Name: Conan Umbrae786Please respect copyright.PENANAyUI2aIPTdY
Age: 18
Gender: Male786Please respect copyright.PENANAGhMIxgFUmX
Species: Kitsune
Appearance: Conan is the runt of his family, both the youngest and the smallest he has a more lightly built body compared to the rest of his family. Thin limbs and two long flowing tails that spread out behind him fading from a tawny brown to darker brown at the tips. He has tall and streamlined ears with dark muddy brown tips and white inner ears. He has a white tipped muzzle, a white belly, brown markings that frame his blue eyes and brown markings on his legs that stop just below his knees. Atop his head he has messy tawny fur that sticks up in a similar way to bangs and sometimes covers his eyes.
Accessories: As an anthropomorphic kitsune pretty much any clothing is considered an accessory to him, he can be seen wearing green gloves that clip on around his wrists along with green sneakers that have darker green flame patterns on the side, they also have red spots on the front. He sometimes wears a green cloak with a red swirl pattern on it as well.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Unlike most around him Conan is incredibly stoic, he hardly ever opens his mouth except when he's sure that he'll have something decent to add to the situation. He'll help out where he can, play both sides but only when he feels that he might be able to get something out of it for himself. He is supportive of those who he considers his allies and incredibly loyal to them as well not accepting bribes and helping them when he can. To those he doesn't like he'll usually ignore them or if he is put in a situation where he'll be offered to do something harmful to him in return for a bribe he'll probably take the bribe before disappearing. He tries his best to help those down on their luck though, while he won't actually take sides with them and will be rather diplomatic if he can help them out quickly like cheering them up he will. Also he tends to ignore anything that doesn't directly concern him or his allies, and even then he tends to shrug off anything that doesn't really warrant too much concern. As he's a wanderer it can take a fair amount of time for him to actually form an emotional bond with someone and thus he often comes across as bored with the situation or sarcastic. While he is rather tactful and good at measuring out a situation to turn it to his advantage where he can. He will try as hard as he can to remain neutral in as many situations as he possibly can. He is of course generally good as well, helpful to everyone, no matter what side they're on, but ultimately he's on his own side or in the middle.
Phobias: Blood, Swimming(His uncle tried to drown him as a child) and Small Spaces
Berserk Button: Bullying, of any kind whether it's within the family or otherwise. He also tends to take attacks on those who he considers allies(never really friends) personally becoming really defensive of them and even himself.
Flaws: Extreme Loyalty, Emotionally Stinted, Directionless, Allergic to Technology, Light Sleeper, Raised in the Wild
Perks: Extreme Flexibility, Extreme Stamina, Sailor, Pilot, Silver Tongue
Physical Limitations: He's small and thin thus he doesn't have that much strength and has to rely more on his agility. He can only carry what he fits in his backpack and due to hypersensitive ears he has to be aware of everything around him in case he hurts his ears.
Abilities: As a kitsune Conan is of course linked closely to an element, in his case the element of Shadows. With an innate ability to connect with and communicate with shadows, and the darkness he can call it to cloak and hide him, as long as there are some shadows existing already in the area. The shadows also have a slight connection to necromancy, mainly where communicating with spirits comes in, he's unable to actually raise the dead though. Also like all kitsune he is able to create fox-fire, which is a blue illusionary fire that tricks people into seeing things that he wants them to. Also as a kitsune he has transformation powers.
Ability Limitations: At night time he's unable to actually call upon the shadows as much, since the night is usually dark enough that everything is shadow already. Shadows tend to have dark or evil connotations that come with them so a lot of people if/when they find out his ability begin to distrust him because of it. He has yet to actually try to expand on his necromancy path within his power. Fox-fire is just an illusion, thus it can be easily broken and is usually a last resort only. His transformation abilities are currently only limited to himself but he is practising with transforming other stuff.
Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Boa Staff, and a Rapier
Inventory: Healing Potion X10, Sleeping Bag X1, Tent X1, Pillow X1, Rope, Matchbox X2, A single map, Grappling Hook X1, $5000, Sailors Licence X1, Pilot Licence X1
Sexuality: Asexual
Birthday: 19/7
Biography: Conan was born as the youngest and thus smallest of a high class clan of kitsune. Due to this he was mostly ignored by his family in favour of his bigger and older siblings. In the standing of the people he was treated as the rest of his family, with a high level of respect and a lot of sucking up, thus before he could even talk or walk he had fame and prestige, but he didn't have the care or emotional support of his actual family.
