I've tried to make my entry unique, using an animal character (who can possess humans, elves, other animals, etc.) and made most of their description with quotes from the story I'm writing them of and a document I wrote that exists in the fictional world. It's a bit strange even to me to have an animal character, along with its animal friends and family, without having them being at least partly human. Sure, Lock can possess, but he's never truly humane.
Name: Lock Bronze Dusk
Age: Unknown (although known to be greater than 300 years old, due to the fact that he lasted through a three-hundred year war, the Fifth Mortuus War, or Second Monster War (as known by Elves and Humans), and he wrote himself that he was a kid (or young adolescence) a year before the war)
Gender: N/A (accepted as Male)
Looks/Appearance:731Please respect copyright.PENANAcJkx2VQ9bI
"My family has silver fur with scarlet stripes that shadow our bones, with the exception of Mother, of course, who had yellow blotches around her fur (the father always passes down physical looks). Some call us 'Blood Skeletons', due to the the stripes. We have short claws, short, puffy fur, pointed ears, and dropping eyes (like the 'cheetah' in books). Overall, we have about the same structure of 'wolves' in Human biological history books, but we're a bit bigger." ("A Story With a Gem", a Vlk Account of Second Monster's War 1.1)
Personality/Attitude: Depending on the situation, Murderous, Indifferent, Humorous, Blushing (the only emotions he can muster, and after the Second Monster War, he is forever indifferent)
Backstory:731Please respect copyright.PENANAFuP0cC7AwQ
"I was incarnated in a pack of six; Mother, Father, my three siblings, and myself. My mother's Mortuus name ist [this particular Vlk uses ist instead of is] Scout, my father's Dirk, my eldest brother's Note, my twin sister's Key, and my youngest sister's Tune. My name ist Lock. My Den Name ist Bronze Dusk; {[...]}
I had a fairly normal childhood [for a Vlk]. My brother and I would hunt small prey; my sisters would gather berries; my father would hunt the larger prey that roam in our territory; and my mother would keep watch for any Mortuus hunters.
You see, if twin Frvoj'ses (my species' desired name [Vlk or Ulv as we call them]) are born, one has the fate of having no specific gender and not being able to mate. Some even had the ability to transmit their soul into other vessels (I'm one of those kind). Since there was one boy and one girl, my unofficial gender was not decided. Once Tune was incarnated, I became a 'boy'.
Key and I had a very odd relationship... well again, all twin Frvoj'ses have this relationship. We despised each other with passion, yet we would serve the other in duty unto death (and some would even have kids together, but ultimately end with one's blood on the other's snout). [Remember, this is Four-Leg society we're discussing, so their morals are different than ours, and they worship no gods (mercy on their souls)] {[... the rest of the chapter speaks about his family's attitudes and personalities, as well as worth and care]}" ("A Story With a Gem", a Vlk Account of Second Monster's War 1.1, 1.3-5)731Please respect copyright.PENANAaQmb7oFsCh
He also fought in the Second Monster War on the Monsters' side, and he retrieved the 'Gem', which made the war end with no victor. His family died of either fighting in the war, or because of old age (the Gem caused him to acquire immortality).
Animal Kingdom: "Four-Leg"
Species: Frvoj'ses (frō-yé; as Four-Legs (intelligent animals) call them)/Vlk (vl'k; as some Mortui (humanoids) call them)/Ulv (ul'v; as some Mortui call them)731Please respect copyright.PENANAIEx1VMbL0x
Special Twin Frvoj'ses Abilities:731Please respect copyright.PENANABgvSabp4f8
"... Frvoj'ses [Vlk/Ulv as we name them today] the ability to posses any animated, mortal vessel. The Twin Frvoj'ses with this ability may completely overtake that vessel, unless of Mortuus (humanoid, as we call us) mind and very well at resisting (although one can never wholly resist the Frvoj'ses mind, as persuasion is their forte), and only leave that vessel once it has died. Now, mind you, reader, the Frvoj'ses can leave its body unharmed to posses another, although their body would be vulnerable to anything (and a Frvoj'ses' spirit dies once the original body dies), unless if it is secure in a safe location." (Revised Fourth-Era "A Look on Four-Legs" 3.)731Please respect copyright.PENANAymYkVNlm6i
"... And the most wonderful part of that is that the blood of its opponents can quench its life system! The typical Frov'jes has a nasty bloodlust, but, oh, the Twin is worse! Twins are mutated, so their bloodlust is greater, while the health gained is greater (as stated before, blood is the life source of Frvoj'ses, much like water to us, although it's really the iron in the blood, but what creature eats metals except for Yokai and Faeries [Monsters and Fairies as we name them today]?). So, in conclusion, if you see one of these curious wolves, then run away (even if you are Felis Sapien or other Elf Faeries, and especially if you are Human [Cat Elves or other Elves, and especially Men])! Your sent of blood, if having a wound or injury spreading your blood across the Earth, will carry for many kilometres [several leagues] to these wondrous beasts!" (Revised Fourth-Era "A Look on Four-Legs" 3.)
Story Genre: Fantasy, War