Still Camerans pov
I couldn't find my words to tell them what I wanted. I mean I was in love with them both but I knew I couldn't have them both. Ugh somwthing is really wrong with me. I mean how can I love them both at the same time?
"Babe it's ok just tell us what you want." Nick said
"That's the thing I want you both" I scream
"What" The both yelled
"I'm in love with you both and I know I have to choose" I mumbled
"What if you didn't have to choose?" Nick asked
"What?" I said
"You don't choose. You can have both of us. I bought this house cause it was huge! Babe you didn't look at the whole house there is three more wings to this house. We sit on 500 achers of land. I own the land cause i'm the alpha. We can build whatever we want. Now if you want both of us then we can work something out." Nick said
"Really? You don't mind sharing?" I asked
"Well yes but I want you happy" Nick said
"What do you say we get dressed head back go to the pet store. Then head to the auction house we have someone to pick up and you need to bathe and change the pets." Nick said
"Sounds good to me. Do you want to ride back with me I can show what I can really do on a horse!" I said
"I'd love to" Nick said kissing my cheek
We all hoped out and got dressed. Just as I turned around Derek grabbed my wrist and spun me around. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head towards mine.
"I really missed you. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you." Derek said
"I know." I said kissing his cheek and walking over to whisper.
I climbed on her and scotted forward so Nick could get on behind me. I gave her a little kick and she started trotting back to the barn. Once we got into the open field I released her reins and opened my arms and closed my eyes. Once I opened my eyes I pulled my feet up and stuck them in the holes in the saddle and stood up. I arched my back and leaned forward. I opened my arms and closed me eyes again. I opened my eyes after a few minutes and seen we were fastly approaching the barn. I dropped back down in the saddle and grabbed the reins. I pulled then to stop Whisper in her tracks. I hopped down still holding her reins. I walked her back to the barn and unsaddled her. I turned around to see Nick and Derek both staring at me.
"Why are you both looking at me like that?" I asked
"What the hell was that?" Nick asked
"umm that was me trick riding." I said
"Where did you learn that and you wont be doing it again?" Nick said yelling at me
"Excuse me? I will do whatever I please. And second I was taught how to ride that but I would be going much fasted if you weren't on her with me." I said angrily
I stormed away from him and into the house. I walked up the stairs and into my room and straight into the bathroom locking the door. I stripped out of my clothes and filled the tub with hot water adding some of my favorite bubble bath. Once it was full I was about to step in when there was a knock on the door. I unlocked it and opened it to see Kris standing there.
"Can I come in?" She asked
I nodded and opened it up more for her to step in. After she was in I shut the door and locked it again.
"What's wrong?" I asked her
"I heard you storming throught the house I thought I would come check on you." She said shrugging
I stepping into the tub and relaxed. Kris picked up the shampoo but then paused. She looked at me silently asking for permission. I nodded and she squirted some strawberry shampoo into her hands and started lathering up my hair. She let her nails extend a little bit and was scratching me head while washing my hair. I jumped when I head a banging on the door. I relaxed again while Kris rinsed out the shampoo and started on the condioner. After I was rinsed I still sat in the hot water relaxing.
"God damn it Cameran. Open this fucking door right now" Nick yelled
I nodded at Kris and she got up to open the door. Nick was shocked to see her in there with me.
"Get out." Nick yelled at Kris
She flinched but didn't move. Just as I was about to speak Nick backhanded Kris causing her to fly across the room and hit the wall. I gasped and jumped out of the tub grabbing a towel to wrap around me. I rushed across the room to pick her up. She was holding her cheek crying.
"Oh baby. I'm so sorry. If I would have known this was going to happen I wouldn't have let you come in there with me." I said silently crying.
I was rocking her back and forth when I felt a hand on my shouder. I looked up to see Drew looking at me.
"Miss I will take her and get her some ice and bandaged up." He said sweetly
I nodded and he picked up Kris and carried her out of the room. I sat in the same spot crying when Derek walked in. He rushed to me and pulled me into his lap and slowly started rocking me and forth. I was crying so hard I was having trouble breathing.
"Sweetie I need you to calm down. Breathe in and out for me." Derek said
Nick slowly approached me and went to touch me and I flinched. He noticed and dropped his hand and walked out.
Derek stood up with me in his arms and walked over sitting me on the bed. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out some of my boy shorts and a plain white bra. He then walked into the closet and pulled out some jeans and a sweater and my furry boots. He walked over to me and pulled my paties up my legs and over my hips. He put my arms through the straps of me bra and snapped it closed in the back. He even adjusted it and then asked if was ok getting a nod from me. He slipped my jeans on and then my sweater. He put my socks and boots on and then picked me up carring me down stairs.
Once down stairs he say me on the couch and walked away. A few minutes later I heard shouting. I stood up and walked down the hall and into Nick's office. NIck was screaming at Derek.
