The last few days before we left were quite normal. Nothing out of ordinary. Jungkook was being a crackhead, Somin keeps drooling over some guy who’s way too smart for my existence and Jimin stopped fucking up my life - for now.
I only say for now because i can see the dirty looks he’s giving to Jungkook every time Jungkook’s hands makes contact with my body, and i can see the mischievous smirks he’s throwing back at Jimin when he thinks i’m not looking.
I’m no witch but i can sense a future big fight between these two.
Although the things were pretty calm and in their place, that doesn’t mean weird things didn’t happen.
Two or three strange girls who were following me around the high school or , pretty much, wherever i go. One of them is a tall girl, with long, blond hair and the other two were short, one had short, brown hair and the other one long black hair. They seemed to be the dogs following the tall one around and obeying her orders. I’m not sure if i’ve seen them before but i’m almost certain that i’ve seen the tall one before. “The leader”. She might be the selfie bitch from detention.
They are always occupying seats close to me in the few classes that we share and always stick close to me when we’re on breaks, and even follow me on the way home since i often walk to my house. They are so dumb they think i didn’t notice.
Probably, in their heads, hiding behind a small tree that’s way thinner than you and jumping around is a good idea. Well, bohoo, not.
I decided to not confort them just yet, and let them play the ninja a little more.
Today i decided to go straight up to Jungkook’s apartment and tell him about those girls, but after i did so, he didn’t seem too worried about it.
“You shouldn’t stress yourself so much over such stupid things.” He said not taking his eyes off the TV.
“Ëxcuse you, having three bitches stalking you wherever you go is not something i should be worried about to you ?” I dropped myself on the couch bhind Jungkook as he was standing on the floor with some remote shit he was playing his game.
“I just want to know what the fuck they want from me.” I continued.
“Probably a victim to gossip about.” He said still facing the TV
I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
He turned to me rolling his eyes.
“Thanks to yours and Jimin’s past, you’ve been in the spotlight for quite a while and now that he stopped bothering you all of a sudden, must have triggered some interest in them.They know something is going now, therefore, they want a gossip and they want it now. Simple.” He turned back to face the TV and continuing his stupid game.
I leaned back onto the couch thinking about how things evolved for the past 2 years..
What Jungkook said was, indeed, true.
Back in the 10th grade, everytime Jimin was near me, all eyes were on us. It was almost like they could sense what was going to happen. It was either a yell, a slap, or a push - he was alway doing something to me, and no matter how hard i tried to avoid those things, i could never escape him. He was torturing me and he made sure to do it in front of everyone, so it’s true - we’ve been the attraction of this hell for a while now.
The room was quiet. Neither me or Jungkook said anything. We were both caught up in our own worlds. Only the sound of his game was audible in the background.
I closed my eyes and let myself drown in the comfort of this peaceful silence, tired of everything and wanting nothing more but a good sleep.
Until the smell of smoke and Jungkook shooting “Oh man holy shit” from the kitchen snapped me out of my bubble. And that’s when i realised we forgot the cookies in the oven. I widened my eyes, jumping off the couch and and sprinted towards the kitchen.
There was Jungkook aggressively slapping the air in all sort of directions in an attempt of dusting away the - not so dense - layer of grey smoke.
Luckily - i think - the fire alarm was broken so we didn’t have to deal with any fire fighters because of some stupid cookies. Who even bakes cookies at home these days anyway. Stupid people like us.
“See, Jungkook, this is why i want to go to college” I said taking a seat on a chair and pointing my finger at the still smoky oven. Jungkook frowned, confused.
I rolled my eyes. “So i can have a good job that pays me enough to afford food without having to cook ever in my life.” I said in a ‘duh’ tone.
Jungkook mouthed an ‘Oh’ and nodded understandingly.
“Then i’ll go to college too, so i can afford good food without you burning down my house” He teased me, a smirk making its way to his lips.
I smacked his arm making him wince in pain and threw him a dead glare which made him laugh.
“First of all fuck you, second, this~” i pointed around “was your idea, so excuse you but you deserve your house to be burned down” I said glaring at him with a pout.
“Baby, i don’t think Jimin would like you fucking me but if you insist - Come here” He said sitting on a chair opposite from me and patted his lap.
My face became instantly red causing that annoying smirk of his to grow wider. I mocked a disgusted face making Jungkook laugh and i jumped to my feet going to the door.
“I hate you” I snapped , his laugh increasing. “I have to go pack my things. I hope your game will catch on fire. Bye” I yelled while exiting the room.
“I love you too, bye” Was all i heard before i closed the door behind me, leaving Jungkook a laughing mess.