life is beautiful, people around the world go to their jobs, or schools. Life can sometimes be boring, heartbreaking even. But everything heals with time. you can hang out with friends, play games or find a lover! Life is so beautiful- BEEP! Well, maybe if alarms didn't exist- BEEP! " AUGH, SHUT UP! " He picked the alarm and threw it against the wall, breaking it before he goes back to his slumber, shutting his eyes. It obviously didn't work. He sighed heavily before he sat on his bed, his flame like black hair was a disaster, he massaged the bridge of his nose " I hate school. " he muttered to himself before stepping out of the bed, he was wearing black shorts. He yawned and rubbed his tired eyes, he was still sleepy, he always was. He headed to the bathroom to start his routine. After that he went to drink his morning brew, he checked his phone. It was 6:45 A.M. His friend sent him a message, he even called when the other was in the bathroom "hey, geets! Are you awake?" he simply reacted with a thumbs up, smiling, he left the phone and went to wear the uniform. Now it was 7:53 A.M. because of his damned hair. after that, he went to his high-school. Entering the already starting math lesson, oh my god, having math as the first lesson is like hell. Thankfully, it went fast. It's launch time now, he went to the table, waiting for his friend. His only friend. No one talked to him, they saw him..weird, an angry short guy who did nothing but screaming. He was almost thinking deeply about it until he heard his friend shouting " Vegeta! " he smiled His friend was tall, he had this weird black hair too, and he had a rather softer face than his friend. He sat beside him. " how are you?! " he asked, kindly. " bad. " vegeta simply replied, " who gets math as their first lesson? That's bullshit. " he continued.
" whoa tough guy, how are you gonna make your own company without being educated? "
" I know! But it's annoying! " vegeta said, frustrated.
" yeah, but it's necessary "
"..wanna hang out today? " vegeta suggested.
" sure, why not? " He smiled. Goku, was vegeta's only friend. He was the entertainment for him. He couldn't imagine losing him. He can't, why would he anyway? They both promised each other not to split until finishing high-school at least. And they were one year close to go to college. Life was fun, it was full of happiness! Until he heard these shocking news.. Vegeta was trembling, eyes wide, mouth gaping at the view in front of him. His friend's house was burning. Fire was eating it. Everyone survived with little injuries, except for him. Firefighters were there, the ambulance too. They were out with a clothed figure, with white and blood. He knew it was his friend. He fell to his knees. He couldn't accept it. Vegeta didn't join goku's funeral. He didn't join in anything, in fact, he didn't get out of his room. he was sleeping more than ever, he wasn't going to school, he wasn't eating. It was rear when he gets out of his room, and when he does, no one talks to him. He was always shouting or screaming or even destroying. He couldn't move on. His family started to worry about him, it's why they started to bring him his favorite food, new console or device, Go out with him. Eventually, he got better, at least he was eating. He was also getting messages wrote by hands, gifts and snacks. He didn't know where it was coming from, but it was appreciated. On the other hand, goku's family. His father bardock, and his younger brother kakarot. neither of them moved on. They couldn't. It was hard. Kakarot was 4 years old, he already was trying to move on from his mother's death two years ago, now his brother. Meanwhile, bardock was trying to revive his son, it was impossible, but he just couldn't give up. It is why he hired professional scientists. They secretly worked for him. But they needed a subject to test on, a human. It is why bardock kidnapped goku's only friend who knew about his death. It was started.