"What is going on in here?" I screamed at them
"Nothing" Nick grumbled
"You better start talking or you can leave and not come back" I said
"FIne. I didn't like the way you stormed off. Kris deserved getting hit. She didn't do what I told her to do" He yelled
"Yeah she came to check on me cause she seen I was upset. She washed my hair for me and was rubbing my shoulders until you rudely interrupted my pease and quiet. You know what I think you should go stay at the pack house for a few days. You need to take care of alpha stuff and I need to get started on Nina's wedding and building them a house. I have to go pick up Lily and go to the shop and get things ordered for there. I'm going to be to busy for you for the next few days." I told Nick
"I'm not leaving. If anything you can leave" He said glaring at me
"Get out of my fuciing house right now. Incase you forgot the deed is in my name. You may have paid for it but I own it. Now get out!" I yelled
He was violently shaking. I back away scared and I started shaking.
"Babe don't back away. You are his mate. You have to get him to calm down." Derek said
"How?" I asked quietly
He shrugged and pushed me towards Nick. I walked quickly over to Nick and wrapped me arms around him. He was still violently shaking and I leaned up and kissed him forcing my tongue into his mouth. He slowly stopped shaking and started kissing me back. He hands started to roam my body and he slipped his hands under my sweater trying to pull it off. I grabbed his hands and back away from him.
"No" I said
"But please?" He pouted
"No I have stuff to do" I said walking away.
"Guys come here." I yelled for the pets
They all came running in.
"Ok who wants to go with me and who wants to stay here?" I asked them
"We will all come with you" They all said
"Ok go get on some warm clothes, collars, and leashes and meet at the door in ten. Kris help Katie" I said
"Yes miss." Kris said picking up katie
I walked into the kitchen fixing myself a cup of hot tea. I popped the top on my cup and walked to the table and picked up the SUV keys and walked out to start the car so it could warm up. Soon all the pets came walking out to climb in.
"Oh shit. Drew can you run in and grab the other car seat?" I asked
He nodded and ran off to get it for me. After a few minutes he came back putting it in and buckling it in.
"Ok guys we are going to the acution house to pick up Lily. I need you on your best behavior please. I I don't feel up to punishing anyone today. When I get there I'm going to need your help. I have to change the pets clothes and feed them. So please get them their food and I'll deal with the clothes. Do not wonder off please" I told them
"Yes miss." they said
"Guys i'm serious please behave while we are here" I said
Drew reached over and grabbed my hand squeezing it slightly. I looked over at him and smiled. I squeezed his hand back. He was about to pull his hand away when I tightened my hand on his.
"Leave ie please? I could use some comfort" I said
He nodded and started stroking his thumb over the back of my hand. Surprisingly it helped me relax.
We pulled up to the auction house and I got out putting Katie on my hip and grabbed all the pets leashes. We walked inside and straight to the cages.
"Ok Drew and Hunter go get their food and give it to them. Kris there are blood bags in the fridge in the corner. Get the small ones and give one each to the vampire pets. Do not stick your hands in their cages. Just push it to where they can reach out and grab it and continue on. Ryder over there are shirts and sweat pants. Give enough for thirty pets please." I said sitting Katie on a table
They all went off to do what I told them to do. Ryder brought me the clothes and a guard walked up to me. I noticed him right away.
"Can you help me keep a watch on my pets? There is five of them walking around helping me. They all have their collars on with my initals." I asked
"Sure. Can I help with anything else" He asked
"Yes I need all the famles nekos to the showers right now" I said
He nodded and unlocked their cages and took them towards the showers. I walked in behind him carrying Katie while Ryder carried the clothes.
"Strip" I said
Most of them did except one.
"Katie I'm going to give you to this man. He wont hurt you I promise" I told her
She nodded and I handed her to the guard.
"She is scared of men so be gentle. I will only be a minute. Stay where she can see me or she will freak out" I told him
He nodded and started talking to Katie. I smiled and walked over to the rather smale famale neko.
"I need you to get naked. You have to shower." I said to her softly
"I scared.' She said shaking
"Why sweetie?" I asked
She froze why I called her sweetie.
"I not want to hurt" She whispered.
"Ok come with me please" I said
She followed me out of the shower room and I stopped pulling out my phone.
The phone started ringing and finally he answered.
"Derek" I said
"Yes love" he answered
"Come to the auction house now please" I said
"I will be there in ten" he said hanging up
"Ok honey. Your going to wait in this chair ok. Please don't move from it I don't want to punish you" I told her
"Yes miss" She said lowering her head
I walked back to the showers.
"Ok get dressed in these and go back to your cages. Your full meal will be waiting on you." I said
They all hurried and got dressed and went back to their cages and I locked them.
"Ok now the males." I said to the guard
"Here is the key" He said
I unlocked their cages and they all crawled out.
"Stand up and go to the showers. When you get in there strip and shower. You will have clean clothes waiting on you." I told them
They all ran off and I told Ryder to take all the dirty clothes to the wash room and put them in the washer and I would come start them in a little bit. Sonn Derek walked in.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Give me five minutes and I'll explain. I need to get the pets out of the shower first." I told him
He nodded and took a seat. I walked to the showers to see them getting dressed
"Your meals are in your cages go eat" I said to them
They all ran off to their cages and I locked them back, I took Katie from the guard.
