Chapter57Please respect copyright.PENANAXhQ4yvw610
He felt something warm and heavy on57Please respect copyright.PENANA6Mho3CZgb5
his chest. At first, he was confused57Please respect copyright.PENANAOWQxMIi0hh
because he thought that he had been killed, but he felt very much alive. He57Please respect copyright.PENANA4TgmwGV5jG
slowly opened his eyes, but promptly closed them again as the bright light57Please respect copyright.PENANAzZReVpOXID
blinded him. He stirred, but heavy hands kept him still.
“Your57Please respect copyright.PENANAhSpxZs3WEb
wounds haven’t fully healed.” The man said. “You need to lie still.” He57Please respect copyright.PENANAWiEVJ2mGvg
recognized the voice of Topal which meant he had to be back in the Capital.
“What57Please respect copyright.PENANAgHzXBoUEKI
happened?” Vander groaned. He tried to sit up, but again Topal pushed him back57Please respect copyright.PENANAMd9mpqkcoO
“Don’t57Please respect copyright.PENANAyd0TQmcthB
worry about that now.” He scolded. “Rest and be well. There are plenty of57Please respect copyright.PENANAXqlZK784TR
people who wish to see you.” Slowly nodding his head, Vander drifted off back57Please respect copyright.PENANAQk2B6zfypE
to sleep.
Over57Please respect copyright.PENANAWPw6QRls9F
the next few days, he heard many people entering and leaving the room he was57Please respect copyright.PENANA3Jc29XiUOx
staying in, but he didn’t hear anything that was being said. The only thing he57Please respect copyright.PENANAWfDZdzVBO9
noticed was when Shea came in to sleep on his bed. He could feel how worried57Please respect copyright.PENANABRaRelKMTA
she had been and how excited she was that he was back. He held her close, not57Please respect copyright.PENANAuCQvRU4pLf
willing to be parted with her again. Alex came to visit him on the fourth day57Please respect copyright.PENANAyyopv6XuF9
to tell him what had happened.
“We57Please respect copyright.PENANAThVtDI1Qc5
came back as quickly as we could.” Alex sat in the chair; his hands clasped57Please respect copyright.PENANA8cF4fJZX3a
together. Since arriving he hadn’t looked his friend in the eye, not once.57Please respect copyright.PENANAWNiVtcmvUF
“After I explained what happened, the Commander came as well. He was worried57Please respect copyright.PENANA1CHO1TV3HE
for you and when he saw you lying on the ground near death, he was beside57Please respect copyright.PENANARs6gmTgW55
himself. He wouldn’t stop until you could be seen by Topal.”
“What57Please respect copyright.PENANAZY9VkdgOZy
about Eve and Jogun?” Vander asked. “Where they found?”
“No,”57Please respect copyright.PENANAnL7vnD7llc
Alex shook his head. “They were gone along with twenty other Serpents, but57Please respect copyright.PENANA86DeL30ghc
because of you we have vital intel about where they have been hiding out. The57Please respect copyright.PENANAm966bD0CXy
army has been dispatched to hunt them down.”
“That’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAJ42Witwa8i
a relief.” Vander sighed.
“It’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAO2r05RTDTw
in the hands of the council now. They will decide on our next steps.” Before57Please respect copyright.PENANAUyXosQjidx
Vander could say anything, there was a knock on the door. Alex stood as Cuvera57Please respect copyright.PENANAmYCagFaidz
walked in with Kiara right behind her.
“My57Please respect copyright.PENANAnIXWggsudV
prince.” Vander went to sit up, but Cuvera shook his head.
“Stay,57Please respect copyright.PENANAKhTTCY1BqV
as far as I’m concerned, you’re a hero and I should be bowing to you.” Cuvera57Please respect copyright.PENANAXseqLJXXov
looked at Alex. “Do you mind if we have the room?”
“Certainly.”57Please respect copyright.PENANAHnjSdnzBvj
Alex bowed his head and shuffled out. Kiara slowly closed the door behind him.57Please respect copyright.PENANATYZ4LCDfjK
They waited a couple of moments to make sure they were truly alone before he57Please respect copyright.PENANAPJYTkLnbjl
sat down in the chair.
“Thanks57Please respect copyright.PENANAN6FaPzy4tF
to you, my Queen has returned.” Cuvera smiled. “If there is anything in the57Please respect copyright.PENANAFJV4lMul4B
country you would like, it is yours for the asking. My family owes you an57Please respect copyright.PENANAs9y0MObYr5
enormous debt.”
