It's already morning, Coraline stay in Gala's house. Gala is opening his eyes and there he saw at the floor beside him. It's empty. Coraline is not there. He quickly stand up from his bed searching everywhere while calling her name. Starting from the bathroom, wardrobe and everywhere. But she cannot be found. He go down stairs, and try to search for her again, from the middle room, kitchen and dining room, but she is nowhere to be found. Gala then start asking his mom in the kitchen of her whereabouts.
"Mom, have you seen Coraline today?" Ask Gala.
"Coraline? Isn't she still with you in your room?" Ask her mom.
"What? No, she isn't!" Said Gala.
"Well, I haven't seen her today?" Said her mom.
Gala quickly go to his room and changes his clothing, then leaving the house in a rush.
"Wait where are you going?" Ask her mom.
"Searching for Coraline." Said Gala.
"You haven't had your breakfast yet!" Said her mom.
"I will! Later when I back!" Said Gala, quickly leave his house.
Gala is now going outside panicking. He start thinking where she gonna go. He remember the river Cooper told him before. He quickly go there. Few minutes later he arrived. There he saw her from behind sitting while looking at the river.
"How do you know how to get here?" Ask Gala.
"Oh you finally come? I just remember the way here." Said Coraline.
"Yeah, I'm worried you get lost.." Said Gala.
"But actually, I'm relieved you got here. Because I don't know how to get back to your place. So I ended up just wait here." Said Coraline.
"And what are you doing here early in the morning?" Ask Gala.
"Waiting and looking at the sunrise." Said Coraline.
"Since when you already sitting in here?" Ask Gala.
"I think if I'm not mistaken 4AM?" Said Coraline.
"That early? But how come I don't know how you leave the house?" Ask Gala.
"Maybe you are so tired, so you sleep so peacefully." Said Coraline.
"That's weird. Anyway, let's go back, my mom is cooking a breakfast for us~" Said Gala.
"That's great, we will have a breakfast together~ I cannot wait! let's go!~" Said Coraline.
With that, Gala and Coraline walking back home together. While walking together they are chatting with each other.
"What are we gonna do after this?" Ask Coraline.
"You will go to college with me! While waiting for me you can stay in library, afterwards we will discuss this matter with Cooper." Said Gala.
"Alright~" Said Coraline.
Few minutes later they arrive at home. Right after they arrived they are having their breakfast together. Afterwards, Gala and Coraline prepared to go to his college. Gala's mom is borrowing Coralie some clothes to wear. Afterwards, the two of them going to college together using his bike. Few minutes later when they are arrived Cooper greet him and looking in awe while seeing Coraline for the first time. They chat while walking to the library together.
"Jesus Christ. What are you doing??" Ask Cooper.
"What?" Ask Gala.
"Hi, I'm Coraline." Said Coraline.
"How could she came out from the photo that I gave you?" Ask Cooper.
"Coraline, this is Cooper, my bestfriend that I've told you~" Said Gala.
"So it's him!! You really look like her!" Said Coraline.
"Omg! This is crazy! Nice to meet you!" Said Cooper.
"I'm happy that I see you! Gala, use your phone to take a photo of us!~" Said Coraline.
Gala taking out his photo and voila the three of them take a selfie together. They finally arrived in the library.
"You stay here untill we comeback from our class." Said Gala.
"Okay." Said Coraline.
"In the meantime you can read all the book in here, but stay silent and don't be noisy." Said Cooper.
"I will. Thanks for reminding me." Said Coraline.
She quickly run searching for a book, meanwhile Cooper and Gala leave the library and walk to their class.
"She looks like a kids!" Said Cooper.
"Yeah, she is cute and sweet." Said Gala.
"I don't know that your type is my great grandma's bestfriend." Said Cooper.
"Said that again and I won't help your exam later." Said Gala.
"Okay. Sorry." Said Cooper.
The two of them having a class for some hours. After leaving the class they quickly rush to the library. They found Coraline fall asleep so Gala wake him up.
"Hey Coraline. Wake up~" Said Gala.
"Oh... Hi..." Said Coraline, with a small voice, while slowly opening her eyes.
"Yeah let's
Her eyes suddenly blurred while seeing everything around her. She try to stand up, then she end up fainted, while Gala catch him.
"What happen? Coraline?" Ask Gala, while catching her.
There is no response.
"Fainted! She is fainted. Let's bring him to medical room!" Said Cooper.
Gala then pick her up and bring her to medical room with Cooper. When they arrived in the medical room, they ask the doctor to check her up quickly.
"I'm sorry, I'm not very sure with my diagnose because the equipment here is not complete like in the hospital. So it's best to bring her to the big hospital." Said the doctor.
"B-but.. She is suddenly fainted right now? Is there any reason?" Ask Gala.
"Blood cancer.. But I don't want to random guessing, you should check to the hospital.." Said the doctor.
"What?" Ask Gala.
"Alright thanks for the info doc.." Said Cooper.
The doctor and the two of them then leave the room and bring Coraline to hospital using a car.
After they arrived, they ask the hospital to check Coralie using MRI Scan. Turn out it's blood cancer. Coraline quickly moved to a room. Meanwhile Gala stay there and Cooper go home with the college doctor.
To be continued.........