It's 5.30 Pm in the evening. Gala and his friend Cooper is now going to the lake that Cooper told him before. They are using a bycicle to go there. The two of them is also having a chat while biking.
"How far it is?" Ask Gala.
"Not that far.." Said Cooper.
"How many minutes more until we arrived in that place?" Ask Gala.
"Maybe like 10 minutes if we bike it quick." Said Cooper.
"Wait... This street seems familiar for me..." Said Gala.
"Really? I thought this is your first time here?" Said Cooper.
Gala quickly ride his bike faster, because he is familiar with the place he is going.
"Yooo wait for me!!" Said Gala.
Ten minutes later, they finally arrived in the lake. Gala surprised, the lake they are in right now is the same lake like the previous lake he sees in his dreams. They park the bike around there.
"This... This is the lake that I see!!" Said Gala, surprised.
"But you just came here right now for the first time?" Said Cooper.
"No. I saw this lake in my dream. She brings me here, that girl brings me here, I swear!" Said Gala.
"Only few people know this place.." Said Cooper.
Gala taking out his phone and start turning on his flashlight, he squat down and start searching something on the ground. He is searching for his drawing on the ground.
"What are you searching for?" Ask Cooper.
"My drawing..." Said Gala.
"What drawing?" Ask Cooper.
"Found it!!! This is my drawing!!" Said Cooper, pointing at his drawing back then.
"What the hell?!!!! There is my name!" Said Cooper, who is now squatting down, and surprised looking at it.
"I know right!! I did draw it!" Said Gala.
"No way!! All this time you did a time travelling!!?? Who is this girl that you've been seeing all this time???" Ask Cooper.
"Her name is Coraline.. I don't know more info about that.." Said Gala.
"Let's go back now, I will gather more info about this tomorrow.." Said Cooper.
"Alright. Thanks~" Said Gala.
The two of them quickly back to their own home. Right after Gala arrived at his own house, he quickly go back to his room. He start taking a new book and writing everything that he saw, the first time he meet Coraline until how he meet him under the table. After finish writing he went to his bed. He start closing his eyes, after the fifth beat of his heart, he start opening his eyes again.
This time when Gala open his eyes, he is inside a small boat sitting, in front of him he saw Coraline closing her eyes, her lips is moving like she is whispering something, and there is a book on her hands. Nobody is moving the boat. They are in the middle of the lake.
"Excuse me.. What are you doing now?" Ask Gala.
Coraline slowly opening her eyes. When she saw him, a bright smile come from her lips and the sparkling eyes.
"Yeah! It works!" Said Coraline.
"What works?" Ask Gala confused.
"A magic spell to summon a ghost!" Said Coraline.
"Tch, told ya, I'm not a ghost. I'm a person comes from the future." Said Gala.
"Whatever it is, I'm happy you are here~" Said Coraline.
"Jeez.. What are you doing here anyway? Reading a book in the middle of the lake, it's weird.." Ask Gala.
"Actually, I supposed to meet my first friend here, but she cannot make it, so, I end up boating alone here. We are supposed to have a book day in the middle of the lake." Said Coraline.
"Really? But the sky is already dark.... How can you read at this time? Won't you be scared of a ghost or a lake monster coming out?? There isn't even any flashlight here.." Said Gala.
"Nop. There is nothing like that. Anyway since you are here, let's do this.." Said Coraline, taking out a flying lanterns behind her and a box of matches.
"Wow!! Sky lantern? On what occasion is it?" Ask Gala.
"Today is a special day~ That's why I'm doing it~" Said Coraline, while lighting the fire to the lanterns.
"Alright~" Said Gala.
"Done, let's fly it~" Said Coraline.
"No wait. Before you fly it above, make a wish first~" Said Gala.
"Okay, I will close my eyes." Said Coraline.
Coraline make a wish for a few seconds. After that she open her eyes and fly the lantern up above.
"It's so pretty, what are you wishing for?" Ask Gala.
"I'm wishing for... It's a secret~" Said Coraline.
"Hahahaha then why are you calling me when it's a secret?" Ask Gala.
"Take out your pinky finger!" Said Coraline.
"For what?" Ask Gala.
"Take it out first." Said Coraline.
Gala stretch out his pinky finger and Coraline entangled it with hers.
"Promise me you will find me in the future when you see me! Okay?" Said Coraline.
"Did you trying a black magic spell or something?" Ask Gala.
"Promise me first!~" Said Coraline.
"Alright, I promise I will find you in the future when I see you." Said Gala.
"Alright done~" Said Coraline.
Gala is smiling.
"Look above you~" Said Gala.
"The stars... It all looks pretty.." Said Coraline.
"Yes it is~" Said Gala.
"Thankyou for today~" Said Coraline, smiling so bright.
Right after that Gala awake from his sleep. He open up his hands, looking at his pinky finger. It's already 7AM, he quickly wake up from his bed. Preparing his self to go to college. Afterwards he go to the dining room eating his food.
"Where are you going?" Ask his mom.
"Of course to college.." Said Gala.
".... Gala Prometheus, my only boy in this house, who is so smart, it's fricking Sun-Day!" Said his mom.
"... Oh.. it is? I forgot, then I'm going to Cooper place instead.." Said Gala.
"... Alright. Take time to rest if you are tired. Don't push yourself to study too much, it will burn your head." Said his mom.
"Then I will be bald.." Said Gala.
"Maybe?" Said his mom.
"Alright I'm leaving first." Said Gala, after quickly finishing his sandwich, and leave the house.
Gala go to Cooper's house. His mom greet him and let him come inside Cooper's room.
"Wake up! We are going to your grandma house!" Said Gala, waking Cooper's.
"Aghh.. It's still 8 AM... " Said Cooper.
"Any info you get yesterday?" Ask Gala.
"Yeah... her address.." Said Cooper.
"Great! Get up, prepare yourself and let's go there! I will wait here." Said Gala.
"K.. 10 more minutes.." Said Cooper.
"Alright.." Said Gala.
An hour later the two of them are inside the bus.
"Tch.. Sunday morning... and here I go with you... with a bus, to my grandma house.." Said Cooper.
"Bear with it.." Said Gala.
"K.. wake me up when we are arrived.." Said Cooper, already closing his eyes, fall asleep.
"Sure." Said Gala.
30 minutes later they are arrived at the station. There Gala saw someone that looks like Coraline once again from a far. That girl is waiting on the bus. When the next bus arrived she is getting on that bus. The bus then moves again, and Gala try to call her, and chase after her, but she didn't see it, nor respond it, the bus already moves away so fast. Gala then walk back again to the bus stop.
"Who are you chasing??" Ask Cooper.
"It's her! I saw her!" Said Gala.
"Maybe you are meeting with her too much in your dream then you start day dreaming and seeing her everywhere you go?" Said Cooper.
"Damn it, you didn't believe me?" Ask Gala.
"Let's go to my grandma's place first.." Said Cooper.
"Alright.." Said Gala.
To be continued...