"Thank you for watching her for me. You girl come with me" I said
She stood and followed me. I walked back to Derek and sat down beside him with the girl standing in front of me.
'Tell me how old you are" I said
"I'm twelve." She whispered
"How did you end up here?" I asked
"My parents are human. I'm human not neko. They sold me to a mean man. He hurt me." She said
"Can you show me?" I asked
She shook he head no eyeing Derek. I placed Katie on Dereks lap and grabbed the girls hand pulling her into a small closed off room.
"Now show me" I said
She nodded and pulled off her shirt and pants. I gasped at what I saw. She had cuts and bruises. She had words carved into her skin. She wouldn't stand up straight she was hunched over.
"Sweetie why can't you stand up?" I asked
"It hurts" She said crying.
"I need you to lay down for me so I can look." I told her
She nodded and layed down and I opened her legs shocked at what I seen.
"Stay here don't move" I told her
I opened the door and screamed for Derek. He came rushing in with Katie.
"Katie go stand in the corner and face the wall and cover your ears. Your not in trouble just do it ok" I told her
She nodded and ran to the corner facing in and covered her ears.
"Derek I don't know what to do. You have to talk me throught this." I said
"What's wrong." He asked
"Look between her legs" I told him
He nodded and looked and gasped.
"Omg who would do this?" He asked
"I don't know but tell me what to do." I said
"Ok get some lube. It will help pulling it out. Spread it over your fingers and then her. Twist the vibrator easily and ease it out." He said
I did as he said and after twenty minutes it was finally out. That is when I noticed a string coming from her butt.
"Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked
"What?" He asked
I pointed to the string.
"Damn it. This you can work out. Your just going to have to pull it." Derek said
"Hold her down. This is going to hurt alot." I said
He grabbed her and held her down while she was screaming. I grabbed the string and started pulling it out. I gave one hard tug and the butt plug came out and it was huge and vibrating.
"Shh sweetie it's ok. It's over." I said trying to sooth her.
"Derek get me some clean clothes while I bathe her." I told him.
He nodded and walked over to pick up Katie and walk out. I picked up this small girl and walked into Nick's private bathroom. I started the waterin the tub and sat the small girl in it. I started washing her hair and then her body. I worked fast so she wouldn't freak out. When I was finally done I got her out drying her off. Derek walked in with the clothes and I dressed her and then picked her up again.
"Sweetie your going to come home with me for a few days til I can figure something out." I told her
She nodded and Kris walked up to me.
"I'll take her miss you still have to go to Lily" Kris said
"Swettie this is Kris she is going to look after you while I go do one more thing then we will leave here" I said
The tiny girl nodded and I handed her over. Kris feel in love with her right away. I walked to the cage the Lily was in and Kicked to wake her up.
"Get up" I said unlocking the cage
"Miss?" She asked
"Lily you are coming home. This was a punishment. You will start listening or you will come back here and be sold to someone else. Do you understand me?" I asked her
She nodded and kept her head down. I clipped on her leash and pulled her out into the room where the exit was. All the pets were waiting on me. We all walked to the car. I put Lily in her seat and and then Katie and then the new little girl. After everyone was buckled in I climbed into the driver seat and headed to the pet shop. Drew offered his hand which i happily took. I don't know why but Drew seemed to calm me. He was only a pet but I liked his company. We pulled up to the shop and everyone got out and followed me.
I opened the front door and walked in. Derek set up most of everything. There wasn't much for me to do except get pets. Derek walked in and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me.
"What do you think?" He asked
"I love it. Thank you" I said kissing him quickly
"Your welcome" He said
"All I need to go is get pets" I said
"WEll you can take some from the auction house. Nick is getting a new shipment in. You can take some nekos and vampires of both male and female. I already talked to him. They are coming here later. Someone will be here to set them up. You need to go deal with the new little one" He said
I nodded and got everyone back in the car and started the drive back home. Pulling up to the gate the guard let me throught. I rolled me window down so I could talk to him.
"Send a guard up in two hours and I'll send my list of who can get in and the new code I need you to put in. Also get me a list of guards I want to hire at least four more.' I said to him
"Yes ma'am." He said
I drove up and parked in the garge. I got out and everyone else followed me. We walked in the house and I told everyone to go to their rooms.
"Kris get Lily bathed and in some clean clothes, feed her and then get her settled in her room. I know I have asked alot from you today so you will get a reward for helping so much today." I told her
"Yes miss" She said picking up Lily
"Nick" I yelled
He came running in.
"Whats wrong?" He asked
"This sweet little thing will be staying with us til I can find someone to adopt her. And what in the world was a twelve year old girl doing at the auction house? I thought they had to be sixteen or older." I said
"They are suppose to be. I will have to keep a better eye on that." He said
"From now on anyone younger than sixteen will be sent to me so I can find them homes til they are to be sent back." I told him sternly
"Ok thats fine with me. What about her?" He said pointing to the girl
"I'm going to see if whittni wants to adopt her. She is great with kids. She needs a mom to love her. Her parents sold her and the man that bought her brought her to the auction house. I had to take her to a private room to look at her. She had a vibrator shoved all the way in her and a vibrating butt plug. She was abviously raped and she has bruises and cuts everywhere." I told him glaring
"Ok I will get her some food. You make the call" He said kissing me forehead.
