As a new night security guard, my job is to keep this place in check. Not to let anybody break in or let the animatronics die of power. Oh, and clean them, daily.
I don't get paid much for this shit.
There are two big places where the animatronics are, there used to be just one but they just decided to make another one.
Heaven, where the animatronic angel is inside.
Kingdom, where the animatronic prince is inside.
And they both scare me, it's unsettling.
Angel is safe though, people told me he never tried to hurt someone, but the prince? Heck, he even killed somebody. Told he'd eaten their face off. It made me shiver.
This place was left behind two years ago, why are they keeping these animatronics??
Today, my job is to clean both animatronics, I hope I won't die, I didn't know what I was signing on and I didn't care, I just needed a job.
I went to the main room, where there's security cameras and control shocks.
A voice, "Welcome to circus!" It said. It was a man's voice, robotic. "I'm your guide, I will help you with what you need. Please enter your name in the keypad below."
I looked down, there was a keypad, it was a silly one with goggle eyes. I typed Broly in and inserted it.
"Please proceed with your work, check on the animatronics first! let's check on Angel, shall we? Press the red button to your left, please."
I press the weird red button to my left, through the huge window, I see a figure that is moving in robotics moves, wearing white clothes mostly, I knew it was the angel robot.
"What a wonderful person angel is! He always do his job perfectly. What about the prince? Please press the red button to your right."
I do what the voice says, did he just say wonderful person? But he's a robot! Idiot voice. When I press the red button, I look to my right through the huge window to see the prince standing still, it scared me. It was dark in there but I could feel him staring into my soul.
"The prince doesn't seem like himself tonight, please, press the blue button fo your right to activate a controlled shock."
A controlled shock?! he'd kill me for it! I thought as I stared at the panel and pressed the blue button as instructed.
He made no sound while he was being shocked.
"Press the red button."
I did, and he still was staring at me. I just knew it, he's gonna kill me for this. Torture me dearly.
"Press the blue button, again."
I hesitated, but i did as instructed.
Again, no sound.
"Press the red button again, please."
When I did, I swear I saw his eyes staring, it was..alive. it was wide, angry.
"Ah! It seems like the prince is back again to rule his kingdom! Amazing job."
"Back? he's staring into me! He's–! forget it, I'm leaving this place as soon as–"
"Please enter the heaven."
"Well, I'd actually be there soon thank you." I turn, try to open the door, to escape, but it's locked, amazing.
I sigh deeply, trying to calm myself, he can't come to me, I convince myself. I open the door to my left and enter the heaven.
Bright, mostly colored in soft yellow. Angel was standing in the middle of his stage, like a goddess.
He was tall in person, maybe taller than 6'5. I start to clean him, wipe the dirt off him.
He didn't flinch or do anything, he was just..calm. A normal robot. It felt peaceful too.
When I finished, I tried to find a way out, please, anywhere but going to that psycho robot.
"Be calm, please. You're going to kingdom soon, are you not? Just..keep your hands away from his eyes, and never look into them."
Did that robot just talk to me? Was I hallucinating? I looked at him for a moment, he's helping me.
Am I crazy for believing him? He may be lying to me. But I have no choice.
I take deep breathes, there's no way out.
I went to the main room and checked on him again, he was standing still. Maybe he's just isn't working? I have no other choice.
I entered kingdom, it was dark, unlike heaven.
Slowly, I walk to the prince, am I shaking? It feels like my heart is beating everywhere, I can hear it in my ears.
He too was tall, 6'4 or '5 maybe.
I started to wipe him, never touch or look into his eyes, I remind myself.
Out of nowhere, he opened his eyes, daring me to look into them.
I was cleaning his arm, I didn't mind him, though my heart was beating faster.
I went up, making sure to clean every inch of him until I reached his face, I cleaned his cheek, and not once did I dare to look into his eyes, I continued my cleaning until I reached his hair, it was wild, like angel, black. I finished cleaning him and I made my way to the ground and quickly went back to the main room.
I exhaled, was I holding my breathe? the shaking didn't stop and I rested on the wall, it was unnerving, unsettling. He smelled like blood! Was he staring into my eyes? Did he expect me to look into them?
I don't care, I'm getting out of here. I'm not wasting my life over a 30$ job.
"It looks like you're done, great job! Your shift is over, you can go back now and sit on the couch to watch a show you love. Come back tomorrow!"
"No, I won't, thank you!"
I get out of the main room, and I quickly go out and enter my car, I take a last look to the place, frown and leave.
I'm not coming back.