[I am typing down what I wrote in my dream journal and boy! This was the most wild dream I had. Note: I'll be told in present tense]
On a prehistoric island, I am a member in a group of people. One of my party members has the ability to jump through time and dimensions, and a villains wants to their extract her DNA for evil purposes. On the island with us are these strange, giant flying ants. Apparently, they get nourished by reproducing with one another and when they can't reproduce, they bite onto animals and drain their blood.
The ants look more like scorpions than ants, and they have a pincer for a mouth. Okay, my party is in the cave, snoozing, when the villain walks in. The special member teleports us to an Alice in Wonderland dimension in our sleep, and before she joins us, she exchanges a few insults with the villain before teleporting.
When we wake up, we see that we're in a live-size doll house, and there are tons of pastries we get to eat. Some make us bigger and some make us smaller. We goof off and frolic throughout the house, wearing dresses. Yes. Even the boys wore dresses too.
Out of nowhere, my dream shifts into the canvas of night. I'm wearing a mafia-looking outfit. I have my viola case in my hand, and I'm following my orchestra friend, who's always dressed like a mafia person. We go into our highschool at night and we see others dressed the same as us. Are we looking for something? I don't remember. Eventually, we go up some flight of stairs and find some files stored in the orchestra room.
Then our orchestra teacher pops up behind us, looking at us suspiciously. I remember walking away from the scene of the crime before noticing a black bag fall and tons of music sheets pouring out of it. I guess I thought it was my bag or something. I bent down to gather my things when my friend comes down and whispers "sorry", but it's all a diversion.
I pick up a pamplet to some Asian flying trapeeze event and go downstairs. When I got downstairs, I put my music sheets on a clothes line and my friend is right behind when I do so. I remember seeing a shadow in front of me, and I remember being shocked when I see who the figure is...