"Sweetie I need to get my phone do you want to come with me or sit here til Nick brings your food?" I asked her
"Can I go with you?" She asked
I nodded and picked her up. I walked up stairs and laid her on my bed. I picked up my phone and went through my contacts til I came to whittni's number. I called her and let it ring. After four rings she answered.
"Hey Whittni. It's Cameran" I said
"Oh hey Cameran. What can I do for you?" She asked
"Are you and your husband still wanting to adopt?" I asked
"Yes we are why?" She asked
"I have a twelve year old little girl who could use a family. She is human and her parents sold her to a moster of a man. Can you come here right away for a few days. You can stay at me house." I asked her
"Sure we can leave here in a hour and be there by eight. Let me pack for us three and text me your address and I will GPS it. I will see you soon" She said excitedly
I laughed "Seen you soon. Drive safe."
With that I hung up and turned around.
"Sweetie do you have a name?" I asked her
She shook her head no. "He use to call me slut or whore. I never had a name. My parents hated me that didn't even name me. I was sold when I was eight." She said
"Well I have a nice lady coming to talk to you" I said
She tensed and backed away.
"No no sweetie it's ok. She wont hurt you. She wants to adopt you." I told her softly
She nodded and Nick walked in with some chicken soup. She tensed and hid behind me.
"Can I try?" He asked
I nodded and stood up.
"I sweetie. I'm Nick. I'm Cameran's finace. I'm not going to hurt you I promise. I just brought you some chicken soup." He said
"Hi. and thank you" She whispered
He nodded and pushed the soup towards her.
"Now sweetie blow it before you shovel it in. It's very hot" I said
We let her eat in piece. I walked to Lily's room and got some decent clothes for the little girl. I also grabbed a stuffed animal and walked back to my room. I walked in to find her sitting in the window seat looking outside. She looed up at me and seen the bear in my hand. Her eyes widened and she looked down.
"Here you go sweetie" I said handing her the bear
She shook her head no and mumbled a no thank you.
"Sweetie you can have him. He is yours to play with" I told her
"But wont I get in trouble. I never had toys or stuffed animals. If I was caught playing with anything my master took it from me and detroyed it right in front of me. He said I was a bad girl and didn't deserve nice things. I didn't even have clothes. I was always naked. I had to be naked in front of his friends so they could touch me. I got beat one time cause my boobs weren't big enough. At the time I didn't even know what boobs were. I was only nine." She said crying
"Baby this is your bear. He will protext you. You can take him with you when you leave." I told her
She grabbed it and hugged it tight.
"Thank you" she said
"Your welcome. Ok how about we go find something for you to do" I said
She nodded and jumped up grabbing my hand. I smiled at her and walked out and into the game room. Her eyed widened and she ran over to the doll house and started playing. I knew she would be ok so I went to find Kris. I knocked on her door and then pushed it open.
"Hey sweetie. I promised you a reward. So what do you want?" I asked
"Well I have a date with my mate. Um I don't have anything to wear or even know how to get ready. Can you help me?" She asked
"Sweetie I would have helped either way so that's not your reward. So pick something." I told her
"Oh I made this for you. I thought of you when I seen you." She said hand me a canvas
It was a painting of me petting Whieper. I gasped and looked at her.
"Oh my. This is amazing. Can I choose your reward I have a great idea." I asked
"Sure" She said
"Ok it will be ready by time you get back from your date. Now you do know that you have to be back by nine right?" I said
"I know. He is taking me to dinner and a movie." She said
"Ok well let's go find you something to wear. What size do you wear?" I asked her
"Um a three" She said
"You wear the sam size as me. I have the perfect dress. No jeans and at least you dont have to tuck your tail." I said
We walked into my closet and I pulled out a pale pink dress. She gasped and her eyes widened.
"No I can't" She said
"Yes you can. It will look amazing on you" I told her
She sighed and accepted the dress.
"Now let's get you in the shower so I can do your hair." I said
She ran off giggling and I laughed and smiled afterwards.
After her spending twenty minutes in the shower she got out and wrapped herself in a towel.
"Ok babygirl go ahead and put on your strapless bra and panties. And then come sit over here so I can blow dry your hair." I told her
She was getting dressed when I heard a scream. I ran into the game room to see Lily hitting the new little one. I walked over to Lily and grabbed her tail holding her in the air while she screamed for me to put her down.
"Nick, Derek get in here now!!" I scream
They come bolting in the door and was staring at me.
I threw Lily to the floor and looked down at her glaring.
"This brat hasn't even been back for a hour and she is already hitting someone. I'm done. I don't know what's wrong with her but I'm so done. I want her gone by tomorrow. You can take her to the auction house, kill her, beat her, or bring her to the shop and she can sit in there in the back in a dark fucking cage til the pest gets sold." I yelled screaming
i was shaking pretty bad and Drew came running in. He wrapped his arms around me and I immediatley relaxed. My eyes widened at how fast I relaxed.
