"Dr. Crewe speaking, how may I help you?" answered a woman.
"My name is Monica Rosewood and I would like to set up an appointment" replied Monica.
"Have you ever seen a psychologist before?" asked Dr. Crewe.
"Yes" replied Monica.
"Can you come into my office this Saturday at one in the afternoon?" asked Dr. Crewe.
"Yes" replied Monica.
"Then have your previous psychologist send your file to seven eight four-three two one- six four three two and I'll put you down in my book" said Dr. Crewe.
"I'll get right on it" said Monica and she ended the phone call.
She made a quick phone called to Dr. Barnes and gave her the fax number. With the reassurance that Dr. Crewe would have her file in her hands before Saturday Monica ended the call. Since she had canceled her stay at Clarissa's Bed and Breakfast earlier today she headed to her new apartment to unpack what she had. As soon as she arrived at the apartment she started bringing in her boxes. Just as she was bringing in the last box she heard a vroom sound behind her. She turns around to see a person wearing a leather jacket, jeans, black boots and a helmet climbed off a Harley-Davidson. The person then took off the helmet to reveal a handsome face with black hair cut into a fauxhawk and bright green eyes.
"He-hello" stuttered Monica nervously.
"Hello, are you the new tenant moving in apartment forty-three?" asked the man.
"Yes" replied Monica.
"I'm Blaine Hardin and I and my roommate live in apartment forty-two" said the man as he extended his hand.
"I'm Monica Rosewood" said Monica as she shook his hand.
"It's nice to meet you Miss Rosewood and do you need help with that?" asked Blaine.
"No, this is actually my last box to bring in" replied Monica.
"Ok, I hope to see you more often" said Blaine.
"I'm sure you will" said Monica and she headed into her apartment.
Since she only had twenty boxes it only took her three hours to unpack all her things. "Now I'm going to have to buy some furniture" said Monica as she looked around her empty apartment.