It’s the last break for today. Not for me thought, I have detention. I was standing in the school yard, under a tall tree, eating my sandwich. I know the day almost came to an end but I never liked to go eat in the cafeteria. Neither do I like eating outside at that time. I have a problem with eating in public. I always feel like everyone is watching me. I don’t like that, so I prefer to eat later, outside the school, on my own with no one around me.
The tree’s shadow covering me started to move as the wind hit the branches. A few leaves fell from the tree covering the green grass from under me. I watched them hit the ground as I was chewing on my food.
I feel like I am going to fall asleep in any moment.Why does teachers always give us detention? Do they really think that shit helps? It’s only another hour of torture. Nothing will change after it’s over.
The sound of the bell interrupting my moment of peace makes me wanna throw myself out the window. Although I’m already on the ground but still…
I let out a heavy sigh. I get up on my feet grabbing my stuff and head toward my last class. Math.
Everyone sits in their chairs, in their bench, whispering and gossiping shitty things to their partners. And then there’s me. In the back of the class standing by myself because my bff betrayed me and decided that math it’s not more important than ice cream. Well, it’s not but the bright side is — There’s no Jimin in here either.
The door of the class openes revealing our psycho math teacher… followed by a really good looking guy. Hello there.
“So students,” She said. Hello to you too, Satan. I can feel the disgust in her words from here. “ This is Jungkook and from now one he’ll be your colleague.” She turned to face him “I would love to let you introduce yourself properly, but we don’t have time. I’m sorry. You can go sit next to Mina”.
Jungkook nodded coming toward my bench. He sit down next to me.
“Hi”He said smiling
“Hey.”I said. “Quick question, if you don’t mind.”
“Go ahead, ask.”
“Do you have some connection with someone important in this school?” I asked raising my eyebrow
“Why would you ask something like that?” He chuckled
“Because,” I started “You only came to the last class meanwhile I was thrown in here as soon as I entered this school.” I explained. “What kind of magic are you using?”
He laughted “The magic called ‘I’m sorry, I got lost on my way here’ Why? You have problems and need someone important to get you out of them?”. He said layin back in his chair, smirking
“Bullshit. I tried this before, it doesn’t work. And yes I do have a problem, and it’s called Park Jimin” I took a pause “And if I think about it I really do need someone to erase him from this galaxy” I said smiling like a psycho.
“You seem to really hate this dude. Do you mind if I ask why?”
“I don’t hate him. It’s just that he’s a pain in the ass. Long story short, he’s my childhood ex best friend who betrayed me for rich idiots and now they’re making fun of me together.” I said kinda emotionless.
“And I thought highschool can’t be that bad. Guess I was wrong.”
“You were. Really, REALLY wrong. Trust me” I said patting his shoulder.
“Hey, I know it’s the last class but like, would you mind showing me around after this class?”
“I would love to, but I have detention.” I said in a low,stern voice. I still hate myself okey?
He looked at me with a smirk on his face. “Miss ‘I only have a problem called Park Yoonmin’ or whatever his name is, is going to detention. Lmao what did you do ?” He asked amused.
“I was late because I overslept. Nothing fancy” I answered.
“Is this psycho math satan giving detention? She doesn’t give a fuck that no one is paying attention to her.” He stated, pointing his finger at the bored, traumatized teacher staying at her table in the front of the class.
“Not this Satan. Wait until you meet Hitler. I swear that thing is not even human. One second late — Detention, wanna go to the bathroom ? — Detention. Pee on yourself? How you dare — Detention. Good luck”
He laugh “Now I don’t wanna know”
We smiled at each other and I knew. This was the beginning of a new golden friendship. Thank god I didn’t get another fucker in my life.
I found out Jungkook has his locker right next to mine. The problem ? I’m stuck in between my ex best friend — on my left, and my new best friend — on my right. And Somin who’s 3 lockers away but she’s my sister from another mother, she doesn’t count now.
The universe is against me again. With Jungkook around, maybe Jimin will back away a little. At least that’s what I hope… I wish myself all the luck in the world at this moment.