"What was that?" Nick asked
"I don't know. But I was upset today while driving to the auction house and Drew grabbed my hand giving me a squeeze and I calmed down right away and then he did it again on the way to the shop and then just now. Drew do you know what is going on?" I asked
"yes I do" He said
"Well go on" I said
"I'm your protector. I can feel what you feel. The bond didn't connect til I was stabbed my carrie and you cared for me. I'm also not really a neko. I'm a shape shifter. I can appear as anything. My true appearance is nothing like this." He said
"Can you show me?" I asked
"Yes. But only you will see it. I don't trust them to show them just yet. Please don't freak out. I need you to stay calm. This takes alot of my energy to show you so if you freak out I can pass out." He said
I nodded and smiled. He slowly closed his eyes and inhaled deep and then it happened. He transformed into this beautiful man standing before me. I reached up and ran my hand down the side of his face. I smiled and he leaned into my touch.
"This is amazing. You are beautiful. Why did you only show me?" I asked
"Because I don't trust them enough yet. I don't want my appaearance to make them jealous thinking you could leave them for me. When that could never happen. We can't be together. I know you understand cause I can feel it. I'm here to protect you. If you deicide to leave here I have to leave with you. I'm going to be like a big over protecting brother that doesn't leave your side." He said
"I understand. What else can you turn into?" I asked
"Would you like to see after you finish helping Kris?" Drew asked
I nodded eargerly.
"Then go finish and I'll take you for the ride of your life. I have one you are going to love" He said
I gigled and then he faded back into his neko self. Nick and Derek just stared at me.
"I'm going to have so much fun with this" I said
I kissed Drews cheek and then walked over and slammed my lips to Nicks probably bruising my lips. He melted into my kiss and wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away and he growled. I walked to Derek and did the same with him. Nick growled loud this time and I jumped.
"Hey you said you would share so stop growling at me like a dog or you will be in the dog house" I laughed
"Hey!" Nick shouted
I walked out calling a love you over my shoulder. I walked back in Kris' room and found she had blow dried her hair already. She was sitting waiting on me.
"Sorry sweetie had to deal with that" I said
"WE have a hour til he gets here" She says
i starting curling her hair into perfect curls that feel down her back. Once I finished her hair I did her make up adding some eye liner, pink eye shaddow, some blush, and some nude lip gloss.
"Ok baby. Put your dress on then come put on these shoes." I said haning her my sparkly pink stilettos
She ran and put her dress on turning around so I could zip it up. She stepped in the shoes and turned around to face me. Tears came to my eyes. She looked beautiful.
"Ok I want a picture of you going on your date. You look stunning." I said
She nodded and smiled huge when I snapped a picture with my phone. Just as we made our way down stairs the door bell rang. I opened the door and there stood the guard. I pulled out the list I made earlier and handed it to him.
"Oh if a cute boy around twenty shows up let him in" I said
The guard nodded and walked away. Ten minutes later the doorbell rang again. I walked over and opened it to find Scott standing there.
"Come in Scott" I said
"Thank you Luna" He said
"Scott all me Cameran. We are going to get along great. You know I could use a brother" I said winking
"Ok my little sissy" He joked
"See I told you. You love me already" I said
"Someone is cocky. But yes I love you already" He said laughing
"Ok now for your date. She is to be back by nine." I said
"Um the movie ends at 9:20." Scott says
"Ok then she is to be home by 9:45 not a minute later. She is still underage and in our care" I said
"OK I understand" He said
Just then Kris came walking down the stairs. I looked at Scott to see his eyes huge.
"You look stunning." He says
Kris blushes and I speak up "See I told you. Ok now one picture and you two can leave." I said
I pulled out my phone and Scott stood behind Kris wrapping his arms aound her waist and smiled at me. I clicked the button and took the picture.
"OK you are free to go. Scott I want her back in one piece and no marking. She isn't ready for that and neither are you. Am I clear?" I asked
"Yes ma'am" They said
"Ok off you go. Drew come on your going with me. Nick, Derek we wil be back in a hour." I yelled
We both jumped in the car and took off to Ace Hardware.
"Hey love can you change into human so I don't have to put you on a leash." I asked
He nodded and slowly his tail and ears diappeared.
"Much better" He said
WE finally pulled up to the hardwars store and we jumped out. We ran inside and grabbed a cart. We went over to the paint supplies and I threw several differenty brushes, paints, paint cans of all colors, a pilet,some canvas' of different sizes. more sketh pads, colored pencils, some pastels. I basically threw in what ever I got my hands on. By time we checked everything out I spend five hundred dollars in there.
"She will loves this. I'm giving her the extra room on your floor for herself. She loves to draw and paint this will be good for her." I said
"She will love it. Now when we get back I still owe you that ride of your life." He said smirking at me
After twenty minutes we finally made it home and unloaded. We put all the stuff in the spare room and I locked the door and hid the key.
"Now let's go for that ride." I said
"Follow me" He said
He lead me to the back yard and faced me when we were far away from the house.
"Ready?" He asked
I nodded and he transformed into a dragon right in front of me.
