"We saw you talking to them last night, what did you say?"
"The animatronics. We saw you through the cameras."
Aw fuck I forgot about that
"Nothing, i–"
"Nothing? The prince almost broke the security door for kingdom. You said something that made him mad."
"I–" What can I even say? "I uh..I was–!"
"We don't play around, you know." The unknown guy tossed a paper, my signed paper
"You know I did not read this, right?"
"Well, read it now."
I grabbed it and started to read, nothing weird.
Oh. It's written in red too. How funny of me not to see it.
"Never do this again, broly. We're not doing anything to you because you're our only night employee."
"..Yes. understood, sir."
I wonder why you don't.
Today, my job is to clean again. I'm not doing that. I'll get my 20k.
Going through the small hallway, I enter heaven, Angel deserves some care so I'll clean him, but I'm not going anywhere near that other robot.
Calm, angel looks at me and smiles, his smile was pure innocent I just had to smile back.
"You're back again, are you all right? How did it go last night?"
"Worse than you imagine."
I heard him chuckle lightly "No..worst I can imagine is even worse than death..you're in one piece."
"He did ask me to get out."
"Thought so, he's after you now. don't worry, he can't come here, hopefully."
"Wha-?! HOPEFULLY?!"
"Shhh..he may hear you, keep calm."
"Easy for you to say..!"
"Sorry..please, leave this place now. Never come back–"
A loud, fast thing was running through the vents, it was hitting so fast and it ran through the roof.
Too stunned to speak, I looked at goku, he looked worried. I mouthed 'what's that?'
'Him.' He mouthed back at me and I felt my knees grow weak. "listen carefully," he whispered. "His ears are too sensitive, don't make noises, but try to district him using this as an advantage."
I nodded. Slowly, I walked outside, leaving angel without cleaning or any other treatment.
Walking, I can hear him laughing, not loudly, but a laugh that is close to a dark chuckle, I can feel my body shivering.
I hear a vent opening roughly, being slammed away, quickly, I enter a small dirty closet, wouldn't be surprised if a spider bites me, but it's better than being eaten alive.
I can hear a slow walk, as if he's carefully planning how to kill his prey.
I held my breath, his ears are sensitive, right? He slowly walked past me, oh god he's killing me.
Just before I exhale, he banged against the closet and was holding it in place with both hands, eyes wide, eyes with veins unlike angel's. I remember, don't look into his eyes. I quickly lower my eyes down the second he looked into my eyes. He knows I'm here.
I didn't breathe, not once. I didn't dare to. I felt my eyes watering from the need of oxygen.
He tilted his head a little. I was wondering why he didn't kill me, maybe because I remembered not to look into his eyes, maybe because he finds me entertaining.
A minute close to death, he finally let go and leaves, continuing his slow walk back to the kingdom, I sighed deeply and took the deepest breathe ever.
I waited for about ten minutes, until I was out. ain't no way I'm doing anything with this place, not even the 20k do I care about now.
I quickly went to the main room and got out, ran to my car and got inside, I loaded my gun because I didn't feel safe and alone for some reason.
I went to the woods, where the blue hair lady that I later knew as 'bulma' was in.
Parked close to the house and went inside.
"I'm leaving this job–!"
I saw her being chocked by some mysterious guy that had the same hair as goku. And I hurried to help her by holding the gun.
"Let her go. Now."
"Or what? You'll kill me, broly?" He turned to me, he had the same face as goku but with a darker skin and a late scar on his cheek.
"Yes." I put my finger on release, I'm ready to shoot him.
"You know, my little angel..my pure angel..seemed to like you, how about I make you his friend?"
"His friend?"
"I'll call you the guard, since you're his..night guard." He let bulma down and she started to cough, tears in her eyes.
"Broly, run..!"
Distracted by her, The unknown man bested me, he quickly stabbed me and I screamed in pain, shooting into the wall. Bulma watches this, horrified, she quickly stands up and catch a pot and hit the man with it, making him fall.
She grabbed my hand and ran.
"Come on, broly! We have to go!"
Too dizzy to think or do anything, I fall to the ground, that stab was deep inside my stomach. I'm not living.
She looked broken, tears falling on her face. She goes.
I hear footsteps behind me and some curses.
"–Fucking woman..hitting me with a pot while I was giving you such a high place..–" I couldn't hear him, too dizzy to understand a word.
I felt a sharp sting in my back, and I roared with pain..but it soon vanished.
End broly POV.
Running quickly, I tried not to think about it but I soon was crying at it again. I stopped, looking behind me, if I took the car he would've found me easily, I took a deep sigh As I planted my hands on my knees, looking in front of me was the circus. I know how to end this.
And I will end it. For Vegeta, for goku..and for broly.