Vander57Please respect copyright.PENANAtF5yOCnJWa
took a few minutes to ponder if before shaking his head. “Nothing comes to57Please respect copyright.PENANA1xk8ues8k4
mind. Can I think about it for a bit?” Cuvera nodded his head. He opened his57Please respect copyright.PENANA2KBHPIfMO8
mouth to speak again but closed it shortly after. Vander could tell that his57Please respect copyright.PENANAinzQr1Qf6R
friend was fighting biting back his anger, but he didn’t know why.
“Perhaps57Please respect copyright.PENANAAh2Ox7JQ0P
I should be the one to tell him.” Kiara placed her hand on her fiancé’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAu7oefn243D
shoulder. He interlocked his fingers with hers but gave an apologetic smile.
“No,57Please respect copyright.PENANAhHYwn2rvrv
it’s better if it comes from me.” He took a deep breath. “Despite Peyton’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAkSdUbLaCCM
betrayal there are still many on the council who blame you for what happened.57Please respect copyright.PENANAUB8WU3F8y8
They decided to keep you from the Blades since it was also one of your recruits57Please respect copyright.PENANAeURRm8SbyN
who betrayed us.”
“That’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAkUYembGCKJ
outrageous.” Alexander shouted. He came back in from the hallway angrier than57Please respect copyright.PENANA8iL7Gtdh6K
Vander had ever seen him. “He saved the Queen and ousted a traitor. What are57Please respect copyright.PENANAf9hD90Js6g
they thinking?”
“Politicians rarely think, Alex.”57Please respect copyright.PENANAJcRSqt93xb
Cuvera said. “However, that decision ultimately rests in my hands, so I have57Please respect copyright.PENANAZRzglqmkIA
decided to ignore their judgement. Vander, this next part is for you to57Please respect copyright.PENANAPlaqxwuIYD
“I’m57Please respect copyright.PENANAfdq5HLnyUy
currently short a Commander, would you do me the honors?” Cuvera smiled down at57Please respect copyright.PENANAv7oAi891Ou
Vander, holding out his hand hoping his friend would accept. He didn’t even57Please respect copyright.PENANAzRPa4lalH5
have to think twice. He took the hand and smiled.
“Yes,57Please respect copyright.PENANA4O1JO7nJ2O
my King.”
A57Please respect copyright.PENANAqzBYdllJez
week later Vander stood in front of the mirror struggling to put on his57Please respect copyright.PENANAaUXLhU3rhF
uniform. Today was the day he would be coronated as Blade Commander and he57Please respect copyright.PENANAdTWbLTY6b4
wanted to do it right. It had taken a long time for Topal to give permission57Please respect copyright.PENANAMIoUhMgH4c
for Vander to walk around, but it would still take a few more months until he57Please respect copyright.PENANA7s2MtWRQYj
was back to normal. However, a couple of things did change. His hair had gone57Please respect copyright.PENANAUaEzdslz8p
back to its normal color as the coming together of his demon and him changed it57Please respect copyright.PENANAUcZxMfBtDJ
back. It showed that he fully accepted his abilities instead of finding them.
The57Please respect copyright.PENANAnZKmhVuSuM
other thing that changed came into the room and wrapped her arms around57Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4gC2j4yAb
Vander’s shoulders placing a kiss on his cheek. “Have I thanked you today for57Please respect copyright.PENANAFQvy8gRDPl
saving my life?” Eliza whispered in his ear.
“No,57Please respect copyright.PENANA1xnh4ocS6e
but you can do so by helping me get dressed.” Vander said. “I have to be there57Please respect copyright.PENANAF3mxuZbqB0
soon and I’m nowhere near ready.”
When57Please respect copyright.PENANAG7YuHBve0J
he awoke from his coma, he wasted no time marrying Eliza. Despite knowing each57Please respect copyright.PENANAePKLTLBwYn
other for only a little while, he couldn’t deny there was a connection between57Please respect copyright.PENANAtx8PfoNRbo
them that hadn’t existed with anyone else he had been with before. He had57Please respect copyright.PENANAM35v2ezdA7
nearly lost her once and he wasn’t willing to go through it again. Their57Please respect copyright.PENANADMIUA81dF0
matching gold bands glinted as she fixed his baldric to his belt.
