"WHOOOO ohh WHOOOOO ohh WHOOO" I sprinted down stairs. "GUYS WE NEED TO GET IN THE CAR THIS TORNADO IS A CODE PURPLE ON THE RICTER SCALE!!!!" My family staied exactly where they were. "GUYS COME ON! THIS IS REALLY BAD!" They started to drool. "oh my ohhhh my! what do I do what do I do!?"
"If I may inttrupt?" I looked around. "Who is there? "
"Umm down here. Yes me the cat." I gaped at my chubby orange cat.
"Yes yes i can speak. Now lets hurry and get out of here. If you know where my driving permit.... crud i forgot I got my permit revoked for driving under the influance of catnip.... we will just have to teloport than!" we zapped miles away to a nice sunny beach. "What just happned? since when can you talk."
He looked me in the eyes and said. "I can only talk when you are asleep"
Then I woke up with my cat snuggled up against me.