps in the recruits’ skills. She had been53Please respect copyright.PENANATWnQ5zRQ0M
playing them for fools since the very beginning.
“They trusted you,” Vander struggled.53Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7KTeCtR01
“I trusted you.”53Please respect copyright.PENANAd7V48yze8D
53Please respect copyright.PENANAvGSDZlbcYz
“I’ll have to make a visit to53Please respect copyright.PENANAsRoGJNEAgs
whoever your informant is.” She grinned. “He almost ruined everything, but53Please respect copyright.PENANA35o8Kof05P
luckily you were so easy to fool. Get him up.” Vander was hauled to his feet by53Please respect copyright.PENANAMYWi4rroVj
several strong hands. “We will take what we need from you then I will spend a53Please respect copyright.PENANAU8dHagB7cV
lot more time cutting you to pieces. I’ve always wanted to hear you scream.”
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Maybe, just maybe, Peyton will come53Please respect copyright.PENANAOm4329v1Lq
here himself that way he could show everyone that he was innocent. He would53Please respect copyright.PENANA4r4CNGZVry
have to bide his time and wait, however. Hopefully his reinforcements would53Please respect copyright.PENANA46mL8USV8c
arrive to save them, but he shouldn’t count on it. If Peyton knew they were53Please respect copyright.PENANAvXPxBVvrIn
mobilizing the army he would make it quick. For now, he willed his body to53Please respect copyright.PENANA6irEAOYvwR
relax. However, he wasn’t going to let them get away with it. He and the demon53Please respect copyright.PENANAWCsYAZjMbR
were going to have a lot of fun before they were killed.