After so many research in the library, Gala and Cooper go to their class. The two of them having their class together. While the two is having a class, Gala is writing on his books. He is trying to memorize everything that he saw in his dream more detailed. He even draw the room where he is in and the wide yard full of green grass, big tree, and the swing. He is so focus, until the lecturer call his name.
"Alright, Gala, please answer the question number 5." Said the lecturer.
Meanwhile Gala is still focusing on his stuff.
"Gal, you are being called.." Whisper Cooper, while nudging Gala.
"Oh.. Yeah.. I'm sorry, I'm too focus doing number 6. The answer for number 5 is 20." Said Gala while answering.
"Great, that's the right answer." Said the lecturer.
"Dang it.. How can you know the answer?" Whisper Cooper.
"That's the easiest question in Algebra." Whisper Gala.
"Dang it. I hate this class. It's boring..." Whisper Cooper.
"Same. I hate this class because it's too easy.." Whisper Gala.
Right after the class ended. Gala quickly go back home.
"Woits Gal! Where are you going?" Ask Cooper.
"I'm going back home, why?" Ask Gala.
"No wayyy!! You promise to play in my house today!" Said Cooper.
"Did I? Okay.. Let's go to your house then." Said Gala.
"That's right! Let's go!" Said Cooper.
The two of them then walking to Cooper house after their class ended that day. The two are hanging out together in Cooper's room. Cooper is on his floor reading his comic books, while Gala is playing with his nintendo and laying on Cooper's bed.
"Gal, may I ask something?" Ask Cooper.
"Sure, go on." Said Gala.
"Actually, while we are in our class before, what are you doing?" Ask Cooper.
"Drawing and repicture what I saw last night.." Said Gala.
"Oh the girl that you said crying?" Ask Cooper.
"Yeah.." Said Gala.
"What if, when you did the Astral projection, your body went to parallel world?" Ask Cooper.
"Wow.. that's a smart guess.. but I don't think so.. everything in that place seems so old and classic.. Not like our modern world currently." Said Gala.
"Is that girl pretty?" Ask Cooper, his head looking turn to Gala with a grin.
"Pretty? I don't know. People's perception of beauty is different. You might said she is pretty, but my answer may be different." Said Gala.
"Then how about your perception?" Ask Cooper.
"Hm.. Yeah.. I don't know. She has that long hair, big eyes, and she is a judger, remember she said I'm a ghost? No way she will be my type. That's never gonna happen." Said Gala.
"Really? It's impossible though, because you both in a different world. She only appear in your Astral projection." Said Cooper.
"What? Well I could make it possible." Said Gala.
"So, you like her?" Ask Cooper.
"NO! I don't!" Said Gala.
"Well if it can what would you say it? It's not LDR anymore, it's APR." Said Cooper.
"What's that stand for?" Ask Gala.
"Astral Projection Relationship." Said Cooper.
"What the hell?" Ask Gala.
"Tch. That's the reason you are single all this time. You are introvert. Only dating to someone you cannot even reach or exist. Lastly, the one that I hate it the most, you didn't realize that you are good looking. Dang it, bro!" Said Cooper.
"Tch. I'm losing my Mario Kart. I gotta go home now.." Said Gala.
"Alrright.. It's already 7pm though. See ya tomorrow." Said Cooper.
"Yep. See ya." Said Gala.
Gala finally coming coming home. This time he go to the dining room and eat. Right after that, he went back to his room. This time he is too tired to do the Astral projection, so he went up to sleep instead.
While Gala is sleeping he once again open his eyes. There he start to think again that he is not doing Astral projection, but why he is still aware in his own dreams. He start looking at his hands and look around at his surrounding. This time he is in underground room. He sees stairs, washing machine, and many old stuff. Until he saw a table and there he saw that same girl again. The girl from the last time. She is hiding under the table. Closing all of her face. Gala start to greet her.
"Hey.. Are you okay?" Ask Gala.
The girl look around and surprised.
"You?? Again? The ghost?? How can you always appear in time like this??" Ask the girl.
"...Sorry if my presence bother you.." Said Gala.
"No it's okay." Said the girl.
Gala start sitting beside her.
"Why are you sitting here???" Ask the girl.
"So where should I sit then?" Ask Gala.
