Right now I'm walking to my college. My bestfriend Cooper, we both share the same stuff that we loved. Especially science and some fun and excited topic like ET, Bermuda triangle, Lost Atlantic, etc. Oh and to add more, comic books! And only him that know about my special skill. We often walk to college together.
"Yo! Gal!! How are you today?" Ask Cooper.
"Yeah, morning, good as always, how about you?" Ask Gala.
"Great, last night I just finished the comic that I order 3 days ago." Said Cooper.
"That's nice, so you didn't do the physics homework?" Ask Gala.
"What? Physics? Homework? Why no one told me!!" Said Cooper. He quickly running way to the classroom to quickly done it, while Gala just smirk it off and continue walking to the classroom.
While in the middle of the hallway, someone come to Gala. A girl.
"Excuse me, are you Gala?" Ask the girl.
"Yeah, I am." Said Gala.
"I'm Clover. Nice to meet you." Said the girl pulling her hand out for a handshake, Gala accept it and smile.
"So, I heard you can go to other dimension. I need a help." Said Clover.
Gala already know who tell his secret. It must be Cooper.
"Cooper told you?" Ask Gala.
"Yes. I need a help. My mother just passed away a week ago because of lung cancer. I want to know how she is doing in the other side. I still have some messages left to said to her. Can you please help me?" Ask Clover.
Suddenly Cooper came out and hug Gala's shoulder while smiling.
"Of course he can do it! He is best at it! Right Gala?!" Said Cooper.
"Really?! Thankyou!" Said Clover.
"We will visit your house after school!" Said Cooper.
"See you soon then!~" Said Clover, smiling and running back to her class leaving the two of them.
"What are you plotting again this time?" Ask Gala.
"Nothing~ Just helping her~" Said Cooper.
"Aha! You like her that's why you use me to get close to her right?" Ask Gala.
"You know me so well! Alright I'm gonna continue the physics." Said Cooper, running back to class, followed by Gala.
Soon it's the end of the class. The two of them go back home to changes their clothing and walk together to Clover's house. After they arrived, they knock on the door. The house is like an classic old house made of woods. Clover open the door for them with a smile.
"You guys finally come. Come in~" Said Clover.
"Thankyou~" Said Cooper, while Gala only smiling.
The two of them get inside the house. They sit in the middle room.
"Did we do it here?" Ask Cooper.
"Nop. In her room." Said Clover.
"Uh... Only him right?" Ask Cooper looking at Clover.
"I don't know, if you don't want to come in then, I'll be assisting him." Said Clover.
"Okay, I will assist him don't worry. Right Gal?" Ask Cooper.
"Sure. I can do it alone. Just tell me which room is it." Said Gala.
"Okay, over there." Said Clover pointing at a door beside her room.
"Okay. Come inside and wake me up when it's already 30 minutes." Said Gala, walking inside the room and close the door.
"He is so cool..." Said Clover.
"He is.." Said Cooper.
Gala finally inside the room. He looks around. It's a typical neat room that smells like a woman room. There is a big empty bed, a table that is full of books, an old wooden cupboard, a photo of the mother in a table and a window. Gala finally lay on the bed, starting his ritual, taking a breath and in the count of five he can see his body is laying on the bed.
His spirit is now in that room and he sees someone is sitting on the chair looking at the table. He look at the photo, and it's the same person. It's Clover's mom, she is sitting on the chair in the table looking at at the window outside, in front of that table. She is wearing a gown, her hair is in bun.
"Excuse me. Are you Clover's mom?" Ask Gama, standing beside her.
"Yes.." Said the spirit.
"I'm Gala, her friend. Your daughter is asking me how are you doing. Why are you looking so sad?" Ask Gama.
"Tell her, I'm doing good. I'm looking at the plants and flowers. Nobody take care of it since I'm gone. I'm sad.." Said the spirit.
"Is that all? Don't worry, I will tell her to take care of it." Said Gala.
"Thank you. Take care and becarefull." Said the spirit.
After that, the spirit vanished in smile.
Meanwhile it's already 30 minutes. Gala quickly back to his body, but it can't. Until his friend get inside of the room and try to call him.
"Gal! Wake up, it's already 30 minutes!!" Said Cooper, while moving his body.
"Shit why he is not moving!? Did he die?!" Ask Clover.
"No way! He is a strong human!" Said Cooper.
"Maybe splash him with a water?!" Said Clover, she quickly runaway to take a glass of water and comeback.
Meanwhile Gala is still trying to get inside his body but he can't.
After a splash of a water. Gala finally awake.
"Shit... I thought I'm going to die..." Said Gama.
"It's a relieved..." Said Cooper.
"So, did you see my mom? What did she says?" Ask Clover.
"I saw her sitting on that chair with a sad eyes looking out at the windows. She want you to take care of her plants and flower outside. After that she smile and vanished." Said Gala.
"That's cool. Thankyou~" Said Clover.
Right after that Gala and Cooper leave the house. They are going back to their own house. Gala back home and take a rest. This time, a weird stuff happen after he comeback from Clover's house. When he close his eyes for a nap, he somehow travel to other place that he doesn't know.
to be continued...