“Do57Please respect copyright.PENANAKrdc8vlLGW
you still wish to go to the beach?” he asked her. Her golden eyes met his as he57Please respect copyright.PENANAUwp4S32IsS
saw her smile.
“Are57Please respect copyright.PENANABvbkqbyhTN
we going there soon?”
“After57Please respect copyright.PENANAa9Dad3SwI2
the ceremony.” Vander nodded. “I have a few months of vacation I have to take57Please respect copyright.PENANAQQUjXZccSD
to recover from my injuries. Alex, Chicken and Rooster will be busy reforming57Please respect copyright.PENANAS07ikXkgRV
the Blades in my absence, I just must get better.”
“I57Please respect copyright.PENANABJEJqxFnx1
bought a new outfit I can’t wait to show you.” She teased him gently.
“One57Please respect copyright.PENANA42AmMaY9HJ
thing at a time.” He smiled. “Let’s get through this.”
Hand57Please respect copyright.PENANAGAQdYeMXlC
in hand, the two of them left the room and entered the throne room, which was57Please respect copyright.PENANAqkQgs2lJDr
filled with Blades and council members, many of which frowned at his entrance,57Please respect copyright.PENANAGeLiyQWLPb
but there wasn’t much they could do about it. This was Cuvera’s choice, it57Please respect copyright.PENANAhiYNmeGSaq
didn’t matter what they wanted.
The57Please respect copyright.PENANAc8TrYM74P3
Warden’s had all gone home to their territories to begin the hunt for the57Please respect copyright.PENANAyCAkDvdruT
missing Serpents. No one would rest until they were caught and brought to57Please respect copyright.PENANA1488rpxAwp
justice. No one kidnapped the queen and got away with it. The Cranton family57Please respect copyright.PENANAu4Cfe1OA9B
was also being investigated for their ties to the Black Order and Serpents, but57Please respect copyright.PENANAuV2h0ajwQM
nothing had come up yet. Cuvera wouldn’t rest until the matter was settled, but57Please respect copyright.PENANAvX4jmGS18B
that was for him to do.
Eliza57Please respect copyright.PENANA30bJEe5E7C
walked over to stand by Alex and Shea who couldn’t hide their pride at Vander’s57Please respect copyright.PENANAo1O27qumQY
Vander57Please respect copyright.PENANAK7pOZZJ9fC
walked up to the center floor, just in front of Cuvera, then got down on one57Please respect copyright.PENANA5lGecyxIu7
knee and bowed his head. He heard the king remove a sword from his scabbard and57Please respect copyright.PENANAte25mkEOcr
hold it aloft.
“Do57Please respect copyright.PENANADIBH8kxFGO
you, Vander, accept the title of Commander and everything that comes with it?”57Please respect copyright.PENANAdmB2SYVtKk
Cuvera asked.
“I57Please respect copyright.PENANAHdeDQOhTID
do.” He shouted back.
“Do57Please respect copyright.PENANAD024MAScxo
you swear to give your life for me and the citizens of this realm if I ask of57Please respect copyright.PENANAC56qLQh1s4
“Only57Please respect copyright.PENANAcbIN4OA3Ay
death will release me from my vow.” He responded.
“Then57Please respect copyright.PENANAtWfXLAaNUX
I name you Vander, my Blade Commander.” Cuvera said. “Please rise and accept57Please respect copyright.PENANAwlfc24Un4z
this sword.” Vander stood then walked up to the platform as the crowd cheered,57Please respect copyright.PENANAerF2MvIM1u
chanting his name. He accepted the sword that had been created for him. The57Please respect copyright.PENANAf1bKnKDqn0
scabbard had been painted to resemble a white wolf while the weapon was made57Please respect copyright.PENANA7khfDrAof9
from white titanium found deep within the northern mountains. It was sturdy and57Please respect copyright.PENANAwfsQjOsH3E
resilient, just like him.
As57Please respect copyright.PENANAVNUUFtKEUd
he looked over the gathered crowd, he knew the next few years would be57Please respect copyright.PENANAFZkfWi4EVo
challenging, but he would have to do his best to protect the people here from57Please respect copyright.PENANAB0qtAZsCav
the vision Humi had shown him. He still hadn’t told anyone, and he likely never57Please respect copyright.PENANAr8QqSa0G8L
would. This was his burden to bear and bear it he must. For he was the only one57Please respect copyright.PENANA4TQrBKpGXB
capable of protecting them all.
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He57Please respect copyright.PENANA4KbawJmvD8
is, the Eluvian Blade.