I waved goodbye to Jungkook as I go down the hall towards the detention class. Doesn’t it sucks when you finally — after a long way of trying to overcome your panic attacks — meet a cool, good looking guy who actually gives a fuck on your existence and you have fucking detention?! Yes, yes it does.
However when I thought my day couldn’t be more shitty than that, the sight of —now Grey coloured hair— pain in the ass made my hope scatter into pieces.
He is standing in the last bench on the row of the wall (?) his hands crossed on the bench and his head resting peacefully on top of them. He had his eyes closed. He actually looks like a human when he’s sleeping. Can you believe it ?
I tiptoed —not wanting to wake him up— towards the 3rd bench in the middle row. I wanted to stay as far from him as I could but I also didn’t want to stay on the window row. Too much sun for the vampire me.
I pulled out one of my notebooks and a pencil and I started drawing whatever came to my mind in that moment. I’m really trying to kill some time until that ‘Hitler’thing will come and wake the idiot up.
I would do anything to get the fuck out of here and spend some time with Jungkook. He really looks different besides all the fuckboys in this crap of a high school.
I sigh going back to my “work” until a tap on my shoulder make me stop again. The moment I turn around Jimin’s face pops out in front of my eyes making me flinch back .
“Damn you scared me. “ I placed a hand over my chest exhaling the air that I didn’t realized I was holding.
“Sorry. I just wanted to talk to you~” I cut him off
“Talk to me ?” I scoff “If you wanted to remind me how dumb and useless I am then you can go suck a candy, you already reminded me enough those past 2 years.” I said quietly turning back around.
Jimin sigh and lean back in his chair.
“Have you ever thought that everything I did to you was intentional?”
“No shit Sherlock, really?” I said sarcastically
“You don’t get it ? Do you think I don’t know how it affected you ? Do you think I felt okay doing this to you?”
“Then why did you do it ?” I said turning back, facing him. I was frowning at him. How dare he…
“Why did I do it ? Because it was the only way to get you out of your cage.~” His voice started rising little by little. “If I stayed behind you, guarding you all the time you would have never trusted yourself enough. “ He said corssing his arms at his chest.
My frown deepened as a sarcastic laugh left my mouth.
“How dumb do you think I am ? Or how dumb you actually are ?~” I glared at him. “You thought this was a good idea ? Out of all the things in the world, this is all you could think about?” I laughed sarcastically.
“You could have told me you don’t wanna help me anymore, You could have acted like you never met me. But out of all YOUR choice was to hurt me!” I snaped. Tears started to form in my eyes but I blinked them away. The last thing I want to do is give him the satisfaction of crying in front of him.
I turned my back to him focusing on the paper I was drawing on earlier.
Jimin sigh letting his hand drop besides him.
“But I worked, didn’t it” he said quietly. “First Somin and now that Jungkook guy”
I felt my face burning as my rage increased. I was about to turn around for the fith time that day and snap in his face but the teacher entered the class.
I leaned back in my seat crossing my arms over my chest.
“They are none of your business. You want to make me suffer ? Ho ahead I couldn’t care less. But let them alone.” I whispered.
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about.~” He leaned forward whispering in my ear. “Now is not the time for you to know anyways.”
He got up and go back to his seat in the back of the class. I frowned confused of what he had just told me.
I had to keep myself from asking him any question. He doesn’t deserve to be listened to. I don’t wanna be there for him either.
My phone buzzled, a message from Jungkook popped up.
Jungkook : My brother forgot to pick me up. I’m heading to the park near the river. If you wanna take a walk I’ll wait for you there ;)
I small smile started forming on my lips. I could feel Jimin’s stare burning my back but I couldn’t care less.
Me : I’ll be there. :)
I really needed some fresh air after all.
After the detention was over I got up starting to pack my things.
Jimin went by me bumping into my shoulder making me drop my backpack.
I could see him smirk with the tail of my eye.
“Jerk.”I muttered under my breath.
He didn’t said anything in return. He just exited the class with that annoying smirk of his.
I rolled my eyes as I exited the school myself, heading towards the park where Jungkook was waiting for me. I really do like Jungkook. I just hope he wouldn’t turn into an annoying ass idiot like Jimin.