Everything was burning. The whole city was in flames, and I didn't even know why. Earth was dead, and we all had to escape. That was all I knew. What was my name? I did not know. I just had to escape. It was as if I was in hell.
Everyone got in these flying vehicles that would get them to safety, and so I had to get in too. I was surrounded by people who wore strange clothes, but they were all color blue.
I heard a woman beside me whisper, "We're all going to die." were we? That I did not know.
All of the sudden, I was being hugged by an older woman, "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" she was my mother. That I know, but I have no memory of her.
The ship boosted up into the sky, letting all of its passengers fall to the floor. I looked out the window, and all I saw was a burning planet.
A girl grabbed my arm, her face was covered in tears, "Ever since that nuclear bomb hit, we've been worried about you!" she was my big sister. How lucky I was to have such a beautiful sister.
I did not reply, I just watched as the scenery turned from burning flames into dark starry skies. Where were we headed? I did not know. For some reason, I did not even feel the need to know. Everything was just so cloudy, and I could not make any sense of it.
The world glitched. The world in front of me had just ripped apart, and then all of the sudden it was changed. I stood on a beach of orange sand, and a sea of black waves. How did I get here?
My body moved on its own, and soon I was playing in the water. I wore a red, white dotted bikini. I looked at my reflection in the water, I was a very attractive woman.
"You look beautiful!" that voice came from the shore, it was a man among a group of others.
I smiled and twirled, "Of course I am! Care to join me?" was I in control of my own body? I did not mean to say that, but I did.
The sky was purple, and our moon was black. Were we in another planet? It seemed that my body did not care about my questions, and instead decided to enjoy the black sea with the stranger.
What was that? A tear in time? Again, everything was ripped into pieces. I appeared in another area. I was surrounded by at least fifteen children, and I knew that they were mine.
They cried as they hugged me, "Mother, please don't go!"
I began to cry, "I'm so sorry, but I have no other choice!" I left them, and headed to a space port. I climbed into a ship, dressed in a white suit. Then of I went.
I wiped my tears from my face, and headed straight for the black moon. Turns out, it wasn't a moon, but it was the charred earth. Why was I being sent here? Why did I have no choice? Who am I?
I have arrived, I was on earth again. My body felt a relief, a kind of happiness. I was back in the planet that I had spent more than half my life in, I was overjoyed. But I felt fear, what dangers would I encounter in this broken world?
The ship landed on the remains of the old space port, and I got off. When I had entered the building, I saw the dead bodies of the engineers who ran the establishment. How admirable. They had sacrificed their own lives to save others, and stayed in the building to operate everything.
I could not stay in there any longer, I had to do my mission. But what was my mission exactly? I do not know. I walked through the broken skyscrapers, that were burned to crisp. I slid down a fallen building, and came upon a strange sight.
All around were a type of fungi that had attached themselves to the buildings, and they were all glowing the color blue. I was sure that these had never existed when I was still living on earth, perhaps they were created because of the nuclear radiation.
I continued to walk forward, surprised that life could still live on this planet. I looked around and screamed, there in front of my was a type of dog that had two heads attached on its body. The same blue fungi keeping it together, and it was alive.
It noticed me. It opened its large disgusting mouth and started to run after me, and I I ran. The world covered with static, and then I had arrived in front of a building covered in debris.
I entered, because that seemed like what I was supposed to do. I did not see much, just some broken discs. It seemed that it used to be a store that sold music.
I was glad that the men who had sent me here had given me a protective suit.
"Mother, help..." A voice!? I turned my head around to see my youngest son, on the ground covered with the same blue fungi. He had boarded my ship, and he wore no suit to protect him.
I quickly grabbed him and held him in my arms, "What are you doing here!?" it was growing too fast, it had already entered his arms. What was I supposed to do? This was a new type of fungi that had yet to be studied.
He kept on coughing, "Don't go, mother..." it had already taken over his respiratory system.
Mother? Was I really his mother? I don't even know my name. How did I even get here? What were those strange rips? What do I do?
I never knew this boy, yet I felt pain in seeing him in this state, "Don't worry, we will get you back... you're going to be alright!" I carried him and ran back to where I had landed my ship.
He spit out blood. It had taken over his circulatory system. I rushed, and tried to make it back as fast as I could. Why did I need to save this boy? I have no memory of him, yet I love him as a mother should. My body was controlling itself.
Just when I had felt the relief and hope of saving my son, the state I saw my ship in crushed it all. In the time that I had left, the creature had already taken it over. There was no chance of me getting back to that planet of orange sand and black sea, because my ship was gone.
My son had started to convulse, blood was pouring out of his mouth and it was blue. I made him lie down on the ground, and I took of my helmet, "No... no, no, no, NO!" my hands shook as I tried to figure out how to help him, "Don't die, please... please, PLEASE, don't die!" I screamed, I sobbed, and I mourned.
The boy was no longer moving, and his body had already started to decay in rapid speeds. He was dead, and I couldn't do anything to prevent it. I collapsed on the cracked road, what was my purpose in this life? I had no memory, and I was not in control of my own body. It was as if I was just a spectator in another's world, sharing the same emotions.
I took a look at my hand, the one that I had used to touch my son. It was already covered with the same blue fungi, and it had already started to pierce its way into my veins.
There was no chance of saving me. My life was short, and my death would be painful. I did not know what would meet me in the afterlife, but I hoped that I would see that boy.
I awaited my death, with my dead son in my arms. I looked up the sky, which was covered with green gas. It had taken over my body, and has already eaten its way to my head. It was painful. The feeling was so vivid. I could feel it crawling its way through my arms, my legs, my stomach, and everything else.
I did not scream. I made no sound. What was this, I could not understand. Everything did not make a smidgen of sense. These were the last things that I had thought, after dying in the ashes of my former planet.
It did not end for me there, though. I had appeared in a black room, covered in nothing but a white blanket. Everything started to make sense, and I began to laugh in the most insane of ways.
Heathers. My name was Heathers.
This was a nightmare. When I had woken up, I was sweating in fear. My mind was in a mode that felt like super speed, and I ran around my room. I was in a state of confusion, and I tried to remember everything. I had to make sure that I was really myself, and not a girl who was dead.
I was scared. The sky was still dark and it was not even dawn. I do not have the ability to describe the true feeling that I had, and this is all that I could do.
Thank you... for reading.