"Ugh.. Whatever.." Said the girl.
"My name is Gala. What's your name?" Ask Gala.
"C-Coraline.." Said Coraline.
"So, what happen to you? Why are you hiding under the table and crying by yourself?" Ask Gala.
"Nothing... It's just... It's getting worse.. My house.. My family... And Myself.." Said Coraline.
"So, something happen upthere?" Ask Gala.
"My parents is fighting again.. I'm here hiding.. I'm tired and scared of the noise.. This house, doesn't feel like house anymore..." Said Coraline.
"I feel bad for you..." Said Gala, patting her back.
"... Holdup.. You can touch me? I thought you are some kind of spirit?" Said Coraline.
"Me too.. I don't know.." Said Gala, who is also confused.
Right after that, Coraline face become confused, she is trying to touch Gala's hand. It feels like touching a normal human hands. Her face suddenly become excited. A little smile came from her lips. She start holding Gala's hand.
"We have to go!" Said Coraline, standing up while still holding his hand.
"Go where??" Ask Gala.
"Follow me!" Said Coraline.
The two of them leaving the undergroung, while holding hands. Coraline go to the stairs and there can be seen a door after the stairs. She open the door, quickly walk straight to the kitchen, and in the left side there is a door. She quickly open it and runaway to the street. The street looks like a 1940 year. So many shop and houses on the left side and right side of the street. People are still wearing old dresses. The woman wear dresses and hat while the man look so proper with tuxedo, hat, and walking stick.
"W-wait.. Where are we right now?" Ask Gala.
"Just follow me~!" Said Coraline, she is turning back her head to look at Gala for awhile, with a really big smile.
The two of them running through the street. No one is watching them, because everyone is busy with their ownself. The women, busy chatting with the others, while the man busy looking at the newspaper. They are running, untill they found a large yard with green grass and beautiful lake view overthere. Coraline let go of his hand. She start laying on the grass while looking at the lake. While Gala also sit beside her.
"The view in here is pretty.." Said Gala.
"Yes it is. Whenever I'm sad I always run myself to this place." Said Coraline.
"Alone?" Ask Gala.
"Yes. It's so peaceful here. No loud voices. Only nature voices." Said Coraline.
"Yes it is." Said Gala, amazed by the view.
The lake is clear. Only cricket, frog, and chirp of a bird sound can be heard in this place.
"Anyway, where are you from?" Ask Coraline.
"Future..." Said Gala.
"Amazing. Maybe that's the reason why your clothing is different. So, can you tell me some stuff from the future?" Ask Coraline, while her face turning to Gala.
"Hm, alright, there will be a robot that can talk like a human, there will also be a smart phone, where you can use it anywhere bring it anywhere to call people and send message to people.." Said Gala.
"That's amazing, I wish I can see it now, but for the telephone, won't it be like too heavy to bring it anywhere?" Ask Coraline.
"Come here let me show it to you.." Said Gala, walking to side of the lake, where there is a wet ground. He start drawing a smart phone on the ground using his finger. Coraline follow him and stand beside him, looking at it.
"Wah, that's amazing!!" Said Coraline.
"The TV will also look like this in the future. It is also so flat." Said Gala, drawing an Led TV.
"That's so big! How about the robot? What it looks like?" Ask Coraline.
Gala confused how to draw a robot, but he draw it simple like a human.
"That's human face.." Said Coraline.
"No, that's a robot. I swear it really looks like a human!" Said Gala.
"Hahahaha That's cool! What else~? Tell me more about you and the future!" Said Coraline.
Gala start drawing randomly. He draw his friend, family, and even his pet.
"This one is my best friend, Cooper, we really are so close like a brother, this one is my mom, she is kind, she is good at cooking, this one is my pet, Whiskey, it's a Siberian husky, so noisy but I love him." Said Gala.
"You are surrounded by a lovely family~" Said Coraline, while smiling at Gala.
"Thankyou, By the way, If I may know, in what year are we right now?" Ask Gala.
"19..." Said Coraline. Her voice cannot be heard clearly, as soon as she said that, Gala awake from his dream. Looking at his surrounding. It's already in the morning. 8am. He quickly open the window. The sun is shining brightly again today, while he saw Cooper already waiting outside for him to go for the class together.
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To be continued..