"Oh my god" I yelled
"Get on." He said well I heard it but his mouth wasnn't moving.
I looked at him freaking out.
"Your not crazy. I can talk to you in your mind and you can talk to me. Whether I'm in a form or human form you can always talk to me without other people hearing us. Now get on" Drew said
I climbed on his back and he took off into the air.
"Can people see us?" I asked
"No I made us invisible. You can enjoy it but no one can see us" He said
"This is amazing" I said
"You want to see another one?" He asked
"Yes please!" I said excitedly
He swooped down by a lake and turned into a naked human in front of me. He walked out into the water and closed his eyes. He opened them again and he had a tail.
"Do you want to join me?" he asked
"Oh my! your a mermaid" I yelled
"Yes now do you want to join me?" He asked
"How I can't transform" I said
"I can transform you into whatever I'm transformed in at the time" Drew told me
"Yes!" I screamed
I stripped and walked into the water and Drew swam over in front of me and told me to close yes. I did and the next thing I knew my legs felt like jello and a tail and fin grew. I swam awy from him diving deep and shooting back to the surface leeping out flipping and diving back down. Once I resurfaced I heard Drew chuckle and smirk at me.
"Having fun?" He asked
"Yes but I'm extremely tired" I told him
"Come on lets get you dressed and head back." Drew whispered
"Can you transform into something that will allow me to relax on the way back?" I asked
"Sure come one" Drew said
I climbed out of the water and got dressed and turned around to see Drew standing there in horse form.
"Get on" I heard
I climbed onto the horses back and he shot off. I leaned down and laid my head on his neck while stroking his neck. I soon dosed off and then felt myself being lifted a few minutes later. My eyes snapped open and I seen Nick carrying me. He carried me upstairs and put me in bed pulling the covers over me.
"Wake me at six I need to shower before Whittni gets here." I told Nick
"Sure love" He said kissing my head and walking out closing the door.
I feel ito a pieceful sleep which felt like only felt like minutes and soon enough I was being woken up.
"Baby time to wake up" Said Nick
"Five more minutes" I mumbled
"Baby I let you sleep til six thirty. You have to get up and get a bath and get some stuff ready." He said
"mkay" I sighed
"I already ran your bath it's waiting so go do that and Iwill be back in twenty minutes to make sure your done and ready. You need to tell the staff what to do before Whittni gets here." Nick said
I nodded and stumbled into the bathroom and stripped. I stepped into the tub and sank down letting the hot water work on my sore muslces. After washing my hair and body. I got out and wrapped a pink fluffy towel around my body.,I walked into the bedroom and into the closet. I pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a pink flowly top and my black flats. Once I was dressed I blowed dried and straightened my hair. I did my make up light and then walked downstairs.
"Ok guys we have company coming. I need a guest bedroom set up and a cage in there. Pets i'm sorry but you will have to sleep in your cages tonight. We have another pet coming here and I don't know how she will act." I told them
They all nodded and went off to do as I said.
"Babe?" Dereek said more like a quesion
"Yeah?" I said
"Kaite is screaming and won't let me change her." He said
'Punishment time." I said walking to her room
I enter her room and looked around and couldnt find her.
"Katie get you ass out here now" I yelled
Soon she was standing in front of me with her head down.
"Why wouldn't you let Derek change your clothes?" I asked
"I no want to get dressed." She said
"well now you get to stay in your cage by yourself for the rest of the night.. You were a bad girl now this is your punishment." I told her
She nodded and picked up her bear and walked over to her cage and got in. I hope she doesn't think she is going to keep that bear. I walked over to her and bent down to her level and yanked the bear away from her and slapped the cage door shut and locked it. She was screaming and crying and everyone ran in the room.
'Give it back!" She screamed so loud
"What is going on?" Nick asked
"She got into trouble and took her bear into her cage with her. I took the stupid thing from her and locked her cage. This is her punishment." I said with Katie still screaming and crying
"Ok. If that's what you want." Nick said with Katie still screaming
"Give it back" She screamed
"that's it" I screamed
I stormed over to her and unlocked her cage and drug her out. I yanked her pants down and started wailing on her ass. I was still spanking her and she was screaming and crying begging for me to stop. By time I was done her ass was bright red and she was still crying. Her pants were on the ground and she was culed into a ball.
"Now get your ass in your cage and shut the fuck up" I yelled
She crawled into her cage and curled up again. I locked it and turned around to face everyone. They were all looking at me with wide eyes.
"Don't look at me like that or you all will get it next. Now clear out and do something" I said and walked away
A few minutes later arms wrapped around me and I relaxed. My face was bright red and I was shaking.
"sugar plum I need you to calm down" Drew whispered in my ear.
"I can't. Something is wrong" I said
"It's just your magic. Will will work on it tomorrow ok. But I need you to calm down. If you spike your anger anymore you could easily hurt someone" He said
"Oh my I could have hurt Katie I have to go check on her" I paniced
"Katie is fine. I felt you spanking her so I calmed you enough not to hurt her. She deserved what she got." Drew said
I was about to speak when Nick and Derek cleared their throats. I turned around and looked at them. Drew stilled had his arms around me.
