No Plagiarism!D7M0ST3Gt8aD9Q1gePNtposted on PENANA Mercy is a character i wrote in a story a couple years back. Still love her. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: she's shorter than all her friends, 5'2/5'3, she has pale but creamy skin, and large large blue eyes. She has dark brown hair that's voluminous and wavy, and reaches her waist. She's got nice assets but doesn't bother dressing for them. She prefers oversized tees/sweaters and leggings or sweatpants. She loves her combat boots because she doesn't have to retie them every time she puts them on. PERSONALITY: She's just ridiculously sarcastic and lazy. She would rather just sleep. She is usually making snide comments, and doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. She is so so loyal, and HATES when people don't show respect. She doesn't think everyone deserves respect, but she gets irritated when people who do deserve it don't get it. She's very into her music and doesn't like when people insult it. Sometimes she just doesn't know what to say to people, or is too lazy to respond to their "stupid fucking questions" so she'll hiss (yes hiss) at them or just pretend not to hear them. She secretly wishes more people wanted to be with her. She feels like a second choice friend and that nobody is really ever excited to see her or looks forward to hanging out with her. She's got some self esteem issues but tries to be positive. She hates math and science but loves literature. She likes books, movies and tv because she likes a good story. She's got a pretty vivid imagination so she can get really into it. She wishes she was like a character in a book or movie (hehe ironic I know. She would love that) but her life just feels super mundane and she has no real plans. Of course in the story she's pushed to the edge a couple times but that's basically who she is.