He didn't feel anything, and couldn't see anything, It felt like a nightmare but at the same time it was peaceful. He couldn't move his limbs too. He was forced to sleep in this void. How much time passed? What happened? He didn't know, and didn't want to.
In the dark, where there's no light or source of light. He saw a small flame floating around. He wanted to touch it, feel it, it was cold.
He reached out for it, somehow he saw his hand, it was like a glass, it was see-through. And he saw nothing through but void. He caught the flame between his hands, shielding it from wind, which doesn't even exist here. When he backed away to shield it from his own breathe he noticed he wasn't breathing at all.
He hugged the flame, he just wanted to feel warm, And it worked. He closed his eyes, it was an urging feeling that insisted on sleeping. And he obliged.
Slowly, opening his eyes again, he was being cheered by many people, he was on a stage doing a play. He saw himself doing 'embarrassing' moves he couldn't control. He couldn't control anything of his body. The body was tall, too tall for a human body, he noted. His hands appeared in his vision field and it was mechanical hands, every finger had a mechanism to move, a fold. What was he?
Apparently a robot.
But how?
The head moved and he was waving at an another robot, here, his mind froze when the other did the same thing. It was goku, well, not actually him. A clone. And he had the most alive face he ever saw on a robot.
Why would someone build robots out of them? None of this made sense.
He looked at the audience again, he did recognize two faces in there, goku's family. So the kid was safe, he was relieved. He was in the first line playing with his clone brother.
Where was his family? He didn't see any of them.
Did they even look for him? How long did all of this happen?
The show was over. It seemed endless, finally, he thought.
They now weren't moving, instead the looked down, looking dead with no power to make them alive
"Don't move. They're watching."
He was way too surprised to hear goku's voice and he wondered if he was hallucinating again.
"You're alive, right, 'geta?"
"Are you even real?"
The other robot sighed in relief "Yes, I'm real."
"How are you alive? How are we alive? This doesn't make any sense—!"
"Tests, vegeta."
"Oh." He thought for a moment "Oh."
"I heard them talking about it..I'm sorry."
"How much time passed?" He was worried now.
"Not long, two weeks."
"God. we've been doing these stupid shows for two weeks?"
"Well as long as kakarot is having fun for me."
"And how can we be free? I don't want this life."
"Do I look like I know, vegeta? Honestly??"
"I have so many questions I forgot I was asking a clown, a real one now."
"Who's watching us?"
"Security, Duh."
"No I mean who owns this place?"
"I don't know, never saw someone talking about them."
Vegeta sighed in frustration, how can they escape this? They can't just go outside, first, they need to constantly charge themselves, and second, they're fucking robots. People would be terrified to know they had souls inside them.
"How about we break ourselves?"
"And how about we wait?" Goku now looked at him
He too looked at him
"You've already waited two weeks."
"Yes, a short time that is. let's wait longer, at least get some informations."
"We're just torturing ourselves."
"C'mon. At least we could know why we were made."
"God damn you"
"We're already damned."
"I suppose you finally have a point."