"What's going on in here?" Nick asked
"Drew was calming me down. He can feel what I feel and since he is my protector his touch can calm me instantly. Drew sweetie going make sure all the pets but Katie is ready. Kris will be back soon." I said
"SUre sugarplum." Drew said kissing my head
Nick walked over to the door where Nick was standing and Nick was glaring at him.
"Don't fucking glare at me. I am no longer you pet. Watch yourself pup I could easily rip you in half" Drew sneered
"Who do you think you are?" Yelled Nicked
Drew smirked and transformed into his sexy self. Nick eyes widened.
'I am someone you don't want to fuck with. Oh if I smell Sally on you one more time I will make sure Cameran gets a new mate" Drew sneered again
I gasped and ran out of the room. I ran out the back door to the barn. I reached for the stall door and someone grabbed my hand.
"Get on" Drew said bending down for me to get on his back
I climbed on and he tooked off in a flash. When he finally stopped we were at the top of a mountain sitting at the very tip top of a tree.
"How do you know?" I whispered
"I can smell her on him. He had lip stick smeered on his face the other night when he came in late" Drew said rubbing my back
'Why would he?" I said
"I'm not sure. Cameran I can take you and all the pets somewhere so they won't find you. We can go some place warm. You always wanted to go to the bahamas." Drew said
"Whittni will be here in a hour. She will be leaving tomorrow. Can you pack everyone's bags while us adults are downstairs dealing with the new little one. Damn I really need to name her. Hide all the bags out in the barn. Make sure to pack all the electronics. I will make you a list of all my stuff i need you to pack for me." I said
"Sure I'll get started as soon as we get back." Drew said wrapping his arms around me.
We sat there for thirty minutes and then decided to head back. We got back and I walked in the back door and was crushed into Nick's chest. I didn't hug him back I just stood there like a statue. Once he let go I walked away. When I reached the living room I seen Derek on the couch watching my favorite show. I walked over to him and kicked off my shoes and crawled into his lap and snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I dosed off as the front door opened. Kris walked in followed by scott, Nina, Chris, and Zade. Nina saw me and rushedto me pulling me into her arms.
"My baby. What happened?" Nina asked
"First Kris come with me. Nina you guys can follow and I will show you to your rooms and then we will talk." I said
They all nodded and followed me. Kris was holding my hand and woud give me a squeeze every now and then. I looked over and smiled at her.
"Kris this is your reward. I want you to make it any way you want it. You will have a key to this room to lock it if you want your privacy. I will have a spare key just encase." I said unlocking the door.
I walked behind her and placed me hands over her eyes and nodded for Nina to open the door. Once the door was open we walked forward and once in the middle of the room I removed my hands from Kris' eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and she gasped. She turned around three times and smiled big. She jumoed on me hile wrapping her legs around me.
"Thank you" She screamed
"Your welcome sweetie." I said hugging her.
"What the fuck. No mate of mine is going to be a artist." Screamed scott
Kris busted into tears and cung to me.
"Excuse me? What did you say?" I asked with authoirty in my voice
"She isn't going to be painting and drawng" Said Scott
"You have no right to tell her what she can and can't do. She can easily reject you and find a different mate. Now she will do what she loves and if you don't like it I will handle you myself." I screamed
This time I was so mad I was glowing and floating.
"Everyone run now" Drew screamed
Everyone shot out of the room. Drew floated up to my level.
"Sugar plum I need you to calm down. I know your mad so am I. But if you don't calm down your going to destroy you beautiful house and us. I'm going to do something so don't panic" Drew said
I could only nod. He reached up and cupped my face and kissed me. My body suddenly relaxed and I sighed.
"There all better" Drew said
"How?" I asked
"i kissed you so you would relax. It is the most effective way for me to calm you if you are zoned out like that" Drew told me
i heard the doorbell and sighed hanging my head.
"That's Whittni. Do me a favor I'm still feeling kind of off don't let go of my hand." I said
'Ok sugar plum. Once I know your good I'm going to do what we discussed earlier." He said
I nodded and hugged him and relaxed into his touch.
"How about a piggy back ride?" He asked
I nodded and hopped on his back and said giddy up. He chuckled and ran down stairs. When we got to the bottom of the stairs Whittni was standing there with her pet and her husband.
"Whittni thank you so much for doing this. She is a sweet girl but has been through alot. She has been raped since she was eight." I said feeling my anger spike.
Drew automatically wrapped his arms around me.
"Oh is this you boyfriend?" Whittni asked
"No he is my protector. I'm a witch." I said
"Oh ok. I din't know you were a witch." Whittni said
"I just found out a not to long ago" I said
"Ok can I meet her?" Whittni asked
"Sure. I named her Hannah. She didn't have a name. She is human. She needs love and a few good meals." I said
Whittni followed me to the game room and found Hannah playing.
"Hannah?" I said
"Yes ma'am." She said
"This is Whittni. She is the lady I told you about that wants to adopt you. She is going to be your new mommy" I said
"Hi Hannah. I'm whittni. That man over there is my husband Joe. Next to him is our pet." Whittni said
Whittni walked over to her and kneeled beside her.