Up until he was five he was taken care of by one of the servants of the clan. He grew incredibly close to the older nine-tailed kitsune and while learning from her he took a spirit quest with her walking him through it and earning his second tail, long before anyone else from his family ever had. Been hailed as a prodigy because of this one small thing he suddenly had attention from the family who he'd never really known. While they tried to mould him into what they wanted him to be though he wanted to maintain a connection with his original caretaker. Unfortunately his family didn't want him to associate with a slave as an equal and done everything in their power to keep him from maintaining the connection.
As he grew now been trained and moulded he learnt to suppress his emotions, to be the perfect little royal child. He learnt how to remain distant from a given situation and tutored in social situations by his aunts, taught how to play at least one upper class classical instrument. His lessons with the violin were one of the few times when he felt that he could relax and be himself, allow his emotions to show at least a little bit. Except his sudden status change from the weakest and most useless member of the clan caused one of his uncles who supported one of his older brothers to attempt to get rid of him. Trying to purify the clan his uncle attempted to drown him under the guise of teaching him how to swim, while it failed it left him with a life-long fear of actually trying to swim. He's not scared of the water and doesn't mind standing in it, but trying to get him to swim will cause a panic attack. This happened when he was around nine.
A year later he lost everything in one foul swoop. A rival clan attacked scared of the fact that there was a supposed prodigy in an already powerful clan. Suddenly the only one left from a once large and powerful clan he fled from the country taking only what he had on him. Travelling around lost and confused not to mention completely unable to take care of himself at that point he was lucky to come across a native of the area, a tanuki. This tanuki initially wary of him eventually took him in and taught him how to survive in the wild and how to see things from the other side.
Unfortunately because of this rather unique set of circumstances he lost a lot of emotional growth. So by the time he eventually grew to the age of eleven his emotional development had been severely stinted. Transitioning from high class to living in the wilds that quickly left him resorting to what he'd been taught, which was basically to push away all his emotions and suppress them. Living in the wilds just drove this in further since from what he could see emotions just led to disaster and got in the way of logical survival decisions, his latest mentor agreed and even helped him to perfect his mask and abilities. Eventually though, he did need to explore, part of it was stirred on by an innate curiosity or desire to learn more about the events surrounding the eradication of his clan.
Offering a curt and polite goodbye to his mentor he left the forest to travel around the world, to learn more about everything around him. While travelling the roads was easy enough it took ages and gave him limited interaction with others around him, although it did give him plenty of combat experience with the weapons that he gathered for use. He also got a lot of random collectables to keep tucked away in his backpack unless they were ever needed for anything. He travelled from town to town, learning as much as he could and making connections with people, creating something of an information network. Through this network he was able to learn how to sail from a sailor and to fly a plane from a professional pilot.
Main Story Genre: Fantasy RPG
Genre Limitations: He isn't that well-versed in technology because his backstory and the universe that he's mostly interacted with hasn't had that much technological improvements. There are difficulties integrating sci-fy into his universe and technology since it has to fit with the whole fantasy and magic kind of theme. Also the limitations on how they interact with the more mundane kind of people.
Other Genres: General Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Adventure, Anthro
Note: This character was made as a character for Role-playing... although, I haven't found anywhere to roleplay as him as of yet... So yeah, if anything seems a bit odd that might be the reason... Also I'm going to add a little bit more, as a kind of introduction thing as though I were about to join in a Roleplay, probably one just beginning...786Please respect copyright.PENANAGutAFoObFK
The wind danced through the leaves of the trees that stood guard to the sides of the gravel path. Laughter could be heard echoing through the village that the path exited out into, many villagers happily playing or simply going about their day. All was absolutely peaceful, until a chilly breeze blew through the air. People stopped and turned to face the gravelled path, as though a switch had been flipped, they somehow knew that something was coming.
Gravel was crushed beneath green and red sneakers. A cloak billowed out behind the figure, red swirl almost glittering where the sunlight hit it. Twin tails wavered in the air and ears were straight up, prepared to catch any noise that they happened to hear. Arms were folded across the figures chest, green gloves standing out in stark contrast to the brown fur of the figure. A kitsune had come to town. Blue eyes scanned everything with a completely blank look as they finally entered the village, their white muzzle set in a plain frown.
Looking around the teenaged canid snorted before simply continuing on his way through the village. In his opinion it was obvious that nobody in the village would even dare to bother him, yet at the same time. His eyes caught the glint off the sign over a weapons store and forge. He did need to get his weapons checked over after all... with a sigh he stopped and turned to head towards the building.
Might as well get it done while he was right there.