"Can I?" She asked opening her arms
Hannah nodded and reched her arms out. Whittni picked her up and cuddled her. Hannah was crying and so was Whittni.
"Thank you so much Cameran. I can never thank you enough." Whittni said
"It was no problem. I knew you would be the perfect person for the job. Joe she is scared of men right now. Your going to have to be patient." I said
"I know" He said sadly
"Let give it a try shall we?" I said
Everyone nodded and Joe walked over to his wife who was stilling holding tiny Hannah. Joe tapped her shoulder and Hannah looked up.
"Hi Hannah. I'm going to be your new daddy. I promise to never hurt you. I already lovey ou." Joe said with tears in his eyes
"May i?" Joe asked opening his arms
Hannah looked at me and I nodded. Hannah nodded and reached out for joe. JOe grabbed her and cuddled her to his chest. Joe stroked her hair and hummed in her ear. Soon we heard a soft sigh and Hannah was fast asleep in just seconds of being in Joe's arms.
"She is going to be a daddys girl" I said smiling
"I know" Whittni said
"Whit you need to sign the papers for me to release her to you. I had all brand new clothes for her so you can take those with you. Oh and the wedding is in a month. Make sure to mark it down and I'll still you a invite." I said walking to my office.
"Ok sounds good." Whittni said
"Ok sign these the both of you and Hannah will offically be yours in less then a minute." I said still smiling.
They signed their names and smiled at each other.
"I don't know what you punishments are like for your pet but I would keep Hannah from seeing that til she has warmed up to you guys some more" I said
"Of course. We do punishments in a locked basement. We are getting a new pet this week. We thought we would let Hannah choose. A actual pet not neko " Joe said laughing
"Oh ok. Well my pet shop is open. I sell pets and animals so you could come look and see if you see anything she would like" I said
"Ok we can go in the morning. I'm tired can we go to bed?" Whittni asked
"Sure." I said
I walked into the living room to find Rose cleaning.
"Rose please show Whittni and her family to the guest room." I said
"Yes miss" She said
"Goodnight guys." I said as they walked away
"Drew" I yelled
"What? what isit?" Drew said panicing
"I'm going to need you." I said grabbing him and taking off to Kris' room.
I walked into find Kris and Scott fighting.
"Scott" I screamed
"Yes" He sneered
"That's it get out." I said
"What?" He asked
"I said get out" I said once again
"You can't make me leave. This isn't your house. It's the alphas" Scott smirked
"Oh really?" I asked
"Yes bitch" He sneered
I was officailly done with his ass,
"Get out now! I will rip you to pieces" I said picking him up by his neck.
"Make me" He said
I flung him across the room and stomped over to him. I flicked my wrist and he was floating in the air. I walked to thefront door and flung it open. I flicked my wrist again and threw him out the front door.
"Get off my property. If you come back or around me or my family I will not hesitate to kill you on the spot" I said angily and slammed the door shut.
"Babe" Nick said
"Do not speak to me. Stay away from me. Come near me and I will treat you the same way I just treated your patheitic excuse of a beta. If he comes back here I will kill him. Kris will reject him and I will get her a new mate. Now you will be sleeping on the couch cause I don't want anything to do with you or go to the pack house to your bitch." I said sneering at him
I walked off and into Kris' room. She was crying and holding her face. I removed her hand and looked at the huge bruise on her face.
"Oh baby I'm so sorry. I need you to call him and reject him and then you will get a new mate that will treat you better." I said
She nodded and called him right away rejecting him.
"Drew" I hollared
"Show me how to heal her" I said
"sugar plum you just used alot of your energy. Let me do it this time and I'll show you another time" Drew said
I nodded and yawned. Drew healed her and then picked me up.
"Wait" I said
He put me back down and I walked over tucking Kris in bed and kissing her head.
"Now missy i exspect something spectacular in that room for me by tomorrow." I said
"Yes ma'am" She giggled
She snuggled into the covers and fell asleep right away. I walked over to Drew and lifted my arms for him to pick me up. He chuckled but picked me up and I snuggled into his arms and he carried me upstairs.
"Do you want jammies?" Drew asked
"Can I have one of your shirts?" I asked
He nodded and took off his shirt and then I stripped down to my undies and put on his shirt. I crawled in bed and Drew kissed me head and started to walk out when I grabbed his hand.
"Please stay" I whispered
He nodded and crawled in bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me and I sighed and fell into a peaceful sleep. I finally got a good nights rest. When I finally got up the next moring I was still wrapped up in Drew. I slowly raised my hand and started running my fingers over his face and stomach.
"Enjoying the view" Drew said in his morning voice
"Yes I am" I said pecking him on the lips and jumped out of bed. I stood up and stretched which cause the shirt I was wearing to raise up over my ass. I could feel Drew's eyes on my ass.
"Enjoying the view?" I asked
"Yes I am. Why don't you lose the rest?" He asked
I smirked and pulled off the shirt and pulled my undies down leaving me completely naked. Drew's jaw dropped and I walked into the bathroom and go a quick shower. Once I was done I headed down stairs to find.....